At this time, the four people standing in the same place face each other, is this finished? However, this kind of mistake is only a moment, then I immediately started to get busy. After all, they are the first time they have cooperated to defeat the jīng, and although they can’t talk about it, they have already faced it. The strength of the endure, so I am very happy, they have discussed the battle just now, but they do not know that they should have left, they are not far from them, watching them.

"These stinky boys." Fei Fei saw their happy appearance, smiled, but still happy for their strength and cooperation.

"After the opening, you can find some tasks for them." Fei Fei said to himself.

In the distance, I am talking about the battles I have been fighting and I still don’t know that I have been remembered by the teacher.

"Be careful to condense Chakra first, then control Chakra, that's it." I saw a boy walking slowly on the water with his feet. "I, I, see, I can finally walk on the water." The boy excitedly turned to the back of a black boy, this is of course ours, and the nature that is standing on the water is also self-study. It is. "Yes, look at the move." I was closing my eyes and raising my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked at the self. Suddenly I threw a stone path against myself. "噗通,噗通." Only heard the sound of two splashes of water, the first is the sound of the water that comes and falls, and the second sound is the sound of the stone falling into the water. "Hey, what am I doing?" After a while, I also climbed out of the water and shouted at the shore. "Your attention is not concentrated enough, it will be like this." I looked down the sun: "Now take a break and continue in the afternoon." "What, in the afternoon?" He also heard the grievances after he heard: "Would you like to discuss it, I will take you to collect samples in the afternoon?" The eyes of the two are also shining, and suddenly I use the swearing tone. "Roll, if it is too much time, let's continue now." I looked at the light and faint. "Forget it, forget it, there is time to rest better than no." The self-spoken voice said: "You really don't go, I heard that there are a lot of newcomers recently." "Forehead, let me go to rest." "I also saw my murderous eyes, and finally closed my mouth and walked to rest." I gave myself a look of "seeing your acquaintance" and then looking at the calming lake, my thoughts returned a month ago. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Come, of course, now we have to add us. Since the last assessment, Fei Fei’s teacher, who was deeply embarrassed, began his “retaliation plan”. First of all, because we are already a formal wood leaf, we can start to contact the task, so Mr. Fei Fei began to give me their hard work. Find a task. Of course, the task of enduring is generally not too advanced, generally D-class, which is to help the uncle next door to deal with garbage, or to help the aunt in the village to remove weeding, of course, one of the most memorable The task is to help a rich woman catch a pet dog. It is not that the difficulty of catching a dog is mainly because the dog is going to run once every three bad moods. This is good, the dog’s mood is good, I almost will It’s a crash, but fortunately, this time, Fei Fei’s teacher didn’t know if he was conscience or was afraid of being the same dog. I guess the latter, and finally I’m not going to give them the task as I used to. It started to decrease, and started to call me something about them. The tree climbing and the treading of the water just now are the ones to be taught. This is very rare for the nature that has not been practiced. Even the big snake pill and the hand are very interested, but of course I know this. The method has greatly helped Chakra control, but now it has not helped me a lot, so in the stunned crowd, I directly completed the tree climbing and treading the water, so after that, except for me, they started practicing. Cāo control Chakra. The usual life is as simple as this, or is it to climb the tree or do the task or something. I don't feel bored either. After all, I have lived alone in the lost forest of Konoha for three years. I just came here to practice ninja, and I still have to be full. Maybe I saw that I was too relaxed, so I started to send me a sacred and great task to supervise the chakra control practice system. I thought it was a simple task. I know that it is not bad in other aspects. The only way to control Chakra is not to control So I will yell and cry without tears all day long to chat with the fart, but this also has the advantage of slow feelings with the self. Slowly rising is no longer as restrictive as it was when I first met. Proof is that once I couldn’t bear the pain of training, I also invited me to do something very meaningful. Of course, when I discovered that it was only meaningful to the self, it was the legendary material. . Why is it legendary? It is because the past life is always doing this kind of thing, but as a passing person, of course, I am interested in the celebrities’ deeds. Although it is a bad taste, I finally agreed to it anyway. The requirements of the self are also taken along with the materials. After I went there, I regretted it. This is simply to peek at the girls and take a shower. Of course, the final result was that the cups were discovered by the hand who had just come to prepare for **** when they peeked. Of course, the result was that they were directly fled. What, how am I? This is still used to say, our clever, my adult (self-styled) is very ignorant of abandoning the self, using his own transformation into a girl's appearance, let the hands of the wrong thinking that it is soy sauce. However, not only the last thing was finally revealed, but in the complicated eyes of Mr. Fei Fei, I was only ignorant of the guilty conscience. In the end, I was labeled with another label besides genius. Also like people." So every time I saw my very embarrassing look, I took this thing to play his jokes, and then I walked away when I was about to break out, which made me very depressed. "Well, the rest is enough, and it’s okay to practice and consolidate." In the afternoon, I was able to rest on the ground.

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