One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 632: Festival

Uchiha went alone in the corridor of a house, looked at the dark scene around him in confusion, and said to himself: "Where is this?"

Suddenly, Uchiha said that the room in front of the room was lit, and Uchiha slowly walked over and saw it inside the door. This is a tool room. There are several shelves in the house, and there are several people in it. A red-headed child on the table is doing something. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

This is what it was like when I was young, still very cute. Uchiha looked at the little boy in the room and suddenly thought of his son. The idea that he wanted to kill him was eventually abandoned by Uchiha.

"Forget it, anyway, I don't have any threats myself, or I don't have to care too much." Uchiha whispered softly and then wanted to leave.

"Who?" The cockroach, who was still immersed in the manufacturing, suddenly turned back and shouted to Uchiha.

"I didn't expect it to be made now." Uchiha said with a bitter smile: "The kid is quite alert." Uchiha slowly pushed the door open and walked into the room.

"Who are you?" I asked in a puzzled way. In my memory, this room only has oneself and thousands of grandmothers to come in. Who is this person?

"I am." Uchiha thought for a moment, suddenly revealing a sinister face and said: "I am a bad person."

"Oh." Originally, I was alert and heard the words of Uchiha, and chuckled: "This joke is not funny at all."

If you hear the embarrassment, Uchiha can’t help but look at it. Isn’t it like a bad person?

However, when I saw the innocent smile, I couldn’t help but think that there was a happy time when I was together. I couldn’t help but smile.

"What happened to you?" He looked strangely at Uchiha, who was suddenly laughing.

"Nothing." Uchiha replied to God's martyrdom, and then walked to the side of the squat, like the usual way of getting along with his son, very casually touched the head and asked: "What are you doing? ?"

On one side, I saw Uchiha's sitting on my side and touching my head. Suddenly I felt a warmth that I had never had before. This is the feeling of being in my own parents.

I couldn’t help but blush, and then I didn’t dare to look at Uchiha, and lowered my head and said softly: “This is my own toy.” The hands are still playing with the tools on my hands.

"These are all you made yourself?" Uchiha looked curiously at the big and small rumors on the table, and then looked at those shackles. To be honest, I have never been to the sorcerer for a long time. Even the parents who were killed last time, the cockroaches were also fixed by the guys of Yanmao, and they have not seen such things.

"Yeah, these are all my grandmother taught me." Talking about his work, he looked proud and proud.

"Oh, why do you like this so much?" Uchiha asked, and Uchiha is really curious about what it was like when he was a child.

Suddenly, the mood was low and said: "Because only these things can last forever, they can stay with me forever, and will not disappear, I will not feel lonely."

Yu Zhibo looked at the sudden depression, and suddenly he couldn’t bear it. Maybe it was a feeling. As a ninja, he never knew when he would be in danger. His son would not be like a beggar.

Uchiha licked his head and made him stunned. Uchiha looked at him like a son. "Nothing can last forever, so people learn to cherish themselves." All that is in front of you, and it is not that eternal things are the best, only good for yourself is true, even if that thing is only an instant, hey, you have to cherish what you have, know?"

When I heard the words of Uchiha, I didn’t know how to nod, but I was dull and obviously didn’t understand.

Uchiha saw a sly expression with a slight smile: "I really don't know how to say this to your child, but it doesn't matter. You will understand it when you grow up."

However, Uchiha, who is lamenting, is not on the sidelines, and he is staring at Uchiha, and he has a special emotion in his eyes.

"Okay, I should go." Uchiha stood up.

“Would you like to go?” he whispered. “Can’t you leave more time?”

When I heard the reluctance, Uchiha said with a slight smile: "I haven't told you about it. The good things don't care about the length of time. Besides, if we get along for a long time, you will be bored with me." After that, Uchiha 瞳 turned and left.

"I won't be bored with you." He shouted at Uchiha.

Uchiha waved a smile, but unfortunately things are not as simple as you think. If you know that my parents who killed you should hate me, Uchiha waved and smiled.

Uchiha doesn't look back, just back to the shackles, and then take out the same thing from the pocket of the back of the pocket. After throwing it to him, he faintly said: "Just replace me with this to accompany you, when will you be able to wait for you? Come back to me, I hope we have a day to meet." I hope that I will not meet each other in the future, Uchiha swears, and then leaves without returning.

He took up the things left by Uchiha, and stared at the back of Uchiha, and firmly said to himself: "One day, I will find you."

Just when Uchiha and I was chatting, I went to In the village of Sha Niu, the battle between the three elders and the wind and shadow continued, but after all, the preparations for the three elders were more complete, and the three elders had slowly The people who surrounded the wind and shadow.

However, Fengying is constantly trying to highlight the encirclement.

"Wind and shadow adults, I think you still admit defeat." The three elders proudly looked at the wind and shadow across the face, even though this time Yu Zhibo Yu Zhibo took advantage of the loss of his own strength. But as long as you are on the wind, it's all worth it.

"Three elders, are you not afraid of the sanctions of the elders of the village? After all, the things tonight have become so big." The wind and shadow looked at the three elders weakly.

"I will announce that it is a person who is a wooden leaf to assassinate you, and I am making such a big movement for the talents who catch the wood leaves, so you can go with peace of mind, rest assured that I will replace you with your unfulfilled wish. Leading the sand to be strong." The three elders are confident and authentic.

"Just by you, a guy who was turned by the people of Konoha?"

"Oh, I will let them return sooner or later. As for you, you must die today." The three elders were obviously angered by the poke of the center.

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