At this moment, Teacher Fei Fei came over with a thin man and saw that I was discussing. They said: "Make sure, you already understand the mission."

"Well, this one?" I looked curiously at the thin skin behind the flying plane. They also looked at Fei Fei with a puzzled look.

"I will introduce this, this is the king of heaven and the employer of this time. Our task is to ensure that he arrives safely in the country of heaven. This should be an easy task." Yu Fei explained.

"Hello, I call me, this is one of the ninjas that protect you this time. Please see more when you meet for the first time." I reached out to the thin man.

"Hello, I am, we are not the first time to meet." The thin man held my hand and was happy.

"Oh, are you?" I frowned and thought about it, still didn't remember where I had seen him. Next to the big snake pill they are also curious to look at me and the thin man.

"That time is when you return to the leaves from the outside." The thin man looked at me and couldn't think of it.

"Oh, you are the thin man who advised me to give up at that time." I finally remembered that this person was the one who persuaded himself to give up when he returned to Muye and met the Uchibo people to collect the toll. Will you remember? I thought of it.

"I still remember, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Taro, I am honored to meet you." Taro was facing me.

"You're welcome." I don't care if I wave my hand.

"Since it’s an acquaintance, it’s easy to do it. Ok, let’s disband it today, go back and clean it up, and pick up the door of the wooden leaf tomorrow.” Fei Fei interrupted the second Taro who wanted to speak, and said to them.

"As for Mr. Taro, you....." Fei Fei is considering, and the second Taro is saying: "I have already booked the room myself. You don't have to care about me. How will I go tomorrow?"

"This is also OK." Fei Fei meditated. Then take me with them and leave.

"Hey, can't you do this?" The second face of Taro's face is no longer the original smile. He looks at the sky and says to himself in the sky: "No matter what, try it."

The kingdom of heaven, a magnificent mansion, the door of the original door to the city has also been closed tightly. There are whistle guards around the house. The whole house is very defensive, and the night house is like a man. The behemoth that chooses people.

At some point in the mansion, I heard only the voice of several people talking.

"According to the information I have, the secret of the country of fire is coming." One of the middle-aged voices with a majestic voice.

"You can rest assured that since I am going to help you, I will deal with those troubles." Another lazy voice, but the age of listening to the sound should not be as big as the first.

"We have already asked people to go, to ensure that the secret of the country of fire can not go to the country of heaven." Another female voice.

"But I heard that he went to Konoha." The first middle-aged male voice continued to worry about authenticity.

"What, Muye already know?" The second man finally changed his lazy tone and asked in surprise.

"It shouldn't be, or it won't be sent to a team that has to endure." The first man said.

"No, in order not to have an accident, illusion, you called Kondo to take people. If the person in front did not get rid of the secret of the country of fire, let him shoot, and call Kondo carefully. The squad of Konoha is usually There is tolerance." The second man’s way to the woman.

"Yes." The woman named Magic Ji responded and turned and left the room.

"So I am relieved, then I will go first, you should rest first," said the first male.

The second one did not make a sound. The first one felt that there was nothing. He left directly. There was only a second man in the room.

"This mission will never allow failure." The second man said to himself.

In the morning, I picked up the backpack that I had packed up last night, left my house and walked toward the door of the wooden leaf.

When I came to the door of Muye, the scene at the gate was still the same scene. The self is also "mutually" with the master. The big snake pill is standing boring. The difference is that this trip has one more person. Taro.

At this time, Taro was looking at the self-satisfaction and the tactics of each other with interest. After seeing my arrival, I smiled and smiled at me. I also faintly nodded and responded, but did not He has some conversations, because I always feel that Taro is still hiding something, but I don't plan to tell them before I figure it out. I decided to take a serious look at it.

However, when I turned to look at the big snake pill, I saw that the big snake pill was also a smile, but I still saw the meaning of his meaning from his smiling face. He also doubted it.

I nodded to the big snake pill, and then they greeted them with the self, and then stayed side by side and closed their eyes and for the arrival of the teacher, and the self and the hand came to me. After that, I was too embarrassed to continue, so I stayed by and waited.

Teacher Fei Fei did not let me wait for too long, and soon appeared in front of me and looked down: "People are all here. Then let's go." After that, I took the lead and left, and I followed them. on.

Because this time is the task of protecting people, I am not walking fast with them. I am walking along the way to enjoy the scenery along the way. It can be said that it is very leisurely, but I did not relax my vigilance with Dashen Pill. I have been observing Taro. Flying teacher saw this scene is thoughtful.

As the protagonist, Taro Taro did not have this kind of consciousness that everyone was staring at. He still talked with the newly-acquainted "good friends" and talked about a topic that was not suitable for children. It was also because they had this common topic. Friends, in my opinion, Taro is deliberately attached to the self, also close the distance.

The hand is blushing as far as possible from the two far points, standing by my side.

However, when there is a common topic, there is a time to talk about it. After all, the road is not short.

"Right, Mr. Taro, can you tell us about the situation of the Kingdom of Heaven? Let us know about it." At this time, I spoke, and as a result, the hands and the self showed a curious look. I glanced at me and suddenly showed a smile.

"Amount." Taro is a bit wrong, but immediately resumes normal: "The kingdom of heaven, it is a very wealthy country. You also know that there are five big countries in our world. The leaves are located in the middle of the mainland. However, in addition to the five major countries, there are countless small countries, most of which are affiliated with these five major countries, and the Kingdom of Heaven is actually a dependent country of the country of fire.

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