One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 658: Festival

Suddenly, Big Wood felt wrong. He wondered: "Hey, is this illusion?"

"Solution. Bayi?? Chinese W? W? W.81ZW.COM" Ohno wood hands printed.

At that time, Ohnomu saw that four young people were surrounded by Uchiha, and a girl was printing with her hands. It seems that the illusion was just released by the girl.

"How come you?" Uchiha looked at the sudden appearance of four disciples.

"We just wanted to follow it far and see the style of my father. I just didn't expect that the shadow will appear. I was afraid that my father would come out of something." Far from explaining.

"Teacher, please don't blame the distance, blame me for blaming." He said.

"Well, these things will be discussed later. Now the main problem is the shadow of the shadows. You may not be his opponent." Uchiha worries.

"It’s better than knowing it. I didn’t expect to fight with the shadow of one of the five shadows so quickly. I’m a little excited to think about it.” Kakashi said, not to wait for Uchiha’s reaction, directly Rushing to the wild wood.

It seems that they are the four disciples of Uchiha Uchiha, and Ohno Wood looked at them far away, and then saw Kakashi rushing toward himself, surprised: "Wood leaves white teeth?"

"No, I am the son of white teeth, Kaki Kakashi." Kakashi took a short knife and replied.

"If it is white teeth, I may still have some taboos, but you have not yet reached that strength, but it is not bad to kill the wood leaves by the small four."

"Sword skills. Breaking the sky." Kakashi shouted to Ohno, only to see Kakashi disappearing in the same place, only to see a flash of white light, Kakashi appeared directly behind Ohno, while Ohno was cut in half. , turned into dirt.

"Is the rock divided?" Kakashi frowned and looked at the situation in front of him.

"I am here." Ohnomu suddenly appeared in the back of Kakashi and then prepared to shoot Kakashi.

"Fire. How to fire the ball." Suddenly, I don’t know when the rush came. A fireball was wiped from Kakashi’s side and hit the big wild wood. Ohno had no choice but to give up attacking Kakashi and avoiding it. Fireball.

"The bandits. The technique of aggravating the rock." However, Ohno put pressure on Kakashi before leaving, and Kakashi was unable to turn over and attack by the huge resistance.

"I didn't expect that the shadows were so powerful. The attack of Kakashi's big brother and big brother didn't work at all. The following is my turn. It seems that I can't keep my hands." Far away from Uchiha, he whispered to himself and then rushed to Ohno. .

Uchiha did not pay attention to their battle, but when he was thinking about the smashing of Ohno, he quickly replied to his physical strength and Chakra.

"The hibiscus. The tree world is born." Far from the road, there are countless trees that stretch out around the wild woods like a big wild wood, but Ohno is a little short, and it has the skills of light and heavy rock, flexible in the trees. The ground flies around and escapes the distant branches.

"Dust, sputum, and illusion?" Ohno was directly tied by the branches. It was originally used when the raft was used, and the red singularity was combined with the illusion of the illusion that the shadows were illusory.

"Look at me, Muxi. King Kong does not move." I saw the far right foot turned into a piece of wood and smashed the big wild wood.

"Explosion." Shouted, I saw a tree rising out of the place where Ohnomu flew out, and then exploded. At this time, Uchiha was stunned and looked at the distance. I didn’t expect to use the power of the master. The combination of their own rafts produces such a big damage.

"Yes, if I had to hide in time, I might have been killed now." Ohnomu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up from the ground and looked at the distance.

"It seems that now I should first solve the girl who has been arranging illusion next to me." Ohnogi finally got serious and didn't dare to look down on them, and analyzed it carefully.

"The bandits. The technique of the earth dragons." Ohno's hands were printed.

I saw a terracotta flying to the red, but it was easily flashed by the red. Before I waited for the red sigh of relief, I heard the far cry: "Red, be careful."

I saw that Ohno appeared suddenly behind the red body and kicked to the red. At this moment, he suddenly appeared behind the red body and crossed his chest to block the foot of Ohno, but on the foot of Ohno, he attached the technique of aggravating rock. Far away is the blood that has been kicked.

"Far, nothing." Red reacted and helped to care.

"Nothing." Far weak: "I didn't expect it, the amount." Speaking of the far-reaching blood outlet.

"Now you are left alone." Ohnomu looked at the shackles in front of him.

"Yeah." faintly replied.

"The bandits. The soil is in the wall." Suddenly, Ohno's hands flashed and printed, and I saw four rhinestones rising from the side of Ohno, but it was blocked by the earth wall at the last moment.

"Amount, I really didn't expect it. It seems that among the four people, you are the strongest. Even if I am in India, I will almost be recruited." Ohnomu looked at the road.

I laughed and didn't speak, just staring at the big wild wood. "The bandits. The technique of aggravating the rock." Ohnogi is facing the road.

I saw that you were directly smashed "砰".

"Is the shadow split?" Ohnomu looked at the scene in a faint way.

"You are too slow, the shadows of the adults, Thunder. Thousands of birds." 鼬 appeared in the right hand behind Ohnogi with a thunder ball in his hand still flashing lightning, the sly thousand birds stabbed in the wild wood ~ I didn't expect that Ohnomu didn't retreat but his hands grabbed his right hand and couldn't let the bullets move.

"Yes? I admit that your strength surprised me, but now you are not my opponent." The big wild wood in front of me was a mysterious smile, and then another big wild wood appeared in the air and yelled at both hands: "Dust. Stripping."

I saw that I was approaching a time and space enchantment, and when I was beaten a little unprepared, suddenly there was a force behind the waist, and I immediately took it away from Ohno, and Ohno’s ninju was also empty. .

"Ohino, bullying a child is not a matter of earthen shadows, or we will hand over it." Hearing this voice, Uchiha’s mouth whispered to himself: "It’s finally here."

I saw a white-faced "Uncle" suddenly appeared on the field, the head was still very long, and one end was pulling the waist of the donkey. The hands were printed and facing the big wild wood. There was a handsome man standing next to him. .

"Zhu Xianren is also participating in the self." He also appeared in front of Uchiha with his apprentice's golden flash wave.

On a battlefield in Konoha and Iwamura, Ohno’s face looked seriously at several people across the street.

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