One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 631: Festival

"You don't have to think about running away. I have already arranged it. No one around here will come.????????? Chinese? W?W≠W≈.≥8≥1ZW.COM" for the mysterious person Faintly said: "You don't have to be nervous, we just want to talk to you."

"The guy who hides his head and tail, I don't even know your identity. Is there anything to talk about?" The three elders also simply went out, and the other party did not take the first shot, indicating that the other party would not hurt themselves.

"It's a smart person." The mysterious man who smiled for it smiled lightly, then looked at the three elders and continued: "Since you want to know our identity, huh, it will be yours."

"My name is Uchiha Uchiha, I believe you are no stranger." The humanity, and then slowly took off his mask, revealing a handsome face, it is Uchiha.

"Uchibo Uchiha 瞳 瞳." The three elders were surprised, and then directly printed: "Sand iron secret surgery"

The three elders suddenly stopped, because a knife holder was on his neck, and the three elders glanced behind him with the light.

"I advise you not to act rashly." Yan Mao looked coldly at the three elders.

"Please don't worry that we won't hurt you." Uchiha looked at the three elders and smiled.

"You are the enemy of Sha Niu Village. What are you doing here?" The three elders looked at Uchiha.

"We are here to help you." Uchiha went to the three elders and stared at him.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, the three elders frowned and thought about it. “What do you mean?”

"As long as this is done, you can get to the top of the wind and shadow as you wish." Uchiha waved his mouth and opened his mouth.

When I heard the words of Uchiha, the three elders suddenly felt that their heartbeat began to increase, and they barely suppressed their fanatic heart. After thinking for a while, they suddenly woke up and looked at Uchiha with a look of surprise: "You mean"

"Yes." Uchiha said seriously.

The next night, the two elders of the three elders ambushed in the important places in the village, and they personally took a thousand dark parts and ambushed outside the wind and shadow office.

The eyes of the three elders stared at the center of the highest power of the sand, and the heart was hot.

"Tomorrow, I am the shadow of sand and forbearance, I will be able to lead the sand to be strong, so the second generation of the wind and shadow adults, I am sorry." The three elders said to themselves.

"Adult, do you really want to cooperate with the people of Konoha? If this thing is known to the villagers, it will definitely oppose the adults." A dark department stood behind the three elders.

"Oh." The three elders smiled coldly and then proudly said: "How can I believe the people of Konoha, I just want to use them to get rid of the shadows, and when they get rid of the shadows, we will rush in to kill the leaves. People, so that I can declare that the people who are the leaves of the woods have killed the wind and shadow in an attempt to destroy the Sharon Village, and I am the hero who protects the village. This is a killer."

"The adults are really brilliant." The dark part complimented.

"Oh, OK, OK, don't have to flatter, go and see if there is movement." The three elders quickly closed their smug expressions.

"Yes." The dark part should vocalize, and then it seems to see something like it, pointing to the wind and shadow office building: "The adults look, those people do it."

The wind and the wind heard the words and turned around. Sure enough, the wind and shadow office began to ignite a raging fire. The three elders first had a ecstasy, and then the opponents converge after the convergence: "The wood leaves people assassinated the shadows, and quickly went with me to rescue the wind and shadow adults. ”

"Yes." Those men should follow the road and then rush to the wind and shadow office building.

Just when the three elders started to work, Uchiha was not here as the three elders thought in the wind shadow office, but in a residence in Sha Niu Village, silently watching the movement of the wind and shadow office building.

"Uchiha wave is not what you expected, the three elders are really ready to make the oriole." Orange water looked at the side after Uchiha.

"How do you know that that person can't trust?" Yan Mao looked at Yu Zhibo with doubt.

"Because he is a standard politician, politicians are a group of white-eyed wolves. For them, the interests are above everything else. For the sake of benefit, they can not recognize the six parents, so I know his thoughts." Uchiha explained.

"But this time they just kicked the iron board." Orange water thought Uchiha waved his movements and couldn't help but smile.

"Not bad." Uchiha faintly said, then looked at the fire and said to himself: "Three generations of shadows, you will trouble you for the second generation of the wind."

"What should we do next?" asked Orange Water.

"In this way, the influence of the sand-bearing theory that is against us is only the one left." Uchiha faintly said.

"You mean," Yan Mao faint interface.

"Yes, let's go to her." Uchiha shouted, and then disappeared in the same place with Yan Mao and orange water.

Just as Uchiha smashed their actions, they smashed Uchiha in the hearts of the three elders.

I saw the second generation of the opposite shadows with their own shadow guards and their own confrontation, the second generation of wind and shadow looked angry at the three elders: "I really did not expect, really you, originally received a mysterious letter, I still don't believe it, I didn't expect you to really want to murder me."

Nowadays, the three elders know that they are already riding a tiger. Even if they want to stop, it is impossible. The three elders watched the shadow guard behind the wind and shadow, and they have not recovered their system. The number is far less than their own dark ~ So the three elders decided to break the boat, and the men behind him said: "The opposite wind is the person who pretends to be the leaves of the wood. The wind and shadow adults have long been killed by the people of the wood leaves. We avenge the wind and the adults. ”

The actions of the three elders surprised the wind. I didn’t expect the three elders to be so decisive. The wind and shadow also knew their own situation. Because of the last attack by Uchiha, the second generation of the shadow guards became a remnant. I want to make up, but I have been busy with sand and forbearance, I have not done too much to do this. I did not expect that there will be such a big change today. The current Shadow Guard is not the opponent of the dark department.

Therefore, the wind shadow decided to first smash out the encirclement and find the elders with relatively large forces in the village to seek refuge, so the shadow guard with the shadow guard behind him strove to kill the dark.

One of the two sides wants to solve the opponent as soon as possible, and the other is to find a way to fight for the fight. The two sides are really equal. They will encounter good talents, they will be stunned, and their surroundings will be affected. The construction of the sand forbearance has been destroyed.

As the battle escalated, more and more people were involved, and the ninjas in Shamao Village almost all came in. Everyone was red-eyed, and finally they didn’t know what to start with. The people started.

At this moment, Uchiha smashed them into secret operations.

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