One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 655: Festival

"嘎吱.??W≥W≈W≤.=81ZW.COM" Uchiha's phantom around him began to clear up, surrounded himself, Uchiha slammed his feet and rushed to the four old men.

"Fire. How to fire the ball." Uchiha stunned and led the way to break up the four old men.

I know that the four old men did not leave, the black old man came out of the four men, and extended his hands against the fireball. Only the fireball slowly became smaller in the hands of the black old man, and finally disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Uchiha waved his eyes and couldn’t help but jump. Isn’t this the ability of Payne’s six?

However, the opposite side could ignore the surprise of Uchiha, and the old man who had been observing it began to move. He saw that he had smashed his clothes, revealing a densely wounded body, and opened his left hand to reveal countless missile heads. , facing Uchiha wave.

"Hey." Those missiles flew to Uchiha, and Uchihabo slammed his feet on the ground and retreated. Who knows that the missiles were guided, followed by Uchiha.

Uchiha saw that he couldn’t hide, and his hands crossed in front of him to block the impact of the missile. "Hey." The missile hit the body of Uchiha, and immediately exploded, and raised a large piece next to Uchiha. Dust.

I saw that Uchiha was hit by the missile of the old man, and the old man, who had been on the side, appeared directly in the dust. "The bandits. Adding heavy punches." Huang Laotou used his flying power to wrap himself with stones. The right fist hit Uchiha.

"Hey." Uchiha was directly hit by the dust and hit the ground.

趁宇智波瞳 has not reacted yet, “Thunder. Tomahawk.” The blue man came to the upper body of Uchiha, and lifted the right leg wrapped by Thunder Chakra to step onto Uchiha.

"Mu 遁. Fei Naimu." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳.

A large piece of wood rushed from the front of Uchiha’s head and slammed into the blue old man. He wanted to retire the old man. “Too naive.” The old man shouted, and the castration on his feet did not diminish. wood.

"Hey." The old man in the blue is full of thunder Chakra's right foot and stepped on Uchihabo's body. Uchiha's ground beneath him instantly collapsed.

"Oh." Uchiha's wood hit the blue old man's body, but the blue old man's body was also covered by the thunder chakra, but the blue old man was still flying out by Uchiha's raft.

"Cough and cough." Uchiha squinted at the blood that eventually flowed out of his body, slowly standing up from the ground and the kaleidoscope in his eyes was still turning.

"Organization?" Uchiha stared at the white man and wondered why they seemed to have Payne's skills.

At this time, at the blue old man's side, the old man raised the blue old man who fell to the ground and asked with concern: "How?"

"The shadow of his body can block the attack of me and the second child." The old man stared at the chest that he had been hit by the wood.

"Yes, I was just attacking him for a moment, I can feel that it is a defensive entity." At this time, Huang Laotou came from one side.

"Try it again." Yu Zhibo thought in his heart, and then the kaleidoscope in his eyes wrote a round of rotation, and the original shadow that had already been broken quickly condensed again, and then rushed to the four old men again, "Dayu spiral pill." Uchiha 瞳 formed a huge spiral pill on the right hand on the road.

"I am coming." The old man was close to the humanity around him, and the man came out and reached out to catch the spiral pill of Uchiha.

Looking at the spiral pill in the hand slowly disappeared, Uchiha did not retreat, but the corner of his mouth was awkward, and I saw that Uchiha suddenly disappeared and appeared behind the black man.

It makes Wei Zhibo feel strange, the black old man has no reaction at all, is it so simple? Do they rely only on their own special skills.

Uchiha slammed into the black man with a punch. He did not expect that the black man suddenly turned around and punched Uchihabo’s attack.

"What happened?" Uchiha looked at the black old man who was absorbing his energy. He suddenly felt a murderous sound from the side and immediately jumped back. "砰" A blue figure suddenly appeared in the same place.

Uchiha was wary of their movements, and then carefully observed them. They saw that the old man was staring at himself and suddenly came to a conclusion that he could not believe. “Is it the effect of reincarnation?”

"It’s weird." At this time, the old man looked at Uchiha, and suddenly said: "We are quadruplets, and we have a heart and soul, so as long as we see you, you will have nothing to lose. We are not afraid. Any sneak attack."

"Sure enough, they really have some of Payne's ability, but Payne relies on the effect of reincarnation, and they are born by themselves." Uchiha said in his heart, "Who are they? Why do they have these?" ability?"

"But now I think it's useless to think so much. It seems that I can only go all out." Uchiha said that he would throw up his happy thoughts and say to himself.

"Since you can't attack, you can solve them positively." Uchiha shouted, and then his hands began to print quickly: "The raft. The tree world is born."

I saw four old men suddenly protruding out of countless trees, twisting each other, reaching out to the four old men, instantly forming a small forest trapped four old men.

"This is a raft." The old man said: "The data is really correct, you really will be the first generation of hibiscus."

After that, the four old men continually dodge the entanglement of the trees. "The youngest and the oldest." The four oldest black men and the old man who had been seriously injured were caught by Uchiha's raft.

Seeing this situation Uchiha 瞳 一 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

"Mystery. The blade of space." White old man's hands were printed, a space wave flashed, and the trees that tied the two old men were instantly shattered, but the white old man became weak after he finished the operation.

When Huang Laotou put the ninjutsu in the old man, he flashed himself in front of the black old man and the blue old man, and said: "The bandits. The soil is in the wall." Huang old man pressed his hand to the ground, and a stone wall rose instantly, blocking Those wood thousand.

"Explosion." Uchiha waved his handprint and shouted.

The thousand moments that were instantly tied to the wall exploded, and the huge impact directly blown the three old men, leaving only the old man standing still.

"I didn't expect you to have space for ninja. It made me more and more curious." Uchiha took out the dragon scale and saw it to the old man.

"It’s really old, I didn’t expect it to be done with the blade of space.” The old man sighed and panted as he hid Uchiha’s attack.

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