"Finally caught up, I thought it was over." The self and the hand went to the side of the side that was supported by the snake.

"We didn't come late?" The self is also facing me.

"It’s not too late to give us a corpse." The big snake pill saw the arrival of the reinforcements, and he was very happy, and made a rare joke.

"Well, now the bell is still in the hands of the teacher, but I have to think about it." The big snake Maru said: "And look at my current situation, there is no fighting power."

"It seems that I can only rely on you." I smiled bitterly.

"Give it to us." The self was also directed at me, then I looked at my eyes and nodded. "I will act according to the original plan."

"Yu Fei teacher is the turn of us." The hand is on the side of the flying road.

"Come on, just let me see how you grow up, don't let me down, don't be serious." He fluttered back with a smile.

"You can also help, I have no problem." I am helping the big snake.

"Well, you are careful." The big snake pill replied.

"Do not worry about dragging your hind legs." I said.

I also looked at the side of the hand and the big snake pill nodded, and then began to seal the "fire, the fireball", when the seal was also printed, the side of the hand began to print "popular," The big breakthrough "only saw a strong wind blowing directly into the fireball of the self, and then the fire doubled with the wind, and then sprayed to the flying.

"Water rafts, water rushing." I saw that 猿 猿 淡 淡 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Will the wind and the shadows of the snake hand and the only snakes of the strange force? It turns out that, but why do they want to do this? It seems that you should be careful, but look at the standing and silent silence. It should be a breakthrough." Fei Fei thought quickly in his mind.

At this time, the big snake pill swayed from the back to the smashing fly. If it was hit, even if the strength of 猿飞 is not dead or ruined, so 猿 马上 跳 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上, Fei Fei stayed cold sweat and glad that he was not hit.

Then they are also entangled in the fierce entanglement of Fei Fei. They are playing in the dark and directly from the afternoon to the evening. Although they are also guarding more and less, they seem to be ready to collapse at any time, but they are coming. They are still struggling with the advantage of the night people.


At this time, Ninja School’s training ground was on an open space. Feifei and his four disciples were squatting. Although the strength of Feifei was strong, my strength was not weak. After all, as a disciple of the first and second generations, Said to be the scheduled heir of the Naruto, his disciples can of course not be too weak, even the usual unconstrained self-sufficiency is actually very good, among the four people, I and the big snake pill have been regarded as the level of the heroic tolerance, come and go Also and the hand is the level of the tolerant, so I rely on the cooperation of four people, it is to withstand the attack of Fei Fei.

However, the four of me also started to feel a bit weak, but they are still insisting.

"Fire, the art of the fireball" has also repelled the attack of a flying fly. In fact, I have never thought that the four people are the most relaxed, and I don’t know if it is intentional. I didn’t hit myself, so I also used Ninjutsu to support others.

"Well, it’s not too early, it’s time to solve the battle." Fei Fei said to me in front of me.

When I heard this, they immediately set up a defensive formation and prepared to fight against the flying attack. However, no one thought of it. This is actually the beginning of the game that has never been attacked.

"Be careful." I shouted at the self and rushed up to prepare for the rescue.

At this time, Fei Fei has been very close to the self, and I have seen the mistakes on my face. I can’t help myself. I have to endure it for so long. Isn’t it just to defeat them in one fell swoop? After the observation, Fei Fei felt that there was no change in the people. It was the way in his memory. In order to prevent what I had, I had to yīn, and I had to start from the same time and look at my face. The fault is standing in the same place, and Fei Fei feels that his choice is very correct.

However, when the cockroach flew away from the ground, it was only 3 meters away. The dangerous signal that had never been seen for a long time sounded again. This is the second time of the day. Although I was surprised by this feeling, I still chose to believe it. Your own feelings.

When Fei Fei was preparing to stay away from the self, the only smile that was still standing there was a strange face, and then he took his fist and flew to the scorpion, only to see that it should have been It’s a common punch that suddenly flies like a tiger hitting, although the last moment has already resisted most of the power with the hand, but people are still being beaten out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s also true that the big snake pill is now, hands-on. "I saw that the original self has also become another me. I directly used the tiger fist in the boxing fist to fly directly, and then shouted to the "hands" not far away.

"The latent shadow snake hand." At this time, the "class hand" also changed back to the appearance of the big snake pill, although I was amazed at the mystery of my body skills, but now is not the time to distract, immediately use the latent shadow snake hand to rush to fly.

At the moment when the big snake pill shot, the self that had been hiding in the dark for a long time also appeared. However, it was also out of the ground, and directly hugged the flying horse that just stood still. In fact, these actions are completed in an instant.

At this time, Fei Fei, who had just been flying by me, finally came back to God. Fei Fei finally understood that everything was yīn. It turned out that they used the transformation technique to confuse themselves, that is, to make the most crucial I also grasped myself. Everything was understood, but it was already late. Fei Fei also only symbolized the struggle of xìng. Of course, it was impossible to injure himself because of an assessment, but he planned to hurt. It is not always possible to hold the bell.

At this time, the big snake of the big snake pill finally came to the waist of the dragonfly and pulled back the bell hanging from the waist of the dragonfly. At this time, the bell was in the hands of the big snake pill, and the assessment was over, but the result was no one thought of it. The four of us joined forces to win the bell, and even planned me. Also feel a bit unreal.

"Well, you won, the assessment is over, let it go." At this time, Fei Fei, who has been released from the house, may feel a little shameful. He left the game in a hurry and didn't even have scenes.

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