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A beautiful face appeared in front of the eyes so that Uchiha couldn't help but stay asleep. At this moment, the black-haired beauty who was a little angry and angry looked at Uchiha and glanced at it and then disappeared.

"I didn't expect you to lose your hand." Just as Uchiha took a veil and dazed, the back of the Miao Mao walked to the side of Uchiha, and said with no expression: "Is it good?"

"Good-looking." Uchiha slammed back unconsciously, and then reacted and said: "What, I just missed it for a while. Go, go back." Uchiha took the lead.

Yan Mao glanced at the forest shrouded in black, his mouth curled, then turned and left.

"Damn." For a long time, a black sè dress, a purple sè hair beauty came out of the forest, toward the direction of Uchihabo’s departure: "Awful Uchiha Uchiha." After the vent, only left The ground scars then leave.

The next day, the dark training ground, Uchiha, the four of them came to the training ground early in the morning.

Looking at the deserted training ground, "How come so few people?" Moonlight asked in confusion.

"Everyone doesn't want the enemy to know their own details, so they generally don't train in this crowd." Suddenly one man and one woman walked out from the side.

Uchiha, they turned and looked at the two men. "You are?" asked the moonlight.

"First introduce ourselves, we are also the players in this dark game. I am called the imperial hand to wash the purple, this is called fire dancing." The man's opening.

Hearing his introduction, Uchiha couldn't help but look at this man who is slightly bigger than himself. This is the person who is the closest to Yan Mao in the eight-sè. I saw him with a long black hair, wearing a purple sè jacket, handsome face seems to always have a warm smile, only the people who saw him shot know the terrible hidden under the smile.

"It's a master." Yan Mao said with no expression.

"Well." Uchiha nodded and agreed.

"You are Uchiha Uchiha?" When Uchiha smashed the purple, the girl who didn't know the fire dance looked curiously and looked at Uchiha.

"Do you know me?" Uchiha asked in a puzzled way, as if he had never seen them before.

"I have been listening to Grandpa and said that you are so powerful. I finally saw it today, but you are really handsome and be my boyfriend." I don't know the fire dance.

When I heard her, I was already used to it on the spot, and other people couldn’t help but sweat. Does this have anything to do with it?

"Amount, take the liberty to ask, is your grandfather?" Uchiha's transfer topic.

"Oh, my grandfather is the minister of the dark department who doesn't know the fire ghost. Others call him the old ghost." I don't know the fire dance.

Unexpectedly, the old ghost his granddaughter and his awkward difference so much, the idea of ​​everyone present.

"Cough, that is very happy to meet you." Zi Yan's way.

"We are also." Moonlight quickly took over the topic: "But I don't know if you are here today?"

"Oh, today we mainly come to see the genius Uchiha Uchiha, who can be remembered by the minister, and this dark game hopes to play with you, I hope that I can do my best in the game." "The path of the purple sable."

"We are very honored, but this time we will not let the dark selection," said Yan Mao.

"Qi Mu Yumao, the genius of Qimujia, I heard that it is a person who is no less than Uchiha Uchiha, and I am looking forward to cooperating with you." Zi Yan looked at Yan Maodao.

"I’m disturbing today, then we will leave without saying anything.” Zi Yan yelled at Uchiha.

"Little dance, let's go." Zi Yan shouted at the fire dance that stared at Uchiha.

"Don't, I want to see him again, it's really handsome." The little dance looked at Uchiha, and it made Uchiha and Sakura very embarrassing.

At this moment, a discordant voice sounded, "Yes, I am a little dancer, and the future in the dark is not limited."

Uchiha yelled at the place where they heard the sound coming from, a triangle with a wretched smile and a group of people slowly coming over.

"Zuo Wen, put your mouth clean." Zi Yan frowned.

"The imperial hand washes the purple scorpion, the dark part of the two-year advancement is the first master of the newcomer of the year. The rumor is that the most hopeful person will compete with my eldest brother for the first place in this year." Zuo Wen resumed watching Ziwei.

"Since I know it, don't you retire?" Purple 霄 is faint.

"I am not looking for you today, I hope you don't have to worry about nothing." Savin does not show weakness.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Ziyan asked with an eyebrow.

"Uchibo Uchiha, I sinned yesterday, and I made a special trip to find him today." Savin explained, and then looked at the small dance behind Uchiha: "Can you stand behind a woman?" ”

Ziyan thought for a moment, and turned back to look at Uchiha, and wanted to see how Uchiha would handle it.

"Oh, what do you want." Uchiha asked faintly as he looked at Zoe.

"Unless you give me a confession today," Zovin swears.

"Otherwise?" Yan Mao appeared at the side of Savin with a knife pointed at Zuo Wendao.

So fast, this is the view of everyone present.

"What do you want? I didn't offend you." Savin looked at Yan Mao with a look of horror.

"Don't pretend." Yan Mao's knife stabbed into the body of Savin, and Zoe directly became a pool of ink.

"Ink?" Yan Mao looked at the ink on the floor and said softly: "It seems that you are not as ugly as you think. I want to explore our details."

"I don't think it's 朔茂 Wen appears on the other side jǐng and looks at Yan Maodao: "But it's too late to know,"

"Wait a minute." Zi Yan suddenly appeared between Yan Mao and Sao Wen, the speed should be comparable to me. Yan Mao looked at the purple heart in a dark heart.

Yan Mao stopped the moonlight and the big snake pill that came to his side and looked at Zi Yan: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing with Big Purple? Just let go, let the big brother of Miao Mao teach the guy who is arrogant." The little dance waved a small fist and spurred.

"Now it's not a fight when it's not a fight. Give me a face and don't bother." Purple is a touch of authenticity.

"" Zi Yan's words, so that Yan Mao and Zu Wen are silent.

"You still like to gossip, purple, as always." Suddenly a masked dark part appeared on the field.

"You are" Zi Yan looked at the sudden appearance of the dark part of the face. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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