One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 620: Festival

Fei Fei thought for a moment and then said, "What do you think you have to do?"

Men Yan said: "We are inclined to the second article. After all, the Second World War has just ended. It is not suitable for war now. The two villages of Muye and the two villages have just won the victory. The vitality has not recovered yet. This may also cause full tolerance. Concerns, if the two villages in Shuiyan will counterattack the wood leaves, even Lei Rencun, which did not play in World War II, may declare war on us. In this way, Konoha will become the target of public criticism. You think we Can you bear this consequence?"

Listening to the analysis of the door inflammation, Fei Fei nodded and said: "It is true that your analysis is justified, but unfortunately. Eight?? A Chinese network W≈WW.81ZW.COM" said here, Fei Fei sighed gently Tone, looking out the window, faintly said: "Uchiha has been out."

"What?" The two Huo Ying consultants were surprised. Turning to Xiaochun, he looked puzzledly at Fei Fei. "I haven't heard of any army transfer?"

Fei Fei smiled slightly: "Because he only took away a thousand dark parts."

“A thousand dark parts?” Door Yan was surprised: “What can so few people do?”

"I believe he will solve this problem because he is my most proud disciple." Fei Fei proudly said.

Just as they were discussing Uchiha, the Uchiha was carrying a thousand dark parts at the Muye Base Camp on the border of Konoha and Sha Niu.

"Uchibo 瞳 big brother? How come you?" When Uchiha went to the headquarters, I saw orange water being studying at the table. Orange water felt someone coming in. When I looked up, I saw Uchiha sling. After everyone came in, they were pleasantly surprised.

"And there is a big brother?" Orange water saw the humanity behind Uchiha.

"Well." Yan Maochong orange water gently touched his head.

"Well, you are welcome." Uchiha looked at the orange water and smiled faintly. It felt like a younger brother to the orange water Uchiha, so it was not polite to the orange water.

Uchiha went to the main seat and sat down, then picked up the map on the table and asked, "What are you studying?"

Hearing the question of Uchiha, Ou San explained: "Because the sand has been somewhat unscrupulous recently, it seems that there are some movements, I am studying it."

"No need to study, the people of Sha Ren are ready to work on our wood leaves." Uchiha faintly said.

"What, how can this be, so we have to send someone back to the village to explain this matter." Orange water hurried.

"Orange water." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨 恨

"This is awkward." Orange water embarrassedly touched his head.

"Hey." Uchiha said helplessly to explain to Orange Water: "The people in the village already know this."

"Oh, this way." Orange water smiled embarrassedly.

The guards next to him looked incredulously at the expression of the orange water. I did not expect that the strong commander actually did this in front of Uchiha.

"That time, Uchiha's big brother came here to replace me to command the battle against sand." Orange water looked relaxed.

When I heard the orange water, Uchiha shook his head and looked at the orange waterway: "I didn't come here for this war, nor did I get the command of Mr. Fei Fei."

"That" orange water doubts.

"I came here for a private matter." Uchiha faintly said.

"Oh, that's it." Orange water was frustrated: "I thought I could stay with Uchiha for a few days behind me."

"Well, you should not be depressed." Seeing the temper of orange water children, the heart could not help but laugh, and then the classics said: "Although it is for personal matters, but also to help you solve the problem of this sand forbearance. ”

“Really?” Orange Water Surprise.

Uchiha and Yan Mao looked at each other and then nodded seriously to the orange water: "Well"

"Great." Orange water looked excited.

"Well, let me talk about the situation here recently." Uchiha looked helplessly at the orange waterway.

"Okay." Orange water said: "Now there is no movement in the sand, but the squad of the sand-bearing expatriate is constantly harassing us, but there has been no movement in the last two days, so I think there must be some conspiracy. So I am studying the trend of sand tolerance."

"What about our situation?" Uchiha asked.

"In fact, we are not well-equipped in the sand, and you know that the main enemy of the World War II wood leaves is the fog-forbearing village and Yan Ren Village, so the troops are mainly concentrated in those two lines. Since the end of World War II, the village has been committed to reconstruction. We are constantly reducing our strength. So there are only 10,000 troops left on our side. It is only used to monitor Shamin Village. If you ask for help from the village now, you can get a certain reinforcement." Orange Water explained.

"I know." Uchiha faintly said.

Suddenly I saw orange water staring at myself, and I was scared: "How do you look at me like this?"

"I am waiting, see what you have?" Orange Waterway.

"I am not a god, how can I just come here?" Uchiha shouted.

"Oh." Orange water is in a low mood.

"But the sand has a conspiracy is certain, but I really have a way in my heart." Uchiha whispered openly.

"Oh, is there really a way?" Orange water was pleasantly surprised.

Standing on the back of Uchiha, Yan Mao, his face is not moving, but he wants to see the side of Uchiha, and obviously wants to listen to Uchiha’s plan.

"" Uchiha whispered to the orange water to explain the plan.

At this time, the border of Sha Niu Village and Muye, outside the Muye Base Camp a team of wood leaves patrolling the ninjas, suddenly a ninja said: "Boss, we have been patrolling all day, still Sit down and take a break."

The ninja heard this and looked at the men around him. I saw that they were tired on their faces. I thought about it and said, "Okay, let's take a break."

"Yeah." All the men cheered, then they each found a place to sit and rest.

One of the ninjas stood up and walked in front of the ninja and handed him his own water bottle: "The boss drinks water."

"Oh, thank you." The ninja for the return, then looked up and looked at the stranger and said: "Who are you, how can I not see you?"

"This" the ninja's eyes turned and then the right ninja said: "I was temporarily transferred by another team, so you don't know me."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." The ninja for the rest assured.

"Right." The ninja sat next to the ninja and asked: "Boss, why has our patrols in Konoha seem to have increased recently, and the number of patrols has increased."

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