One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 673: Festival

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"Yes, do you want to completely change the world with me?" Looked at Uchiha.

"Sounds good." Uchiha snorted, and as the smile on the face became bigger and bigger, Uchiha’s words suddenly turned: "It’s a pity that I have no interest at all."

"Yes." The spotted face suddenly sinks down. It feels a bit teased by Uchiha, and faintly said: "If you do, then you don't have to talk nonsense."

"The ground explosion star." Spotted feet on the ground, stepping on the road.

"This is serious, it is really unwise to anger him." Uchiha screamed with a smile, but there is no way to help, but still have to pass the crisis before.

At this moment, the spot released a black core in the air, and the stone on the ground began to split and slowly adsorbed to the black core. A huge meteorite began to form slowly in the air.

Uchiha looked at the face of the meteorite in the air and was very dignified. Uchiha smashed four strange bitters around him, and his hands began to print quickly, but Uchiha’s ninjutsu was a bit long, although the speed of the knot Soon it took a long time to finish the print, and the spotted meteorite began to slowly smash down.

"Flying thunder and space enchantment." Uchiha shouted, and saw a ripple suddenly appearing on the path of the meteorite falling. The meteorite slowly plunged into the ripples from the air, but the smashing into the ripples was only gently turbulent, and the meteorite The part that entered the ripples slowly disappeared.

"It's a space for ninja." The spot looked at Uchiha.

"Oh." After the meteorite completely entered the ripples, Uchiha suddenly blew the blood out, and it seems that the burden of space is still a bit heavy.

"Well, Uchiha 瞳 瞳 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 居 忍.

"Unfortunately, I haven't used it for the second time." When he heard the spot, Uchiha screamed in his heart: "It seems that it is necessary to make a decisive victory. It is a matter of life or death."

"But it seems that your burden is not light. If this is the case, then there will be another trick." The spot shouted, then raised the shadow behind him and rushed to Uchiha.

"Mu 遁. Four-column surgery." Uchiha licked his hands and printed the road, lifting several branches from the side of the plaque, entangled the progress of the plaque.

Uchiha continued to seal the road: "Thunder is righteous. Double wears light." I saw Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 right hand appeared a sharp chakra formed claws.

"Amount." The spot that is entangled with those trees suddenly feels a strong breath, and it is incredible to look at Uchiha.

After a while, the corner of his mouth was tilted and he looked at Yu Zhibo and said: "You really surprised me, Yu Zhibo."

Uchiha looked at the spot with a round of writing, and suddenly disappeared in the same place. "Hurry." The spot was surprised.

"Oh." When Uchiha rushed to the spot, the things that the claws on the hand touched were directly smashed, which shows the power of this move.

The wrinkled eyebrows looked at Uchiha, and rushed to himself, and immediately strengthened the virtual shadow around him. At this moment, Uchiha had already reached the front of the spot, and his right hand hit the chest of the spot, "砰" a giant Xiang Yu Zhibo flew out with a spot.

Although the spotted fly flew out, but Uchiha did not break the spot of the male, but only to the spotted body not far away, as if almost can touch the spot.

"Two wear." Uchiha looked at the plaque at close range.

I saw the thundering masterpiece of Uchihabo’s hand, and a huge momentum broke out from Uchiha’s body. “Oh.” Uchiha smashed the defensive plaque, and the right hand directly penetrated the left shoulder of the plaque.

"Oh." At the same time, Uchiha was directly attacked by the male of the spot.

I looked at my shoulders and squatted on the ground, but my eyes were fixed on the Uchiha wave that flew out.

Uchiha squatted on the ground, unable to move his body, and turned his head and looked at the spot and said: "I didn't work hard, I finally met you."

Uchiha said that he suddenly remembered that when he was young and followed the practice of spotting, he always wanted to touch the spot but did not do it, but now he has done it himself, and he has completed his wish.

After saying that Uchiha slowly closed his eyes, the spot stared at Uchiha, and slowly stood up, then went to Uchiha.

"You didn't let me down." The spot looked at Uchiha's faint sigh. After that, the shadow behind the spot slowly raised the big sword in his hand.

Just when the spot was to be started, suddenly a water dragon was flying from the side, and the spot was suddenly hit to the side. "Solution. Hot kiss." A pile of lava-like things stuck on the shadow of the spot, an instant A large array of smoke rises around the spot.

According to the fact that Mei Ming did not pay attention to the spot, he directly supported Yu Zhibo and said: "Go away."

"Oh." After the beauty was gone, the plaques came out of which lava, and the illusion of the body was looming.

I saw the direction of Uchiha’s departure, and suddenly spit out the blood. I said: "This is also good. I have not been so lonely in the long ninja career. I will continue to be strong. I hope to see you next time." Give me a bigger surprise." After that, the spot left in the opposite direction.

After running for a long time, Zhao Mei was able to put down Yu Zhibo, "Huh."

"Fortunately, he did not catch up."

“How come you are here?” Uchiha squatted on the dirt wall and looked at the faint fascination, then smiled and said, “Is it worried about me?”

When I heard Uchiha’s words, I didn’t care if I was in the United States: “I’m just to see if you’re dead.”

"Take your blessing, I am still alive." Uchiha shouted.

"Of course. If it weren't for me, you would have died."

"Yes, thank you." Uchiha is really sincere, but this thing is really to thank the beautiful, if not she is going to die here today.

"Not at all sincere, forget it, even if I owe you, I will go find something to eat first." According to Mei Ming, it was discovered that Uchiha and the plaque had been playing all day, and now it is dark.

"Oh, I really didn't think that I was not the opponent of the spot until now. It really is the ultimate BOSS." Uchiha looked at the beauty and left, suddenly spit out the blood again, thinking in his heart, thinking about Uchiha I slowly slept.

After a while, Zhao Mei came back with some animals and shouted: "I am back."

"Amount." Suddenly, Mei Zhibo saw that Uchiha was curling up on the ground and his face was white and he was shaking.

"What is going on here?" The beautiful thing left behind, and went to Uchiha, and observed Uchiha, saying: "Why is this? Uchiha, what happened to you? How is it so hot?" Boao’s forehead was surprised. Look at the refreshing novels to [Vertex Novels]

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