A white moon in the clear night is hanging quietly on it. On the street in a mountain thief on the border of the country of fire, there are just two black shadows flashing past. "How is your preparation over there?" asked one of the shadows. "Of course I am able to get it out easily." Another black-eyed black-eyed road. "I don't know if I and the hands are there, I don't know if there is any problem. Let's hurry up." This black shadow is naturally the way our big snake pill is worried. "Well." Saying that the security of the partner, there is no continued joke. "Be careful to flash off." The snake next to the big snake pill yelled, and then jumped off the ground. When I heard the big snake pill, I was a little strange, but because of my trust in my partner, I did not hesitate to jump. "Oh, the reaction is quite fast." At this time, two people came out from the side lanes. They looked the same. The important thing was that they had a rebellious sign on their foreheads and a smile on the front. The back is a cold face, the person who just opened is said by the person in front. "Who are you?" asked the big snake pill jǐng. "When you ask someone else's name, shouldn't you tell someone your name first?" The smiley humanity, but the big snake pill can't look down on them. They have made the big snake pill feel dangerous, at least as strong as himself. miss you. "There are a total of three ninjas in this cottage, and the one that can grow long is definitely the second and the third in the thief." The analysis of the big snake pill is slow. "It’s quite clear to us. It’s good to see that you should still be a little confident that it should give us a little more fun.” It’s still the smiley face, but this time his face is a little dignified. The other party’s own intelligence is so clear and it seems that the ninja is still opposite to the wood leaf. Wood leaves have already paid attention to the cottage. Even if they defeat them, they will only have more Konoha ninjas. I can beat the autumn wind when nobody pays attention, how can I fight to be the first wooden leaf of the village. It seems that after this time, I still have to go out to avoid the wind. I glanced at the siblings behind me and saw the meaning of the other person, then nodded without a trace. The opposite side is staring at the big snake pill that they are doing every move. They are slightly squinting, and they are thinking about countermeasures. Looking at the opposite side, it is definitely a sibling, and the strength is similar to oneself. The strength of the two joint forces can definitely compare. Forbearance, myself and the two are not necessarily able to fight. The original plan is to first kill the two with the power of four people to defeat the thief head, but the situation is now beyond the plan. How do you do it yourself and yourself? Just now both sides were thinking about their situation and methods, and they stood there silently. Finally, they couldn’t help but take the lead in speaking: "Do you want to fight and say so much nonsense?" Then turn to the big snake Pill whispered: "I don't know how to do it with the hand, I may have been dragged by the thief's leader. We can only defeat the two before us. Otherwise, it's not just me, they can't even we can't. Fortunately." The big snake pill looked at the camera with amazement. I didn't expect him to say so well. Dashen Pill also understands that he has no retreat. He still wants to find a way to defeat the two people on the opposite side. Then he said that he believes that the village will not look at his own danger. The teacher Fei Fei must also look at it in the dark. However, I also have my own arrogance, but also want to be able to complete this b-level task. "This is still used by you to say, be careful, the cooperation on the opposite side is very powerful." The big snake pill deliberately said to the self. "Well." He also shrugged himself and said that he didn't care. "Let's go." The smiling thief was cold-faced behind him. The thief behind nodded. "Thunder. Thunder burst." The cold face of the back of the ninja is printed, and then they throw a thunderball lane against them. Thunderballs quickly flew to the place where they stood, and they exploded. They also jumped away from each other with the big snake pill. At this moment, a figure wrapped in a chapel came to the big snake pill. I want to start with the big snake pill that looks thinner and solve the battle quickly. However, they still underestimated the body of the big snake pill, only to see the big snake pill in a very strange posture flashed the enemy hit a punch in the waist of the big snake pill, and then a snake on the hand of the big snake pill wants to wrap the enemy but The speed of the opposite side is still flashing faster. When it comes to trouble, the battle is actually completed in that moment. At this time, the big snake pill falls firmly on the ground and keeps a close eye on the figure. Just now, I also reacted to the big snake pill~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your body skills are really weird. "The ninja who stood in front of the scene: "I can still avoid my attack. But how many times can this happen? ""How to do? "I also looked at the big snake pill." "It’s a bit of a hassle. The opposite is the combination of distance and distance. If the battle cannot kill the people behind, the action must be restrained, and the ninja in front looks very fast. It is still very difficult to kill the people behind. "The big snake pill analyzes: "I don't know how the ninja body is behind. If the body is still good, we won't have to fight." "But I have a way, you come over." "The big snake pill said it to the self, and then said in the ear of the self, and listened to it and nodded. "How, understand? "Well, understand." "There is also a nod to the big snake pill. "Wind. Big breakthrough. After the discussion, the big snake pill took the lead to print a strong wind against the two people on the opposite side. Then the two opposite sides flashed, the front ninja, the other side of the self also rushed over, at this time the self is also It is being sealed, but it has been interrupted before it is completed. It can only helplessly avoid the enemy's attack, but another person's ninjutsu has arrived, only to see a chain of lightning against the self, also come It was shè, but it immediately turned into a charred piece of wood. "Replacement? not good. The ninja, who had just chased him and wanted to make up a punch, shouted in surprise, then immediately reacted and turned and ran to the ninja who had put on the ninja, but it was already late. "Tudor. The technique of beheading in the heart." "I saw a hand sticking out from the place where the ninja stood and grabbed the ninja's leg and pulled it down. Then I came up from the soil." Finally succeeded. "There is excitement in the world. "Be careful. ”

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