"Where did I offend her?" Uchiha confessed to himself.

Uchiha shook his head, let go of his own thoughts, and then walked into the room and watched the illusion that was washing vegetables: "I have a mission tomorrow, I might have to go out for a few days."

"Oh." Hearing the words of Uchiha, the illusionist faintly said: "This time the hapless is targeted by you."

"It’s foggy, it’s like a ghost lamp.” Uchiha said indiscreetly: "It should be completed soon." After finishing the Uchiha, he sat in a chair next to him.

If Uchiha 瞳 瞳 就能 就能 就能 就能 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻 幻I have forgotten it when I mentioned it today." The illusionist thought of the face and the darkness.

"Miao Ji, illusion Ji." Uchiha shouted twice, but the echo of the illusion shouted out loudly: "Magic Ji."

"Amount, what happened?" The illusionist asked back.

"What happened to you?" Uchiha asked, frowning.

"Oh, nothing."

"Nothing?" Uchiha said: "Nothing? Even the rice is fast-focusing." Uchiha pointed to the rice cooker that was about to burn.

"Oh, just remembering one thing, nothing." Mirage quickly shut down the stove.

"Oh." Uchiha shouted.

Nothing in the night, the next day dawn, Uchiha 爬 got up from the bed, and then after washing, came to the kitchen, only to find that the illusion was gone.

"Where?" Uchiha screamed: "I am waiting for breakfast at this time."

"Is this?" Uchiha saw a letter on the table and opened the letter. "I have something, go out for a few days."

"Is there something? What can I do?" Uchiha said to himself.

After eating breakfast, I left the house and came to the appointed place. At this time, Yan Mao and Yueying and Zhen Yu were already waiting.

"Good morning everyone." Uchiha greeted and smiled.


"Uchiha wave." The moon shadow.

"You are here." Yan Mao said lightly.

"Get off." Uchiha nodded and then took the lead.

Uchiha, four people, shuttled through the woods.

"Do you understand this mission?" Uchiha said.

"Understand." Three people nodded.

"Captain, there are discoveries." Zhen Yu, who was at the forefront, yelled at Uchiha.

"What?" Uchiha stopped at the real feathers, and then Moon Shadow and Yan Mao also stopped at the real feather.

"I found someone in front, but ...." Zhen Yu stopped.

"But what?" Uchiha asked.

"It seems to be dead."

Uchiha looked at the sun in the sky and said: "When the sand and the fog are in the face, how can we die?"

"Is there any conflict between the two sides?" Yan Mao guessed.

"Look at the real feathers, there are no other people around the dead." Uchiha said.

"Well." Zhen Yu nodded, then opened his eyes and glanced, and said: "No one was found."

"Let's look at it in the past." Uchiha shouted.

"Well." Yan Mao agreed with them.

Then Uchiha 瞳 four people approached the front speed, "Is this?" Zhen Yu looked at the sand and the fog that was neatly poured on the ground.

"It's an illusion." Uchiha said: "Only illusion can make people so dead and so neat, and they are still masters of illusion."

"Whose people are there? Actually, people who will attack the fog and bear forbearance are rock-bearing or thunder-resistant?" Moon shadow doubts.

"No, I don't think so." Yan Mao came over and said.

"What have you found?" Uchiha asked.

"I found that the other person is alone."

"How is it possible?" Zhen Yu and Yue Ying were surprised.

"I think it is very possible, and I should already know who it is." Uchiha said: "The people who are forbearing and sand-bearing should be more than that, know the direction of others?"

"It should be in this direction." True feather pointed at the road ahead.

"We rushed over." After that, don't wait for other people to react and rush straight away.

"Who is it? Uchiha is so nervous."

"I don't know." Yan Mao returned.

Then ignore the other people rushing in the direction of Uchiha.

"Let's go." The moon shadows on the real feathers, and then they both follow.

At this point, the people who are willing to endure the fog and the sand will be together, but they are not safe because they have many people. On the contrary, they all panic, if the leader above is already scattered, this time All the ninjas are surrounded by a circle and carefully guarded around.

"Adult." A ninja walked in front of a leader.

The leader is the key figure of this time, the ghost lampman looks at the humanity in front of him: "How, have you found it?"

"Not yet, the ninja who went out is dead." The ninja replied.

"It's a waste." Ghost Lan Man angered: "If I was not good at illusion, I would have killed him."

"Yes." The ninja, like a chicken, licks his head and appends it to the road ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is it? roll. "Ghost Lanmu shouted.

"Yes." The ninja ran away quickly.

"Musha adults, how do you think?" The raging ghost lampman suddenly calmed down and asked the sand head to the side.

"There is only one person in the other party. It should not be the person of Konoha. I have found the position of the other person." Musha opened his eyes and smiled.

"Very good, the next one, just give it to me." Ghost lamp yīn smiled, then took the big knife and left the place.

"It's really interesting." Musha smiled and left.

"Ah." One by one, the fog was slowly falling down, but the ghost lampman who was the leader stood in the same place as he did not see.

"Your goal should be me." Ghost Lanmu faint.

Unfortunately, no one answered, and Ghost Lanmu was not surprised to continue: "I am here...."

At this time, the illusionist is watching the ghosts and lights on the trees not far away.

"Oh, I finally found you." Suddenly, the ghost lampman came out from a dew on the tree behind the illusion.

"How is it possible?" The illusionary back to the ghost lamp wooden man's eyes wide open and can't believe it.

"Because of death." Ghost Lanmu raised his big knife and cut it to the illusion.

Originally, the illusionist thought that his favorite is the shallow government, but when he felt the atmosphere of death, the illusionist thought of the scene with Uchiha, could not help but see.

When the ghost knife of the Ghost Lantern is about to be cut to the illusion, a figure appears on the side of the illusionist and hugs the illusion and falls down. A bitterness is not on the big knife of the ghost lamp, although only a little track is changed. But still let the illusionist escape a life, but the ghost knife is still on the back of the shadow.

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