"Or first try the psychic that you just learned." Uchiha looked at it far from the wood leaves, and took a bite in the mouth and said: "Hai Yu Shen did not." Then hand press on the ground: "Psychic"

"Hey." A huge red sè pterosaur appeared in front of Uchiha, and the pterosaur looked at Uchiha: "Uchiha, oh, what is it?"

"Dragon fly." Uchiha looked at the pterosaur: "I want you to take me a ride."

"Uchiha, please come up." Longfeidao.

Uchiha jumped on the back of Longfei, and Longfei flew into the sky slowly.

Yu Zhibo stood on the back of Longfei, facing the wind, watching the rising sun, his heart filled with infinite pride.

"I am coming." Uchiha screamed with open arms.

Tonight's moonlight is covered by dark clouds, but there is no moonlight. It can be said that it is night black wind and night, when murder and arson.

In a cottage on the border of the leaves, the fire covered the entire hill. However, it is strange that no one is going to fight the fire. Even the traces of people are rare. Occasionally, there is also a sword.

Next to a big fire, Uchiha took out the dragon scale sword inserted in the enemy. The enemy slowly fell down. Through the fire, you can see a lot of people falling down next to Uchiha, and Uchiha is full of Blood stains.

At this time, a black shadow fell next to Uchiha, "The captain, the people in the cottage have been cleaned up."

"Well, Luan Mao told us to leave here before dawn." This black shadow is the flag of the wood, Yu Zhibo looked at the road behind the road.

"Well." Yan Mao nodded.

After Yan Mao left, Uchiha looked at the fire next to him. "Ning is a Taiping dog, not a troubled dog." Then he left without hesitation.

It has been five years since the last battle with the corner. Uchiha’s writing wheel has succeeded in reaching the realm of infinitely close to the shadow level after the Dragon’s success has evolved into a kaleidoscope. In the past five years, Uchiha led his team to complete the task of the dark team, and the team in the dark department was also the fastest and best team, and was honored to be a crazy group.

In the past five years, the overall strength of this team is also very strong, Uchiha is the peak of the quasi-shadow level, and the success of Yanmao after the last war has the strength of the quasi-shadow level, the strength of Yueying and Zhenyu. Also reached the level of tolerance.

At the gate of the cottage, Yan Mao had been waiting there. After a while, Uchiha went to the door of the cottage and looked at everyone and said: "Let's go back." Then I took the lead and left.

"Come in." Three generations of Huo Ying were sitting behind the desk and correcting the documents. After hearing the knock on the door, they opened their mouths.

At this time, the third generation of Huoying Feifei, now in the heyday of life, the real top master of the world, the reputation is also in the forbearance of the world, just last year, and Raymond Village's Thunder shadow, but the result No one knows, knowing that Raytheon has always praised Fei Fei after returning to the village. The strength is not comparable to the old man of the past.

Fei Fei sat behind the desk and looked at a dark part with a dragon-painted mask slowly coming in.

"Uchiha, you are still so rules, like never come knocking on the door when you come in." Fei Fei said with a smile.

The dark part took the mask to reveal the face of the handsome man, it was Uchiha.

"Rules are necessary, no rules are not a square." Uchiha faintly said.

"But sometimes it is necessary to have some flexibility."

"Today, the teacher told me not to teach specifically." Uchiha sat down at the table.

"Of course not, but when people are old, there are always more words, don't be surprised."

"Teacher, you are not old now." Uchiha said: "At least I am not your opponent."

When I heard the words of Uchiha, I fluttered and laughed: "Well, don't flatter me, or I have to be honest."

Uchiha waved a smile and did not agree.

Seeing the attitude of Uchiha, I’m going to say: “This time let you come, there is still a task to be handed over to you.”

Uchiha shouted: "Let's talk."

"You also know that the friction between the various villages has become more and more serious recently. It is possible to have a big battle at any time. Last time, Lei Rencun was not fighting me with Raymond. Finally, I tried to dispel the attempt of Lei Ren Village to launch a war. Maybe now Hit it up." Fei Fei said.

"This has something to do with this mission?" Yu Zhibo wondered.

Fei Fei nodded: "The country of the water and the country of the wind are also a bit restless." Fei Fei put the information in front of Uchiha.

Uchiha took the information and looked at it carefully.

"We have recently received news that the village will give special envoys to Sharon Village for consultations. Therefore, after deliberation with the elders, I decided to let you go to the ambush of the troops and find out the intentions of the fog, is there any problem?" Yan Fei looked at Yu Zhibo.

"Ghost lamp wood man?" Uchiha 瞳 frowned and said to himself.

"Ghost Lanmu is the person of the foggy family of the fog-bearing village, and is also the leader of today's fog-bearing seven-knife. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The strength is unknown." Yu Fei explained.

"When is the departure?" Uchiha asked faintly.

"The sooner the better."

"So urgent?" Uchiha shouted.

"You know that our wood leaves are the strongest in the five villages, but they are also the focus of other Nimurai villages, so we attach great importance to this kind of thing."

"I know." Uchiha left the seat and slowly left the door.

"Please, Uchiha." Yu Fei looked at the back of Uchiha, and left.

Uchiha squatted at the door of the office and made a snap. At this moment, a dark part of the dark side said to Uchihabo: "Adult, what is the order?"

"Give this to Yan Mao." Uchiha gave a piece of paper to the dark side.

"Yes." The dark part disappeared after the promise.

"It's still going home." Uchiha looked at the sky and said to himself.

Uchiha went to his home and opened the door and shouted: "I am back."

"Ai Zhibo is back?" The illusion came out of the house.

"What is today's rìzi, wearing it...." Uchiha was surprised to look at the illusion of Jixiang standing in front of his eyes.

I saw the illusionist wearing a red sè cheongsam, set off the devil-like figure of the illusion, a black and smooth hair draped over the shoulder, looking at the Uchiha 瞳 娇 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常Uchiha is a temptation.

"How, look good?" The illusionist shyly shouted in the same place.

"Amount, you are going out for a date." Uchiha slammed.

When I heard that I heard the words of Uchiha, I was stunned and snorted, and then I took a look at Uchiha. "I am going to cook."

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