One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 633: Festival

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"Everyone, let me go." The three elders took the road to the shadows, and then they went forward to prepare the wind and shadow.

"On the one hand, you want to kill me, but I am the wind." The wind and shadow saw that the actions of the three elders were first and foremost, and they were preparing to swear the thief first. As long as they seized the three elders, they would win if they win today. Unfortunately, people are not as good as people. Heaven counts.

The wind and shadow looked incredulously at the short knife on the chest, and then fell on the ground with the heart of the heart. The three elders were also surprised to see the sudden appearance of the person who killed the shadow, and saw that Mao Maozheng looked coldly at the ground and died of the wind. Shadow, and then smiled at the three elders: "Three elders, this is a gift from our son Ye Zhibo to the adults, and he also let me bring a word to the adults."

"What?" asked the three elders subconsciously, and then he reacted and shouted to his men behind him: "Kill him."

Sure enough, these men did not imagine rushing up, knowing that these men are not all three elders, some are temporarily recruited, there must be other spies in the elders, although they can help the three elders to besiege, but If you don't mean you can sell the village, after all, they are all people who suffer from sand.

Looking at his hands are whispering, the wooden light is constantly drifting to himself, like looking at a traitor, the three elders look gloomy at the opposite Yan Mao, once again in the wood leaf tricks.

Yan Mao reveals a conspiracy smile, watching the three elders continue: "Yu Zhibo 瞳 adults want me to tell the adults, he has helped you to make the wind, then you must not forget the things you promised."

"Come, kill me for him." When I heard about Mao, the faces of the three elders became more and more gloomy, and they were close to each other because they knew that they were useless, and only killed them. Give the elders an account.

The patriarchs of the three elders are not like the miscellaneous soldiers. They can be right or wrong. They only listen to the orders of the three elders when they follow the orders of the three elders. Then they follow the three elders and rush to Yanmao. Others can only help but keep up. .

Yan Mao looked at the person who rushed to himself, and did not panic and smile, only to see a dragon suddenly appeared at the top of the Mao.

Yan Mao said to the three elders: "Goodbye." Then he grabbed the dragon's foot up and jumped, and saw the dragon fluttering with his wings and then flew to the outside of the village.

"Damn." The three elders stood on the ground and looked at the disappearing Yan Mao hate, and then took people away.

Just as the three elders were calming down on this matter, Yan Mao was taken by Feilong to a secret place outside Shanu Village, and Uchiha and Orange Water were waiting.

"Uchihao is an adult, we are back." Feilong flew to the front of Uchiha, and put down the road.

"Working hard, Longfei." Uchiha stroking the wings of the dragon.

Then I went to Yan Mao and asked: "What happened?"

Yan Mao faintly said: "It has already been completed."

"That's good, now I will wait for the reaction of Sha Niu Village. We are also going back to the village." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 朔 和 和 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙 橙

"Yes." Then Uchiha took a ride with Yan Mao and Orange Water to leave the sand-bearing village on Longfei.

It has been five years since the Second World War. In the past five years, the leaves have developed rapidly, although the war has caused some losses to the leaves, but since the five years ago, Uchiha has defeated the end of the villages of Mist and Yan. The second endurance war, and Muye received a lot of war reparations, so that the strength of Konoha does not retreat, and Uchiha, who is the head of Muye's four tolerances, began to make a name for himself with the achievements. Boao is also famous for the four-forbearing of the wood leaves, the members of the Dragon's team. These people began to pay attention to the forces of all parties and became the pillars supporting the wood leaves.

In the end, Iwamura and Fujinura Village, which failed as a failed country, not only lost a lot of indemnities but also suffered serious losses. In the last five major countries, only Sharon Village and Lei Ren Village, which did not participate in the war, had the strength to fight with Muye. .

However, after Uchiha, he defeated the army of Sha Ren, and destroyed the grass-bearing village in one fell swoop, and succeeded in leaving the two forces in the village of Sha Niu, although the rebellion soon ended, but this time it was abnormal, so Sharon Village Things are still far from over, and the interior of the sand is not too flat.

The new three-generation wind shadows are busy with the various rebellions in the village, which finally led to the great decline of the strength of the sand-bearing village. The powerlessness lies in the fact that the wood leaf village is right. The three generations of the wind and shadow can only agree to form an alliance with the wood leaves, and finally lay the wood leaves. It is the first position of the five villages.

In the past five years, due to the end of the war, each village has begun to develop its own village, restore the trauma of war, and lay the groundwork for the next war.

During the period, there were several major events in the village of Muye. The first thing was that Uchiha was officially the dark minister of Konoha and established two organizations of the dark nature. One is the dragon group of Uchiha and the other is the group. After the establishment of the two organizations, the two organizations began to appear in the leaves of Muye, and Uchiha and the corps officially entered the center of the leaf.

The second thing is that Qi Muyu, who is known as the white leaf white tooth, actually committed suicide for the failure of a task.

When this incident came out, people in the world of Renhe were shocked. Some people were happy. They were glad that Kono had lost a cadre. It’s important to know that Yumao’s character is only with Yu Zhibo, regardless of strength and reputation. It is almost the same as Of course, some people are sad, just like Uchiha’s friends, so Uchiha is still sad for a long time.

"Father, you are back." In the past five years, Yu Zhibo was most pleased that his son Yu Zhibo was far away.

Uchiha has also grown into a cute boy, and now he is seven years old. He has already begun to look like Uchiha’s young age. Every time he sees Uchiha’s childhood photos, They will also be surprised, but they did not expect them to look so much.

"Because he is my son." Every time Uchiha is proud of her.

And the talent of the far is also extremely amazing. At the age of seven, I started to write a round of eyes this year. Now I have already written the eyes of two hooks, and I am very fond of Ninja. I especially like Yu Zhibo. He is numb.

Like the Uchiha family's bitter and non-projection and fire, it is definitely a matter of learning. Of course, the most people feel speechless when they try to test the properties of Chakra, they actually find the far Chakra and Uchiha. The same is full of attributes, and just before he was training, he would still be a raft. When did the first generation of rafts become so worthless? Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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