One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 223: Unzen

"Gravity!" I replied, "I can control gravity within a certain range, but I can't change it too much. It was just five times gravity. I am almost the limit now. This is what I got from this special writing wheel. One of the abilities." Finishing the gravity.

The purpose of the four generations is much better. The three generations thoughtfully asked: "It is a magical ability. According to what you just said, do you have other abilities?"

I replied: "Yes! In addition to this, I also gained the ability to predict. I can see many interesting things with my eyes."

"Interesting things? What?" Four generations were busy asking.

I smiled and closed my eyes: "Past, present, future! This is what I want to exchange!"

The two Huo Ying immediately sat up straight, and they all looked dignified, apparently aware of the importance of the matter.

"Oh, your words are too surprising. Although I have heard that writing a round eye can predict the behavior of the other party in the battle, but what you said can see the past, now, the future, this is very surprising!" Three generations Obviously not believe.

"Oh, I understand that no matter who hears this kind of thing, I won't believe it easily," I laughed. "Then I will only use the facts to convince you. Well, for the big snake, one of the three, Has the password been given to him in the village?"

"Well? Yes, there are very few people who know this." The three generations looked at me in confusion.

I nodded: "He used a living person to do experimental research and ban, is he trying to develop a soul reincarnation?"

"You! You know?" The three generations were too surprised. After all, the whole person who knows the inside of the wood leaves can count it with one hand, and everyone has no possibility of leaking secrets.

"And, there is still a 'root' in the village? It is an organization formed by the elders of the regiment. Is that right?" I left another message.

"This... you know?" The three generations are now more than just surprised.

"I also know about the rafts of the early generations of Huo Ying, the experiment in the village, there should be someone who can successfully make a scorpion, isn't it?"

"Hey!" The three generations of pipes fell to the ground, and the whole person stood there, looking at me with an inexplicable look. At one time, my eyes changed to no less than ten kinds of feelings. "These are what you see with your eyes? No one tells you?"

I nod. Well, although it is not true, it should be a good excuse.

"We, do you want to believe?" The four generations of Huo Ying shook his blond hair and asked the three generations.

The three generations slowly picked up the pipe and did not speak for a long time. I smiled at the four generations: "The four generations of adults, I saw that Aunt Nine, a young boy will give birth to a cute little boy next year."

"Scared? You, can you see something? I just got the news from Jiu Xinnai, hey, she said she was pregnant." Four generations opened their eyes and looked at me, and then asked "Since you can see the past, the present, the future, why not go to see that piece of information yourself, and come over and ask us about the specific situation?" The three generations also looked at me with doubt.

"No, it's not that simple." I waved my hand. "I said that I can see something, but not everything. It's not oriented. It's not my personal will, and many of them are just not complete. Fragments, most of them have no clue. I can only sort out some useful information from it. Therefore, I can't figure out what I will see. Or, my ability may not be perfect!"

"Oh, let's say this." The four generations seem to understand. Khan, the three generations of the fourth generation are very smart, not people who can easily fool.

"Well, the other ones don't ask, let's talk about what you want to tell us." The three generations re-pointed the pipe, and they licked their mouths and pumped them up.

"Oh? Is that agreeing to exchange information?" I asked.

The three generations nodded slightly and nodded.

"Okay, the altar of fire!" I solemnly said, "The next year's altar of fire will have an accident!"

"Altar of fire?" Three generations and four generations cried together in surprise.

"You mean..." Three generations of Zhang asked.

"Yes! It is nine tails! Muye is approaching the disaster." I looked out the window. This should be the ancestors of our Uchiha family, Uchiha, and his plan is for the wood leaves!

"What did you see? Tell me soon!" The four generations stood in excitement and asked. He really cares about Konoha.

I had to replied as if I was in a memory: "The huge, evil red Zarrah shrouded the wooden leaves, one soul after another was submerged by the flames, and the sorrowful call of death in the dust of the sky! These are what I saw. Fragment."

The faces of the four generations turned pale in an instant, and the smile on the corner of the mouth was gone. His body swayed unnaturally, and the three generations helped him to let him sit down: "Watergate, don't worry, this is just a prediction!"

I looked at them and said: "Huo Ying adults, I know you all know, as a transaction, I want to know can tell me?"

"You didn't tell anyone about those words just now?" Three generations stared at me.

"No! You two are the first and second to know my special abilities." I promised.

Three generations sighed: " Then tell you, your father is doing s-level missions - recovering the stolen blade of Thor!"

"The Blade of Thor? Has it happened?" I nodded. "So the escape should be the Eight Clouds?"

"Oh? Do you know this?" The three generations were even more surprised. He found that the six-year-old kid in front of him seemed to know everything. This feeling was too strange.

"Well! I think I know the specific situation, the murderer is Yunyin Village!" I naturally know the story.

"Are you foreseeing?" asked the three generations.

I nodded and didn't speak. In the original manga, it was indeed that Ba Yunqi had stolen the second generation of Huo Ying’s artifact, the thunder **** blade, and defected into the cloud hidden ninja village and joined Yun Yin. I didn't expect that the accident happened to be my father. Unknowingly clenched my fists, my heart gradually rose into anger. "I will definitely avenge, eight clouds, Yun Yin, you are waiting for it!" I hate the channel.

The four generations have now returned to God. After he heard my words, he said: "Hey, you must not be blinded by hatred. Hatred is not everything in life. Although some things are very annoying, but after all, you Still small!"

"Ha?" I looked at the four generations of Naruto with some funny eyes. "Do you think I am still young?"

"Hey? This..." Recalling my fresh words, the four generations suddenly had an idea: How is this little devil more mature than me?

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