One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 644: Festival

"Of course, they are your disciples after all. How can they be regarded as my grandson? I care about them and I want to see their performances, but really you are really willing." A Chinese W=W≠W=.≤8=1≤Z≥W=.≤COM” asked Fei Fei.

"I don't want to be willing, I can't teach them any more, just let them go to the battlefield to experience it." Uchiha 瞳 slowly walked through the window and looked out the sky. "After all, the eagle I will grow up one day."

The next day, they walked out of the wooden door and shouted far away. "There is finally a wooden leaf."

"Okay, don't call it, you have a lot of things." The red sarcasm next to it.

When I heard the red words, I dismissed my face with disdain: "What, you women are short-sighted, how can you know the thoughts of our men."

"You, Uchiha far, you don't want to run, give me a stop, I want to kill you." Red looked angrily and chased the distance.

"The fool doesn't run." Seeing red running towards himself, he immediately ran away.

"Right, big brother, what did the teacher teach you?" Kakashi looked at the far-reaching red and shook his head, and turned to ask the next road.

"Nothing, just a simple advice on my writing round eyes." He faintly replied, then shouted at the far-reaching red and red: "You two don't bother, we are going to the battlefield, so Be careful."

"Yes." Far away, they all answered in unison. In fact, among the four people, they have always played the role of big brother. They rarely talk, but if they say it, they will be convinced.

"Right, where are we going?" asked at this time.

"This time we are going to the front line of the battle against the sand, I heard that the small-scale battles there are more frequent, so the teacher asked us to go there." He took out the task scroll and explained.

"Sand forbearance? Sand is fortunate to be good. It is said that the commander is the uncle of orange water. He used to be good to us. Every time we come to see, we will bring gifts to us." I thought of the orange water and said to them.

If the red directly ignores the distance, he will directly ask the key points: "What are the characteristics of the sand-bearing troops? I heard that there are many teachers who are all *controlled."

This time I explained Kakashi. After all, Kakashi had participated in the war among the four people. The news was quite well-informed.

"What kind of sorcerer is it?" asked with a deep look.

"Well, I heard that my father used a lot of effort to kill the top sorcerers around the two winds, but it is not so good." Kakashi explained that everyone knows Kakashi. My father is very powerful. I heard that it is only a white-colored flag of Muye, and it can only be defeated as Yu Zhibo’s killing **** Uchiha Uchiha.

Although it is only a rumor, but the hole does not come, not to mention the fact that Kakashi as the son of white teeth naturally knows that this is true, even the opponents whose father is difficult to get, how powerful it is.

"Well, these have met naturally afterwards, and we will rush to the front line as soon as possible."

"Well." They should be far away, and then the four men rushed toward the front of the sand.

In a valley, "I didn't expect to encounter people with sand and forbearance here." I saw Kakashi's left-handed writing wheel, and the knife in his hand was a touch on the neck of the sand, and it was faint.

The other sands have been fixed by them. They used to be tracked by the sand when they passed through a forest, but they were strictly trained by Uchiha, so they were not busy. Leading the sand-bearing person into a valley, the illusion of red and enamel, made those sands to be killed when they met.

"It seems that there is nothing to ask. If it is solved, let's go."

When they finished, they rushed to the camp of the Chaoyang Wood Leaf.

In the front of the sand, the camp of the leaves. "Haha, far away, you finally came. I heard that Uchiha, the older brother, said that I want to send you. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true." Orange water looked far and they were happy.

"Uncle Orange, I haven't seen you for a long time." Far back.

"Yeah, this has been playing for so long, even the former Xiaoyuanzi has grown up." After several years of experience, the orange water has become more and more mature, and he feels far away with a touch of emotion. Head.

"Uncle Orange, I have grown up, how do you still touch my head." Far a look dissatisfied.

"Hey." Suddenly holding his head and looking at the orange water.

"You kid since childhood, you don't know who is the boss when you don't hit a day." Orange water raised the fist in his hand.

"Well, orange water Shu, we are coming to pick up the task, but not to tell the old." Red is facing the orange waterway.

"Right right, you see, I have forgotten, haven't told us about our big camp, come with me." Orange water is far away to them.

"Yes." He looked at them and then left here with orange water.

In the evening, lying in bed, I asked: "Hey brother, what do you say about the battlefield? I heard that it is terrible." Here, only three of them are married, and red has been assigned to another room. After all, it is a woman.

"I don't know, I have never seen the battlefield. You should ask Kakashi about this. After all, only one of us has been on the battlefield." He said, faint, then look at Kakashi next to him.

"The battlefield, it is a very desolate place. After a war, the land is full of blood and weapons, and there are dead bodies everywhere." Kakashi recalled and scared.

"I am not afraid of it, but I am determined to be the father. I heard that my father graduated from the dark department when he was just twelve years old and ambushed the second generation of the wind shadow ~ is comparable to the wind shadow It’s a long way to go.

Next to Kakashi and 鼬 is also a face of admiration, imagine how tall Uchihaha figure was.

Just as they chatted in the distance, in the wood leaves, "Haqiu, is someone thinking about me?" Uchiha squatted in bed and said suspiciously.

"Let's go to sleep, get up early tomorrow." The hand was on the sidelines.

"Oh." Uchiha thought about it, shook his head and lay down directly.

"Wow, I didn't expect the battlefield to be like this. It was really bloody." Standing on a high ground, watching the army of the sand and wood leaves that are about to fight, the two eyes are excited and authentic.

This time it was because the orange water allowed them to lead a team independently. I didn't expect to encounter a sand forbearance team when I debuted. The two sides encountered here and started playing here.

I saw the opposite side of the camp lined up neatly, and the same side of the wood leaves, far and distant, they watched quietly not far away.

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