"Hey, who are you with, don't thank me, if you really want to thank me, please ask me for a barbecue." Orange water finally revealed its nature.

"Okay, but I want to ask you to eat roast meat, or a big master's meat." I touched the dragon scale sword and stared at the orange water.

"Amount, this is no longer necessary, then I have been away from home for a long time, and I should go back. I will go first." Orange water stepped back and finally ran backwards.

"Don't run, I must teach you today." I watched the orange water that fled quickly and quickly chased it.

"The fool doesn't run, let's say that today's thing is what you told me to do?"

"Then I have called you a public feud? You give me a stop today. I must let you know who is the boss."


At this time, the vast forest is left with a humming sound. In this rhythm, the sky slowly enters the dark moment.

"This is 01, call 02, hear back, hear, please reply." Suddenly this voice came from the silent woody forest.

"02 received, 02 received, please say." Another side came a quiet voice.

"The target has appeared, you can close the net." Here back.

"02 understand." That way.

"03?" asked curiously here.

The opposite side was silent for a while: "03 has caught the target."

"What?" This is amazed.

"Well, don't play it anymore, there is no point at all." At this time, a girl appeared next to the hidden road.

"How come you all?" He turned his head and looked at the place where the sound came. He saw that the big snake pill, me and the master were standing there, and the hand held a puppy in his hand.

"Do you say that you are holding a puppy? As for this?"

"This is not... in order to exercise, right is a drill."

"Well, don't say it, since the mission is completed, go back; this is still you." I said to myself, throwing the headset to the house, and then turned away. The big snake pill glanced and followed.

"Wait for me." I also rushed to chase after.

"Thank you very much this time, I found my little treasure, this is your reward." A fat rich woman in the Huo Ying Office is holding the puppy they brought back "蹂躏".

"I said, how can this dog disappear ten times in January? If I have to escape, I will run away." The cold sweat is still whispering to me.

I am all nodding in the cold sweat, and I agree with the statement.

"This is our duty, and I am very honored to be able to help you." The second generation sitting in the main position is a familiar saying of the same lines.

After a long chill, I finally left the rich woman in my reassured eyes. I saw the door of the Huo Ying office closing me and they let out a sigh of relief.

"Your mission is done well, later..." The second generation looked at the group of loose-knit children, but they were interrupted before they finished.

"Wait a minute. Second-generation adults, you should not say those who are not nutritious?" Come and watch the second generation.

"What's wrong?" The second generation was somewhat doubtful.

"Nothing is wrong, but can you stop letting us do these D-level tasks, and it's boring." I also complained.

"You still just don't want to do D-level tasks, what do you want to do?" At this time, standing next to the second generation, Fei Fei sneaked.

"But the task of these trivial is very boring." The voice whispered, but the sound just happened to be heard by the second generation and Fei Fei.

"Oh, do you think so too?" The second generation stopped the words of Fei Fei and looked at me.

I looked at the big snake pill and nodded.

"Well, since it is your request, there is just a B-level task here, and it will be done by your team." The second generation took a copy from the file that was stacked on the side of the desktop and handed it over to the house.

"Well, if nothing happens, you can go down." The second generation saw me standing with some restraints.

"Yes." I and the family also retired with them, ready to study the task content.

"Teacher, is that okay?" asked Fei Fei after I left.

"Hey, let's say who these children are." The second generation did not answer the words of Fei Fei, but asked.

"Amount." Fei Fei really can't answer, just get along with them for a long time, and gradually have a feeling of embarrassment, see them as their own children, usually did not seriously think about it.

The second generation did not pay attention to the deep thoughts of Fei Fei. He said from his own self: "They are the hope of Konoha in my eyes."

"Hope?" asked Fei Fei in confusion.

"Yes, it is hope, they are like a small sapling, it is the time to grow up. In contrast, our generation is old~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What we can do now is to give the growth of small saplings as much as possible. Opportunity, each of them is actually a talent. What is lacking is just the opportunity for them to grow up. Without suffering setbacks, how can they become strong?"

"You know, as long as there are leaves flying, there is fire burning, the shadow of the fire shines on the village, and the new leaves will sprout more. They are the hope of the wood leaves." The second generation stood up and walked to the side of Feifei. Pat his shoulders, then look out the window, there is the wooden leaves, his home and family.

Yan Fei looked at the back of this teacher who had always been synonymous with invincibility. The teacher is old.

Out of the Huo Ying office, I came to a training ground.

"It’s quick to let me see what mission is it?" The hand is facing the road.

"No, this is what I want to come." He also took the task scroll and smashed his face.

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's talk about it quickly, what is the task on the scroll." I said to myself.

"Well, then you have to be careful, don't break it, and..." The self-consciously said, but I didn't see my face getting darker, they are still That spit.

I nodded to the big snake pill, and the big snake pill dagger expressed her understanding. Then the two took the self and did not pay attention to suddenly grabbed the self, and handed the reel to the hand to let her read.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I was puzzled by myself.

"You give me a quiet point." The big snake pill saw the self-study that he still wanted to talk and gave a thigh.


"Outline, you read it." I am against the hand.

"Well," the master hand read the scroll again, and then returned the scroll to the urgent and unsatisfactory self, and then the hands and I and the big snake pill began to discuss.

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