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"You still like to gossip, purple, as always." Suddenly a masked dark part appeared on the field.

"You are" Zi Yan looked at the sudden appearance of the dark part of the face: "You are awkward."

"How come you are here? Are you already a dark one?" Zi Yan was surprised.

"I said that there is no difference between the dark part and the outside. It depends on the power. The idea of ​​the adult is not so easy to change."

He walked to Uchiha, and looked at Uchiha. "This time I was ordered by the adults to re-enter the dark as a new person. The task is to prevent a person from entering the dark."

Uchiha looked at the embarrassment in front of him and looked at the embarrassment in front of him. Suddenly in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, he pulled out the body from the back and walked out of his body. "Come out, don't play in front of me." little tricks."

"Haha, it is a man of Uchiha, a small illusion can't handle you." Then he walked out from behind the crowd and watched Uchiha slowly.

"You are not bad." Uchiha replied faintly: "There are so many people who can enter illusion, even I almost can't detect it."

"Hey, hey, you haven't finished it, but this is my first come, our business is not finished yet." Zu Wen on the side is uncomfortable.

"Oh, what do you want?" Yan Mao took out the knife without a sheath and faintly returned.

"You don't have to shoot this time, let me come." The big snake pill keeps on the road that is going to be done.

"So I want to find death, I will fulfill you." The big snake pill next to Yan Mao screamed and rushed to Zuo Wen.

"The latent shadow snake hand." Just as the big snake pill approached Savin, the right hand of the big snake pill turned into a snake and rushed to Savin. "Super animal fake painting - lion." Savin pulled the picture from the back with a pen on the roll. In the slogan, a lion rushes from the roll to the big snake pill, but after a while, the lion is hanged by the snake.

"Because of death." The big snake pill yīn smiled and rushed to Savin, and Zoe stayed.

Just as the snake of the Great Snake Pill was about to bite Zovin, he suddenly flew out from the side with three bitters and no nails on the ground.

The big snake pill quickly returned to the side of Yan Mao: "Who is it?"

"Damn." Zoe returned to God and watched the big snake pill ready to start again. The voice came from the side. "Zuo Wen, let go, we are not here today." The two men walked out from the side.

The man who walked in front had a pair of cataract-like eyes, and his face stood coldly in front of him looking at Zoe, and behind him stood blankly behind him.

"Big brother, second brother, you are here too." Zoe cried after seeing the people, and went to their side.

"Rì Xiang Zhenyu, Shanzhong Zhentian." He looked at the sneer and said: "The strongest person in this new year."

"It is a master." Yan Mao looked at the coming to the big snake Maru.

"You are?" Rì asked the real feathers and looked faintly.

"Oh." He turned his head and ignored him.

"Qi Mu Yumao, Uchiha Uchiha, I am very happy to see you today. Today, Zovin is offended. I am a big brother here to apologize to you, I hope I will have the chance to fight with you in the future." Uchiha 瞳 and 朔茂 跃 y ù ù authentic.

"The imperial hand washes the purple sable, we meet again." Rì saw the purple sneer in the mountain in the real field next to the real feather.

"Oh, it turned out to be a real field in the mountains. I didn't expect to see you here." Zi Yan smiled.

"This time I must defeat you." Yamada Sanada looked at Zixiao.

"I am very welcome to challenge me." Zi Yan said: "But I have to say first, this time I am fighting for the first, I hope you have the opportunity to meet me."

"You" heard the sneer of Zi Yan, Zhen Tian was thinking about returning, suddenly Yu Yu interrupted his words: "Well, today we are not coming to the corner." Then look to Zi Yan said: "I hope you have this strength. Let's go."

"Wow, what is today's rì, how come this year's newcomers are all together?" Standing on the side of Uchiha, I don't know the fire and dance to see the humanity present.

"It seems that there is still one person who has not come." The moonlight counts the number of people back.

"Someone is coming." Yan Mao suddenly looked to the side.

"Wow, so beautiful sister." I don’t know if the fire dance is in the direction of Yan Mao.

Everyone present was looking in that direction. I saw a tall, purple-haired hair dancing in the breeze. The whole mouth of the melon-like cherry-like mouth was perfect. The white skin was like a moonlight, but her face was very cold, and she was carrying a hand behind her. Knife, her whole person's temperament is like a scabbard's knives, so fierce that people dare not approach her easily, and walk slowly in the eyes of everyone.

"How could it be her?" Moonlight night looked strangely at the beautiful road that approached slowly.

“Who is she?” Uchiha asked, surprised, how could it be her?

"She is" Moonlight looks sly.

The beauty walked in front of the night in front of the crowd, and looked at the night and said: "You have come in."

"Yeah, it is like this." The night said slyly.

" Needless to say, I am not interested in knowing about your business, but I will let you know that the dark part is not so easy to enter." The beauty interrupted the night.

When the beauty said that she would no longer pay attention to the night, she went to Uchiha and said: "You will not forget me."

"Who are you, have I seen you?" Uchiha was deliberately pretending to be stupid.

"You" beauty swallowed his mouth and made his own anger stare at Uchiha. "Good, I remember you." Then he went alone.

"Who is she?" I didn't know the fire dance and asked with amazement: "You know her, Uchiha, my brother?"

"I don't know." Uchiha replied.

"She is called Moonlight Moon Shadow, it is my cousin." The night opened.

"Don sister?" Uchiha and the little dance asked in amazement: "So how can she talk like this?"

"She has been very strong since she was a So it is not very friendly with me." The night secretly watched the moon shadow carefully.

"It turns out that." Uchiha and the little dance.

"Moonlight Moon Shadow is also a strong opponent." The mountains and the side of the rì Xiang and Zuo Wendao.

"Moonlight Moon Shadow, Qimu Yumao, Uchiha Uchibo, and Yushou Washing Purple and the mysterious cockroach, this year's dark selection should be very interesting." Rì faintly analyzed.

Sao, next to "But", said.

Rì interrupted Savin’s words: “You don’t have to test them again, you are not their opponent.”

"Okay." Savin is helpless.

"This year's newbie strength is not bad, but my goal is one, that is you, hehe." He looked at Yu Zhibo and said to himself.

"Things are getting more and more interesting." Zi Yan looked at the crowd on the field. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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