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"All along, Uchiha people only know that hatred is a thousand hands, but they don't know why." Uchiha sighed.

"Yeah." The elders also sighed: "The whirlpool family has always maintained a close relationship with our thousands of families."

"After later?" Uchiha asked.

"After later." The elders recalled: "There was finally someone who realized that they could not continue in this way. The tribes have been murdered for centuries for this ridiculous reason. The tribes have also killed many people for this matter, so he Decided to change this."

"Who is he?" Uchiha asked.

"Thousand-hand-column-between." The elders are literally authentic.

"The first generation of Naruto?" Uchiha shouted.

The elders nodded and continued: "Yes, it is the column, he is the first master of the world, I still remember his enthusiasm."

"Sorry, the problem is gone." The elders apologetically looked at Yu Zhibo.

"Next he integrated the power of the Thousand Hands and the Uchiha family, and established Konoha, and everything went according to his original plan. But ....." The Great Elder.

"But what?" Uchiha asked.

"But one day the thousands of people came to an uninvited guest, destroying the beautiful situation." The elders are mysterious.

"What person?" Uchiha asked.

"You know this person." The elders looked at Uchiha.

"It won't be...." Uchiha stunned.

The elders nodded: "Yes, it is your grandfather, Uchiha-spot."

"How could this be?" Uchiha said to himself.

The elders continued: "At that time, he noticed the secrets of the guardianship of the hands and the family since the Sixth. At that time, he secretly came to the thousand hands, broke into our forbidden land, took away one thing, and finally found two people between the columns. Just in the end of the battle today."

"The End of the Valley War? Isn't that because my grandfather left the Uchiha family to decide to challenge the first generation?" Uchiha was surprised again.

"Oh, that's because the columns don't want to destroy the reason that the wood leaves are now settled." The elders began.

"It turns out that, what is it? Can you let the first-generation grandfather who has always been kind to others be a big hit?" Uchiha did not understand.

"That is something that is so important to our thousands of people. It can be said that it is about the fate of this world." The elders.

"Is it related to the seal." Uchiha shouted.

"Not bad." The elders nodded and nodded. "That is a stone monument that records the secret of this matter and is the medium used by the six immortals to seal the evil forces." The Great Elder.

"Since it is such an important thing, then where does it go?" Uchiha asked.

"At that time, the column told us that we did not find the stone tablet that was taken away. It may have been destroyed." The elders.

"How about the seal now?" Uchiha asked: "Do you have any other way?"

"Since the plaque took the stone tablet, the power of the seal began to react to the anti-smear seal." The elders.

"This is why we are looking for you." The elders.

"I, I am just a small person, what can I do?" Uchiha was surprised.

"No, only you have the ability to help us." The elders looked at Uchiha.

When I heard the elders, Uchiha was surprised: "What do you mean, why is it?"

"Because you are the only person with a raft and a round eye, and is recognized by the dragon," the elder explained.

"Is it because of this, people who say that the seal vortex family is not better at it." Uchiha asked.

"We tried it. The wife between the columns is a whirlpool person. She has tried it before, but it is useless. We find that it is not enough to rely solely on the strength of one family." The Great Elder.

"So you found me?" Uchiha shouted.

"Actually, looking for you is the meaning of the column." The elder smiled.

"The first generation grandfather?" Uchiha stunned.

"Yes, it means the meaning between the columns." The elders.

"I have already found out the purpose of Uchiha Uchibo's coming here." The person opened the door.

"Oh." Thousand trees suddenly showed an interested face and asked: "What is the purpose of his coming here?"

"This...." came to hesitate for a while, feeling the eye-catching vision of Qianshu, and said: "He came to the master of the master."

When people came to see the face of the thousand trees sè yīn sinking, thousands of trees and a punch interrupted the tree next to the anger: "What?"

"Thousands of big trees, you are suffocating." The people looked at the thousand trees in amazement.

Thousand trees turned to look at the people and then calmed down the anger in their hearts, faintly said: "Where did they go in the afternoon?"

"The elders put Uchiha Uchibo into the forbidden land. As for the content of the conversation, you know that we can't enter the forbidden place, but I saw that they talked for a long time, then Uchiha Uchi Bo Hao and Shou Shou’s sister went to the Orange Water House.” The rushing man hurried to the thousand trees.

"I know, you go ahead." Thousand trees are faint.

"Yes." The man hesitated to look at Qianshu and said: "That, take care of yourself."

"I know." Thousand trees smiled and came to humanity.

"Well." After the man nodded, he turned and left.

Watching people leave, Thousand Tree's smiling face instantly cooled down, and one hand was shot on the other tree next to it, gnashing his teeth and arrogantly: "Recommended." Then he turned and disappeared quickly.

At this time, Uchiha and Hiroshi left the forbidden land and then stayed at the Orange Water House. The hand was holding Uchiha, sitting at the dinner table. The master looked at Uchiha and asked: "What did the elders tell you today?" ?"

Uchiha looked at the outline in a difficult way: "This....."

The outline hand lost some of the road: "Is there anything else that I can't tell me?"

Looking at the face of some lost face ~ ~ Uchiha wave smiled slightly: "Good, I said not enough?"

"If you have any inconvenience or don't say it, I will talk about it casually."

Looking at the hand for his own thoughts, Uchiha was so moved that he couldn’t help but touched the hand of the hand and looked at the hand: "There is nothing to say between us."

Uchiha stunned the hair of the lower hand and continued: "It is actually like this....." Uchiha said that he knows everything he knows.

After the talk, the designer looked at Yu Zhibo with a look of concern: "Is this very dangerous, or you should not go."

"A fool." Uchiha said with a smile: "Don't you believe in my strength?"

"I don't believe you, but I am really worried about your accident." In front of the team, he hugged Uchiha and whispered. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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