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"In this case, you must go out first," Uchiha said.

"But...." The hand hesitated.

"Okay, well, there will be nothing, is it a great elder?" Uchiha looked at the elders.

The elders looked at the gods of Uchiha, and could not help but smile: "Yes, I will not be troubled by Uchi, we just want to ask Uchiha to help us."

"Oh, okay." The murderer whispered, and then walked out of the hall with a look of disappointment.

"Call." All the people in the temple couldn't help but sigh. It seems that the pressure of the hand is not that big.

"Can you say it now?" Uchiha looked at the elders.

The elders sorted out the clothes: "We have heard that Fei Fei talked about your business. Have you been in contact with the dragons?"

"How do you know the dragon?" Uchiha was surprised.

The elders avoided answering and said: "Oh, then you should know the relationship between our thousands of families and the Uchiha family."

"Yeah." Uchiha snorted.

"Actually, this matter is related to the secrets of our generations of guardians. Since you have been in contact with the dragons, we need some help from you." The elders are serious.

"Our thousands of people and Uchiha are descendants of six immortals. From six immortals to today, we have been guarding this secret." The elder explained.

"Until now, hehe." The elders could not help but sigh.

"Oh." The elders next to me were also sighing.

"What secret?" Looking at their dignified expression, Uchiha asked.

"You should know what the devil gun is. You just asked us why we know the dragon?" The elders continued to say: "In fact, we are the power of the devil gun that represents the human race and guards the human race."

"This power of the Terran has not been turned into ten tails, has it been divided into tail beasts?" Uchiha asked.

"You really know this." The elders said: "In fact, the power of turning into ten tails is only a large part of it, and a small part remains, so in order to protect the world, the six immortals sealed the remaining power. Guard your own offspring."

"No, I have heard of this seal in the Uchiha family." Uchiha groaned.

"This is what I will talk about next time." The elders recalled: "On the relationship between the six roads and the thousand hands and the Uchiha family."

At this time in the Thousand Hands Conference Hall, Uchiha listened carefully to the words of the elders.

"When you are in the Dragons, the patriarch of the Dragons should tell you that the six immortals in the past had completely destroyed the power of the demon gun, and they sealed the dark power in their bodies." The elders snarled.

"Well, this is what I heard from the dragon patriarch. Six roads sealed their power in the body. When the six immortals died, they divided the power into nine tails." Uchiha said.

"You said it is good, and it is basically the same thing." The elders said: "But there are still some secrets you don't know."

"Hidden?" Uchiha looked puzzled at the elders and asked: "What is secret?"

When I heard the words of Uchiha, the elders explained: "In those days, the six immortals left a small part of them except for dividing some of them into nine points."

"You mean the seal in the hands of the thousand hands?" Uchiha shouted.

"Not bad." The elders affirmed: "Do you know the grievances of the thousand hands and the Uchiha family?"

When I heard the elders, Uchiha couldn’t help but have a little belly. How can I always talk so? However, I still replied: "I only know that the thousand hands and the Uchiha family are the descendants of the six immortals. Finally, because the six immortals passed the seat to the ancestor of the thousand hands as a younger brother, we are the first ancestors of Uchiha because they are not guilty. Leading to the grievances of the two communities today."

When I saw the elders shaking their heads, Uchiha asked: "Where is it wrong?"

"No, it's not that you said what you said is wrong, but you don't know all about it." The elders began.

"In fact, there are not only two descendants of the Six Immortals." The Great Elder.

“Not just two people?” Uchiha asked, “Who else?”

"Do you know the vortex family?" The elders asked Yu Zhibo.

"The whirlpool family, is there a whirlpool thing." Uchiha shouted.

The elders nodded and said: "The descendants of the Six Immortals are actually three people, the ancestor of the later thousand hands, the ancestor of the Uchiha family and the ancestor of the whirlpool."

The elders and the Qing dynasty continued: "They have inherited the abilities of the six immortals, namely the power of life, the power of death, and the seal power of the vortex who combined the two forces. The power of the vortex is used to reconcile Uchiha and Thousand The role of the hand, these three forces have the ability to restrain the power of the magic gun."

"No wonder these three tribes have the power to subdue the tail beast." Uchiha whispered to his chin and said to himself: "The reason why the two ancestors broke down is not so simple."

"A seat can not attract the interest of the son of the Six Immortals, not to mention the ancestor of the whirlpool family there to reconcile the relationship between the two." The elders said: "The real reason for their two breaks is because the seal is in the thousand hands. The part of the family."

"How is it possible?" Uchiha was surprised.

The elders walked to Uchiha, and they patted Uchihabo’s shoulders. “Nothing is At that time, the six immortals thought about this before they passed away, but who would protect this seal, but six After the immortals thought about it, they finally decided to hand over a thousand hands."

"Why is this again?" Uchiha asked.

"Because the six immortals think that the boss's xìng grid has some problems, it is more prone to go wrong. It is easy to be hated by love. He is afraid that the old assembly is like the Dragon Black Dragon of the year, and is tempted by the power of the magic gun, so he put this The secret was handed over to the second child at the time, and he had never been able to let the boss know." The elders.

"It turned out to be like this, then?" Uchiha sighed.

"Later, the boss is not afraid of the six immortals, and wants to know the secrets of the six immortals. At that time, the boss in the unknown did break with the ancestors. At that time, the boss wanted to pull the third, but the third is still the last choice. Helped the thousands of families, helped the second child to boycott the boss, but the final result is no one knows, their descendants are just ignorantly following the ancestors' legacy, killing each other like the ancestors, never ending, and finally evolved into the present, It also formed the situation of the current Uchiha family and the thousand hands." The elder explained: "At the end of the column and the spot, I worked hard to create a wooden leaf." Mobile users please read and read, better reading. Experience.

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