One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 657: Festival

After a while, the blue old man who was finally seriously injured was unable to support it first, and even the tied hands began to tremble. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

"It's awful." Feeling the reduction of power, the other old man's heart is secret.

I can't support it anymore. Although I felt very happy to see the reduction of the opposite strength, my eyesight began to hold on. Although it was an eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye, it could not support the output for so long.

Now the output of both sides has caused serious damage to the space around them. The power of space is extremely violent. If anyone can't support it at this time, it will definitely be countered by this huge space force. So now both sides dare not have Relax a little.

"If you are ten years younger, I am afraid that the person who is lying here today is me, but the reality is that there is no such thing. It is you who are destined to die today." Uchiha said suddenly.

"What are you going to do?" The old man said.

Uchiha didn't answer, and the writing wheel in his eyes turned more quickly. At this time, the power of Uchiha's side began to grow bigger and bigger.

"How is this possible?" Feeling tremendous pressure, Huang Laotou was also a little confused.

"Give me a drive." At this moment, Uchiha's writing wheel suddenly disappeared. A huge force suddenly appeared in the middle. The last four old men finally couldn't support it. "砰" was born in the place where the fight was played. A huge explosion.

After a loud bang, the place where Uchiha was located was instantly destroyed by the impact of the explosion, and even the ground was cut. With such a big explosion, the wood leaves and the rocky horses that are not far away have also suffered a lot.

Everyone stopped fighting and looked in this direction to know what happened, but I didn't know who was the first to move. The two sides began to fight again.

"Cough and cough, haha, I finally won." Uchiha stood up in a pile of stone piles and looked at the four old men lying on the ground.

"I didn't expect that even six secrets couldn't kill you." The old man slowly climbed up from the ground and said: "You are really strong, just a pity." When it comes to this, the old man looks sadly. The three old men who fell in other places, "this secret technique is to exchange the life of the surgeon. Unfortunately, even if you try your best, even if it is for this matter, we will not be able to bring you to the end." ”

"You should have any questions to ask me." The old man wiped the tears from his eyes and watched Uchiha faintly.

"How do you know, I have a question to ask you?" Uchiha asked.

"Don't underestimate the old man. Although my strength is not as good as yours, you still can't catch up with me. If you have any questions, just ask, as a reward for your victory over our brothers, maybe I will never be able to speak soon." White old man.

"Why do you have six secrets?" Uchiha asked.

"Because we used to be a whirlpool person, you are a wooden leaf person, you should know the vortex family." White old man.

"The whirlpool family!" Uchiha said: "The whirlpool family is not an ally with the thousand hands, why are you in the village of Iwana." Uchiha stunned.

"This is the secret of the whirlpool family. It will be long when it is said, but in short we are the distant branches of the vortex family. In our vein, we inherit the skills of the vortex family, and the branch of the wood leaf is sealed. Skills.” White old man said slowly, slowly the old man felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and then slowly fell to the ground after he finished speaking.

"It's a pity." Uchiha went slowly to the side of the old man, watching the old man who was dead open.

"It's a pity." Just then there was a voice coming from the side. "I didn't expect even the original Shadow Shadow Guards to kill you, Uchiha Uchiha."

"Who?" Hearing this, Uchiha turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw a middle-aged man drifting from the air. "Are you?" Uchiha groaned.

"Three generations of earthshadows and wild wood." The people floated in the air and looked down at Uchiha, a faint tunnel.

"Three generations of earthshadows and wild wood." Ohnomu looked at Uchihabo's faint tunnel.

"You are the third generation of the shadow of the second generation of Tu Ying's apprentice?" Uchiha said.

"Yes, I was surprised to see you." Ohnomu looked at Uchiha and said.

"It's a bit of an accident. I am just an accident. Since you have already come, why don't you help the four old men? But watch the four old men die?" Uchiha groaned.

"I originally asked them to deal with you, but I just wanted to use their strength to kill you, but I didn't even think that your strength is so strong. Even the six secret tricks didn't kill you, but that's fine. After the four old guys died, there will be no doubts about my voice in the village, and you are still mine." Ohnogi proudly said.

"Don't stop, I don't have that kind of hobby." Uchiha rushed to the chicken skin.

"You" saw Uchiha's banter, Ohnomu could not help but anger, but Ohno was not a hairy boy, and soon he calmed down his anger and looked at Uchiha. "It doesn't matter, anyway, you just followed that." The four old men have already lost both sides, and now you are not letting me pinch."

When he heard the big wild wood, Uchiha's face began to look serious and looked at Ohnogi. "You are really a politician who is unscrupulous." But Uchiha knows that Ohnogi is also telling the truth. His writing eyes have been overused. The eyes have already begun to be blind for a short few days of cultivation can no longer be used, and the chakra on the body has been exhausted. Now Uchiha is really in a dilemma. .

"Haha." Ohno began to be serious, watching Uchiha shouted: "The next step is to let me come to you."

"The bandits. The technique of adding weight to the rock."

In the instant, Uchihachi felt that his body was suddenly added a huge pressure. Uchiha insisted on biting his teeth and insisted that he not fall. Fortunately, he used to practice gravity for himself. Although his degree was somewhat reduced, he still Can move.

"Dust mites. The original world is stripped." Ohnogi continued to seal the road, slowly forming a cone-shaped enchantment in both hands, and Ohno Satoshi said to Yu Zhibo: "Everything is over, Uchiha Uchiha 瞳 瞳." Uchiha smashed the enchantment in the hands of Uchiha.

Uchiha looked at the ninjutsu that could have been easily escaped. I didn’t expect that I could only watch the enchantment flying towards me. Uchiha suddenly burst into a sense of powerlessness.

Looking at Uchiha, he slowly disappeared into the enchantment, and Ohno said with a smile: "Haha, I finally avenged my master."

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