One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 656: Festival

Soon the old man was attacked by Uchiha* to the dead end, "Swordsmanship. Broken water.? Eight? One Chinese W? W? W (1).? 8? 1 (eight) Z? W?.? C? O? M" Uchiha 瞳 挥 挥 挥Scale sword, a blue sword rushed to the white old man, just when Uchiha said that he could hit the old man in white, the old man suddenly flew out an iron chain and grabbed the branches on his head, then the whole person followed the iron. The chain jumped away from the sword of Uchiha.

Uchiha’s swordsmanship crossed the body, and the branches on the way were instantly cut down.

Just as Uchiha was preparing to win the battle, suddenly there was the voice of the old man, "The bandits. The technique of chasing the teeth." A coyote flew toward Uchiha, and Uchiha went to hide behind. I wanted to continue chasing, but the coyotes suddenly exploded after passing Uchiha.

"Oh." Uchiha, although there is a shadow of the man who needs to be a man, but still did not resist the impact of the explosion, directly bombed out.

"The bandits. The earth is falling." The old man said the road again.

Instantly formed countless stones around the old man, flying to Uchiha.

Uchiha 瞳 hurriedly stood up from the ground and ignored the injuries on his body. His hands quickly printed: "Thunder. Thousands of birds flow." Uchiha was surrounded by Thunder Chakra, and those stones also lost their explosion. The ability to then escape the stones.

"Azure." Uchiha jumped to the tree, and immediately turned his eyes, a black inflammation suddenly appeared in the left hand of the old man, so that the old man was caught off guard, and felt the horror of black inflammation, Huang old man could not directly put himself The left hand is unloaded, but in this way, the old man is losing his combat power.

Then he turned his hand and waved the dragon scale sword. "Swordsmanship. Breaking the sky." Another sword shot at the blue man who rushed toward him, but this time the sword is white, and the degree of swordsman makes the blue man stay. Just as soon as it was cut, the black old man suddenly appeared in front of the blue old man, ready to absorb the energy of the sword.

"Turkish. The technique of sorrow in the heart." Suddenly a hand came out from the ground, grabbed the black man's bare feet, and directly pulled the unprepared black old man into the soil.

Sword gas flashed from the ear of the black old man and finally hit the body of the blue old man covered with thunder shield.

I saw Jianqi cut through the blue shield of the old man without any hindrance, and instantly appeared in the blue old man's body with a sword mark from the shoulder to the waist.

"The second child, the third child." Seeing his brother's situation, the old man shouted anxiously, then flew out of the body and hit the Uchiha wave. When he took advantage of Uchiha's swordsmanship, he hit Uchiha, and again Hit the Uchiha wave.

The old man ignored Uchiha, and ran to the blue old man who fell to the ground. Uchiha stood up from the ground and watched the four old men ignore the injuries. The cruel smile said: "It's over, give me a burst." ”

Uchiha's hands changed, and the trees formed by the rafts instantly expanded and then exploded.

"Hey." Looking at the big bang in front of him, Uchiha suddenly squirted blood, half-squatting on the ground, licking his chest, helplessly smiled and said: "It seems that this injury is heavy."

"Is this?" Uchiha looked at the four broken old men slowly revealing in the explosion of smoke. I saw the old man standing in front of him, and the old man pressed his hand on the back of the old man, one hand and then yellow. Old man's hand.

"Huh." The old man put his hands weakly, while the blue old man sat on the side and licked the scar on his chest.

"You are really difficult." Uchiha took out the dragon scale sword and slowly stood up and looked at the four old men on the opposite side.

"Huh, it seems that we are really old." The old man gasped, and then turned to the three old men behind him: "Sorry, brothers seem to be dead here today, but even then we Yan Rencun, must not let go of this person."

"Boss, we have lived for so long, and have already been bearish." Huang old man said indifferently.

"You decide, as long as we can all be together, it doesn't matter." The blue man is weak and authentic.

"Is it finally necessary to use that trick?" The old man looked crazy.

"Not bad." The old man nodded, then looked at his face and wondered. Uchiha said: "You young people are too threatening to Iwamura, so we can't leave you, then the trick is to let You can see the ban on the six immortals."

After that, the old man ignored the surprise of Uchiha, and his hands began to print quickly, while the other three old men struggled to stand up and began to seal with the old man.

"You really have a relationship with the six immortals." Uchiha looked at the four old men on the opposite side with a dignified look.

Originally, Uchiha wanted to see what the four old men were going to do, but with the end of the four old men, Uchiha’s face became more and more ugly. At this time, Uchiha suddenly felt that he had come. This world has never been threatened.

"How can I let you go on?" Uchiha shouted, then took the dragon scale sword and rushed to the white old man.

"It's too late." The old man looked at Uchiha, who was rushing to himself, and whispered openly.

When Uchiha rushed to the white old man and was preparing to start, suddenly the old man’s clothes began to break. The white man’s body painted a strange posture. “Four elephant seals?” Uchiha was surprised. Then immediately jumped away from the white old man, and at that moment the artifacts began to melt into ink.

Uchiha 瞳 looked at other people, only to see the other old man is also the same as the old man of the white body this time the big. Uchiha looked at the invisible energy that slowly surrounded him. Uchiha began to feel the breath of death. This is the pressure of space. Uchiha looked at the slowly broken space around him, full of tyrannical power.

"Looking at this chaotic space, you shouldn't be able to use the technique of flying Thunder God. It seems that you can't hide your strength." Uchiha squinted his face firmly, then his hands began to seal, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes began to turn fast. Blood tears began to flow out of both eyes, and Uchiha barely endured the discomfort of both eyes and continued to cast spells.

"Eternal kaleidoscope writes round eyes, space seals." Uchiha shouted, only to see a black hole began to form in front of Uchiha, constantly absorbing the power of the surrounding broken space.

"This" black old man feels his strength is slowly lost and surprised, then look at the white old man.

"Do your own thing, don't worry about other things." White old man also felt it, shouted at several other brothers, and then continued to support the output of Chakra.

Slowly, the two forces began to form confrontation. "Now I can see who can't support it first." Uchiha licked his teeth and continued to increase his power output.

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