One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 621: Festival

"What do you ask for this?" The ninja for the vigilant look at the ninja. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

"I" the ninja shouted: "I just want to gossip about it. You also know that like our soldiers, if you can know more, you can show off more in front of your companions. We don't like the bosses." There are layers." The ninja took a nap for the ninja.

Hearing the words of the man, the ninja stood up in his chest and looked at his face and said: "You are right."

Then the ninja for the ninja's ear whispered: "In fact, I just just heard the above person revealed that it seems that people with sand tolerance have unusual moves."

For the ninja to say here, did not notice the secret of the ninja's mouth.

The ninja immediately hid his expression, then looked worried and said: "If the sand endures the attack, then we are not very dangerous."

The ninja for the face is also calm and calm: "Who said no, but ah."

Speaking of the ninja here, I carefully observed the next four weeks and whispered to the ninja: "I only told you about the relationship in our relationship. Can you say it?"

The ninja promised: "I promise not to leak it." The ninja was secretly blamed.

"I heard that this time, our warrior Uchiha, the **** of war, came with a reinforcement." The ninja said: "We must know that our Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 从来 从来 从来 , , , , , , , , , , , 宇 宇Adults, we will definitely win the sand and bear this time, maybe we can get some benefits."

The ninja heard that Uchiha had the support of the reinforcements, and he was shocked, but he said that he would defeat the sand and endure it.

"Cough, well." The ninja may feel that he said too much, and then stood up and shouted to the surrounding men: "The rest is enough. If we let the above know, we can't eat it." ""

"Oh." Those men stood up loosely.

This matter must be returned to the adult as soon as possible, otherwise it will be an accident. The ninja is in the dark.

It’s just that he didn’t notice that he’s still smug on the face of the ninja, but he quickly hid his face and said: “Okay, let’s go.”

In a hidden place, a mysterious man turned and looked down to the following man and said: "What, what you said is true, Uchiha Uchiha is coming?"

"Yes, according to the news sent back by all the detective ninjas, Uchiha Uchiha is definitely leaving the wood leaves, and these are the news that the people who are not allowed to pass the level of the wood leaves should be wrong. "The man replied.

"I know, you go ahead." The mysterious man told me.

"Yes." That man should answer.

After leaving the man, the mysterious man said to himself: "Uchiha Uchiha, ah, it will be difficult to do this."

On the side of the wood leaf, Uchiha 瞳 and orange water, and Miao Mao sat in the room. "Big brother, I have done what you told me. I believe that the person who bears the sand must know those things."

When I heard the orange water, Uchiha nodded and said: "Well, very good, everything is in the plan, and then I will act according to the original plan."

"Good." Orange water should be, then retreat to arrange.

"Yu Mao, your business is ready." Uchiha asked, looking at Min Mao.

"Everything is ready." Yan Mao faintly replied.

"That's good, we will start tomorrow." Uchiha snorted.

"Well." Yan Mao faintly replied.

Early the next morning, in the border of Konoha, the number of troops of a wooden leaf appeared to be more than 20,000 people, and was slowly marching. Uchiha waved in front of the team indifferently.

Just then, a sudden explosion rang in the middle of the team. "What happened?" Uchiha wrinkled his eyebrows and asked the people around him.

"Adult, we seem to be ambushing." At this time one of the men ran from the back of the team.

"Kill it." A group of sand rushed to the wood leaf, and then all kinds of traps around the wood leaf army moved, countless wood leaf ninja fell into the trap.

"Don't panic." Uchiha shouted, and at this moment a voice sounded "Uchiha Uchibo, we met again." From the team of Sharon, a person shouted to Uchiha, I saw it. The man is dressed in a robe.

"Sure enough, you, the second generation of the shadow." Uchiha 瞳 gaze at the opposite person.

"Why, did you expect me to ambush you here?" The second generation of the wind looked at Uchiha.

Uchiha did not answer, then looked at the shadow of the hand, and said: "Your hand should be the material that you used to make the enamel."

"You" heard the irony of Uchiha, and the wind and the wind angered, but thought of the next arrangement, calming the Lord's own mind, and the ninja who fell on the ground of the wood suddenly became a piece of wood. Then I looked at Uchiha and said: "Sure enough, this is the trick. Today, my 30,000 people are surrounded by you. You are already in the middle of it. See how you can be arrogant."

"Is it?" Uchiha screamed at the corner of his mouth, and then blasted a fire in the air.

"Kill it." I saw the army of a team of wood leaves behind the sand-bearing army rushing toward the sand with the commander Orange Water.

"Thousands of orange water? It seems that these are really your conspiracy." Feng Ying looked at Uchiha, his face was dignified.

"But all this is a trick." Uchiha said: "It is to guide you."

"Ha ha ha." Feng Ying suddenly laughed, and then yelled at Uchiha: "Uchiha Uchibo, I really know you too much, I know that what you are best at is this anti-surrounding trick."

"and so"

"So Uchiha wrinkled and looked at the wind and shadow.

"So that's it." When the wind and shadow fell, I saw another army of sand and forbearance rushing over, and instantly surrounded the army of the wooden leaves.

"Big brother, our people can't stand up." Orange water ran to the side of Uchiha, worried about the authentic.

Uchiha was only frowning at the fierce sands, and the army of Kono was defeated.

"Your 10,000 troops seem to be here. Today, we must see if you can escape from my forty thousand sands." Feng Ying looked at Uchiha.

When I heard the wind, Uchiha suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that your army is here, so it is just right, let me go all out."

"What do you mean?" Hearing the words of Uchiha, the wind suddenly felt a little bad. At this time, suddenly there were countless voices from the periphery of the sand, and there were five hundred ninjas in the camp of Sharon. Suddenly take off the clothes of the body, and the clothes of the dark leaves of the wood leaves, and begin to slaughter the surrounding sand in the sand.

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