One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 672: Festival

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Two huge water dragon bodies rushed to the spotted fire group, and finally disappeared together after a long period of stalemate in the air.

The spot nodded in a satisfactory position in mid-air: "You really grew up very fast, and the understanding of Ninjutsu has reached a realm, but it is not enough."

After that, the spotted hands quickly printed the words: "Fire. The fire is lost." A huge fireball rushed to Uchiha.

"Water 遁. Water wall." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 , , , , ” ” ” ” 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇The fire, after the water in the water wall is about to be evaporated, the Uchiha wave inside has already disappeared.

"Oh." Two bitter fish flew out of the spotted fire and shot at the spot.

"Hey." The spot took out a bitter bitterness that did not block the Uchiha wave. At this moment, a black shadow appeared on the side of the spot, and Uchiha slammed into the spot, only See Uchiha’s fist is covered with cyan Chakra.

Spotted on the attack of Uchiha, the eyes of the two eyes turned around, a purple shadow appeared around the spot, and the shadow of the shadow hit Uchiha, and I wanted to leave the Uchiha.

Unfortunately, Uchiha doesn't mean this. Uchiha's eyes are also a turn. A red illusion appears behind Uchiha, and the shadow of the plaque is blocked.

Then Uchiha slammed a fist directly on the chest of the phantom of the spot, which is where the plaque is. "Hey." The whole body of the plaque was directly shot like a bullet and slammed into the ground.

Uchiha went back to the branch and looked at the spot where the spot hit. The place where the spot hit was directly hitting a pit on the ground.

"Oh." The spot slowly stood up from the bottom of the pit and patted the dust that did not exist on the body.

A faint look at Uchiha shouted: "Well, it seems that I have looked down on you, you are no longer the former Xiaoyu Zhibo."

When I heard the spot, Uchiha said: "You are no longer the grandfather I used to know."

Do not answer, and then reunite the males of Zuo Zuo, and then rushed to Yu Zhibo.

After Yu Zhibo’s body, the man of Zuo Zuo re-agglomerated, and then rushed to Uchiha, "Oh." Uchiha and the two ghosts of the spot hit the weapon in the hand, and then the two sides began to attack me. Keep fighting crazy.

From this battle, we can see that the two people have a deep understanding of the writing of the round eyes. Uchiha has been fighting and retreating. The fighting between the two sides is also devastating to the surrounding environment. Some of the surrounding trees are cut into two. Cut, some were uprooted, and others were directly smashed.

"Oh." Once again, the violent shadow of Uchihabo’s body was directly shot by the phantom of the spot.

"Even if it is the same eye, the people who use it are different, and the power is not the same." The spot looked at Uchiha, who fell to the ground.

"Hey." Uchiha smeared the blood on his lips and looked at the plaque: "I only know that the difference in beliefs determines the different endings."

"Are you doing this with my mouth?" said the spot and then rushed to Uchiha.

"I am only telling the truth." Uchiha shouted, and then his hands printed: "Mu 遁. The flower tree world is born." After that, I saw several branches rushing out of the ground to bundle the plaques that rushed toward them. It is still squeezing the phantom of the spot.

"This is the first generation of surgery?" The spot finally looked surprised and looked at Uchiha.

"Yes, this is the first generation of Muxi Ninjutsu left by the second generation." Uchiha said.

"I don't think you have reached this point, but you are not a column between them, and you can't win me." After the initial surprise, the spot recovered and looked at Uchiha.

The body of the phantom of the spot suddenly shot out the purple energy of countless periods, and instantly cut through the branches of Uchiha, and the weapons like the full stop also shot to Uchiha.

Uchiha 瞳 immediately jumped away from those weapons, and also evoked a virtual shadow to block those weapons, while the other side of Uchiha, the remaining trees, once again reached the spot, but this time the trees did not rush to the spot, but in the spot Stop around, then reveal a hiding flower on the tree and start to spit out the pollen.

Seeing these pollen flying to themselves, the spot immediately covered his nose and jumped away from the pollen.

At this moment, Uchiha suddenly appeared in front of the spot and looked at the plaque: "You pay too much attention to those pollen." After the end of the virtual shadow, a sword was cut on the spot, and a spot was cut. Ground.

"Oh." This is the turn of the spotted blood, watching Uchiha shouted: "I really didn't think you can use such two different forces to write the wheel eye and the raft."

"What you don't know is still there." Uchiha doesn't want to give the time to breathe, and rushes directly to the spot.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I don't need to know." The spotted faintly looked at Uchiha with the man who had to go to himself, and there was no movement, but when Uchiha was about to rush to his body. The spot suddenly pointed out a hand to Uchiha, and the writing wheel in the eye turned together in an instant.

"Reincarnation?" Uchiha stunned and looked at the changes in the eyes of the spot. I haven't waited for Uchiha to return to God. He only heard the faint screaming: "God sacred."

"Hey." Uchiha was directly rejected by a strong repulsion, and he stopped several times on the ground.

"Oh." This time, Uchiha was not so lucky, and was directly injured by internal injuries.

"Well, I know that I have gone to the eye of the reincarnation. It seems that you have gone to the thousand hands, but unfortunately, the secret of the thousand hands and the family has long been destroyed by spot look at Uchiha Road: "And I did not get it for the sake of these eyes. ”

"Is the rebellion of the Vortex Kingdom done?" Uchiha suddenly realized.

"Yes, I knew about the six things through the stones of Uchiha, but in the end I went to the thousand hands to know the secret of the reincarnation. At that time, I knew that the whirlpool mastered the secret of reincarnation, so I left. Wood leaves, and finally got the secret of the vortex generation by guarding the rebellion."

Spotted look at Uchiha, a word and a word: "It is the secret of reincarnation, * the secret of controlling life."

"The reincarnation is a kind of trick that controls life and death." The spot looked at the opposite Uchiha.

"I didn't expect that the things of the vortex family are also what you do." Uchiha wrinkled.

"Oh, God of Heaven should not join me." The spot suddenly looked at Uchiha, and asked seriously.

“Join you?” Uchiha asked in a puzzled question: “Don't you plan something?” Seeing a refreshing novel goes to [Vertex Novels]

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