"How, fear? I have told you that it is dangerous to do so. I still don't believe it. Now I know I am afraid." I am facing the hand.

"This, isn't this still there for you? You will definitely save me." The guide is taken for granted.


"Ah, why?" asked the stranger, looking at the stop and running.

"I will not let you fall in front of me." I looked at the outline.

"Amount, that" blushing does not know what to say.

"Of course, there are also people and big snakes, because you are my partner." I did not seem to see the outline of the hands continue to say.

“Just a partner?” The designer had some thoughts about losing it.

"Come out, I know you have already chased it." Suddenly I turned and looked forward.

"It's really a disgusting partner." Walking out of a ninja in front, it is the thief leader who just chased.

Seeing the appearance of the thief's leader, the hand immediately went back to God to take the bitterness and look at the thief's leader.

"Oh, is it? Then I am really pitiful for you. I usually say that, I have never had a real friendship." I am not angry, but a martyr.

"You, forget it, anyway, you are a mortal person, and I am too lazy to talk nonsense." The thief looked at his face and faintly gnawed me.

"Yeah, you are so confident that you can leave us." I seem to be pretending to be indifferent. In fact, my heart is also anxious. I haven’t done it yet. If I am alone, I may be able to escape. But now it’s not that simple to have a hand to escape.

"The hand" I want to say to the master,

"You don't have to say anything. I don't want to go alone. We are companions, aren't we?" Seeing my look, I know what he wants to say, so the director interrupted me first.

"Well, let's take care of yourself." I looked at the firmer hand and knew that she wouldn't leave, so she followed her. Anyway, just drag the thief's head for a while. Also they can get there.

But what I don't know is that they are also in trouble.

"Okay, time is not early, it is time to send you to death." The thief opposite is a little impatient, and then began to gather Chakra, I saw the thief head full of thunder Chakra, see me The pupil is shrinking. Isn't this the signature ninjutsu of Lei Rencun? The four generations of the previous generation of Lei Ying is to strengthen their body by relying on the thunder, and using the body skills to help Sasuke has no power to fight back.

"Look at the trick." I only heard the voice of the thief’s head just fell. The man has come to me behind the seal that is preparing to seal. I am directly hitting me on the back of my back. I saw the place where I flew. After a jump in the gully, the trees fell, showing the power of this boxing. Just as the leader of the mountain thief wants to win the pursuit, but fortunately, the direct hand appeared to use the strange force to force the retreat of the thief leader.

"Cough, it's a small look at you." I slowly stood up from the ruins and looked at the outline: "Thank you for your loss."

"Are you okay?" said the guide.

"Nothing, let me see you next." As I spoke, I began to unravel the prohibition on my body and opened my own writing eyes.

"It’s still in the dead, I’m still looking for death.” The thief’s leader shouted uncomfortably. Reappearing behind me is just wanting to hit me with a punch, but this time I was prepared, I was obviously not so easy to be shot. I saw that I suddenly got a punch at a faster speed than the thief’s leader. A punch on the head of the thief.

Under the action of the writing wheel, the action of the thief's head suddenly became slower and slower, as if it would stop at any time, and it appeared in my mind, so I started to act.

"咏chūn fist" only saw me shouting, I squatted and wrote a round of eyes to escape the punch of the thief's head, and then my fist hit the abdomen of the thief's head in a strange way.

"Just rely on your fist to break my Raytheon armor? It's a strange day." The mountain thief looked at me with a stunned look. Suddenly the thief's leader spurted a blood from his mouth and the whole body flew out.

"This is?" The side of the hand is also stunned to look at me, but until the thief head Chakra armor is how hard, if you can not break the Chakra armor, it is impossible to hit the thief head, the hand is very It was curious, but because the occasion was not suitable, the master hand held back the idea of ​​asking questions immediately.

However, obviously I saw the doubts in the singer's sè and actively explained: "This is my unique boxing method, called 咏chūn boxing. This boxing method can ignore the shield formed by Chakra and directly attack the human body."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." The master suddenly realized.

"Coughing" At this time, a coughing sound was sent from the head of the thief who had just been shot, so that the little happy hand and my heart were tight, so that he could not kill him? Looking at the thief leader who stood slowly from the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I and the gang immediately started jǐng to quit.

"I must kill you, I must kill you, I must kill you." The thief leader first talked to himself and then shouted at me.

So the thief leader began a storm-like attack on me and the master, but the next time I wrote the help of the wheel, I was resolved.

Once again, I hit the leader of the flying thief. "Weird, the strength of this thief's head is also the level of jīng Yingzhong's tolerance. In the information of the teacher, I said that it is defeated. It will not be another person. "I looked at the thief's head who was flying again."

"You must be very curious to know why my strength has not yet reached the endurance, but can defeat it?" The thief leader stood up again but obviously this time there was no impetuous start, but a calm road. I saw this scene, and my heart was also uneasy, but it did not show it, just watching the thief leader quietly.

"Next, let you see my true strength." Suddenly the thief leader did not know where to take out a sword, a very beautiful sword, the whole sword depicts a lifelike dragon, I and the hand are also Attracted.

"This is called the Dragon Scale Sword." Very satisfied looking at my expression, the thief leader explained, "Because of this sword, I can defeat the forbearance with the strength of Zhongren."

I stared blankly at the sword held by the thief's head. Of course, I was not attracted by the gorgeousness of the sword. I felt that I had a connection with this sword. The power in my body is also because of this. The reason for the sword is boiling, and I have to get this sword anyway. This is my inner thought.

"So, you will die for me." The thief's leader waved his sword and rushed over to me.

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