One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 645: Festival

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Since Uchiha had let them go to Heaven and practiced before, they had no discomfort on the battlefield.

"Kill." Although this is only a small-scale battle, they are the first to go to the battlefield, so they still feel very fresh.

"Wind. Wind blade, explosion." I saw a wind blade fanning around, and then exploded in the middle.

"Come back, come back, bandits. Earth cover." I saw a semi-circular earthen cover appearing in front of the far side, and several sands were directly surrounded. The wind blade keeps moving in the sand and it is repeated back and forth.

The sand is forcibly scraped by the wind, and then broken, and the broken arm of the sand is constantly appearing in the cover. When the last sand is forbeared, the cover is directly receded, revealing the scene inside. The tragic situation, even the far-off practitioners are somewhat unbearable to watch, but in their own camp there is a surge in morale, and immediately rushed to other sands, and Sharon saw the end of his teammates in the cold, starting Showing the trend and losing ground.

"Water Margin. The technique of the Great Falls." Kakashi did not use his own knife but instead used a larger range of ninja.

After all, here is the battlefield, victory is the most important, not a personal hero.

"Water scorpion. The technique of water dragon bombs." I saw a series of water dragons rushing to other sands, and the sand that was hit was unable to stand up.

"Fire. How to fire the ball." In contrast, the ninjutsu here is monotonous, only using fire, but the ninjutsu that is said to be absolutely the most artistic, the fire is It is used where it is most needed, and the speed of smashing is the fastest among all people. Often you haven't seen him to print and you are inexplicably dying under the sturdy ninjutsu.

In addition, the application of the writing wheel eye is also pure, and the Uchiha family’s hand-sword secret technique is definitely a weapon of murder in the hands of 鼬, and the technique of 手里 手里’s sword is definitely awesome. Real biography, no dead angle attack, all the sands of the Achilles vs. Battle are inexplicable.

On the red side, the scene is the most weird. The sand is fortune to fall to the side of the red. The red only uses a illusion, so the sand is a smile on the ground.

It was not long before this small encounter ended, and the people of Kono began to clean the battlefield. "It’s over so soon, it’s really boring, I’m not addicted yet.” Far from complaining.

"Less nonsense, let's go, I feel sick when I see this." Red said.

"You still be scared? It seems that you have killed the most people." Far ridiculed.

"Dead, you stand for me, I want to kill you." Red chased the far cry that had escaped.

"Let's go." He shook his head helplessly to the side of Kakasai Road, who was helpless, and Kakashi shook his head helplessly and left without saying anything.

A few months later, outside the Muye Day camp, he said: "It’s boring, every day is patrolling, when is this day a head."

"Don't complain, delaying the sand is also a policy that the teacher made. After all, we have fewer people in the wood leaf than the people who suffer from sand." Kakashi advised: "And patrolling on the battlefield is also very important. ”

Also, in the past few months, it was only occasional that there was little contact with the sand. There was no war in the battle, and they were assigned to patrol around the Muye camp. Even Kakashi felt nothing. Meaning.

"Otherwise, we are looking for Uncle Orange, let him help us with an interesting task?" Far suggested.

"Okay." He looked at Yuan and Kakashi's eager expression, but he didn't feel bad about it. At least he didn't have to kill anymore, but he couldn't resist the eyes of both Kakashi and Kakashi. .

"Only once, oh."

"Well, let's go."

So far, four of them went all the way to the headquarters of Muye Daying.

"You want to change the mission?" Orange water looked up and looked at the four humanities in front of him.

"Yes, Uncle Orange, you also know that we have been patrolling around the camp and it is very boring. It is better to give us a more interesting task." Far open.

"This way." Orange water stood up and walked back and forth in the same place, thinking for a while, the original Uchiha had written to the orange water, let him try to give them some difficult tasks, but before the orange water is a bit worried Far from their safety, they are given some simple tasks.

"Okay. Since you ask for it, there is just a mission to kill the sand, and I will hand it over to you." Orange water took a piece of information from his desk to the far road.

"This is" far away. They looked at the information with surprise: "What, how can you not know who the target is?"

"This is because our people only find out that someone has passed, and can't find out who it is, so this time you only need to find out the situation of this sand tolerance." Orange water began.

"Yes." Far away they sang.

Three days later, they stood on a mountain top and silently watched a group of sand ninja horses slowly moving down the valley.

"What kind of character is this, actually want to use a few ninjas of the Ninja class to escort?"

"Yeah, although there are not many people below, but you can see that each is a master, it seems that this task is not simple." Kakashi opened the left eye of the writing wheel and then opened.

"Who will come first." He said, there is a little excitement in his tone. Although he is not a far-off combat madman, he can be excited if he meets a powerful opponent.

"Or I will come first, after all, a lot of damage, I am good at it." Far from opening the round eyes.

"Well, after the long, I will use illusion by red, then I will finally act with Kakashi." He analyzed.

"Begin to start can't wait to be authentic, and then began to print the road: "Turkish. Rifting the earth. "Large hand on the ground."

I saw that the cliff began to slowly break, broken into countless pieces and began to go to the sand below.

The sand below is because the things happen too suddenly, and people are constantly being picked up, and the death and injury are heavy.

"The enemy." The team of Sha Ren hurriedly surrounded the sedan in the middle of the team.

From the enemy's reaction, it can be seen that although the other party is suddenly abrupt but not fluent and then quickly reacted, it can be seen that these people are absolutely elite.

"How do I feel that something is not quite right?" He frowned and looked at the sand underneath.

“What's wrong?” Kakashi asked.

"I don't know, this is just a feeling, maybe it's my illusion." Hey, not sure, and then to the red: "Red, start, use the strongest illusion." Mobile users please read and read, more A quality reading experience.

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