One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 675: Festival

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On Kakashi's side, just as Kakashi continued to pursue, another Uchiha appeared in the back of Kakashi and grabbed Kakashi's left hand, one hand on Kakashi's head.

"Oh." Kakashi turned into a smog. A water dragon flew from the side and slammed into Uchiha, and Kakashi also showed up from there, but Uchiha was also a smog.

"Shadow is separated?" Kakashi was surprised, and then said to himself: "Sure enough, it is a teacher, even if we are so sophisticated, we still can't reach the teacher."

"Oh." At this time, Uchiha went out from Kakashi and screamed: "Kakashi is also good, and the experience of combat is also rich."

I saw that Uchiha went out from Kakashi, and they looked at each other with a smile. It seems that the gap between us and the teacher has widened.

Uchiha took Kakashi back to them and looked at the four young people who were about to be taller than themselves. "In general, you are growing up well. Your growth has made me I am very pleased."

"But I still can't catch up with my father."

"Ah, what are you doing with your father?" yelled at his head.

"Don't think that I am the most powerful person in the world. I want to know that there is a strong middle-handed man in this world. A mountain is still taller than a mountain. Don't underestimate any enemy to know?" Uchiha said with a bitter heart.

"Yes, father (teacher)." Far away, they replied solemnly.

"This is good. You must know that any enemy can be fatal, so you should be careful in the future." Uchiha looked at them faintly. In fact, this is more like Uchiha said to himself. The same.

"Spot, I will not despise you anymore, one day I will surpass you, because I have my own embarrassment." Uchiha looked at the sky and secretly.

On the training ground of Muye Uchibo's family, "Hey."

"Hey." Far away from the pain, it was easy to block the bitterness of flying, and then turned to squat.

"Oh." The body of the cockroach suddenly turned into a smog, "shadows?" surprised. Then I felt a bitterness on my neck.

"I lost." Far from laughing.

"Oh, the inheritance." The back of the cockroach closed his own bitter smile.

"Oh, I said, you are definitely not the opponent of the big brother." Red and Kakashi on the side came over, and the red voice opened.

"You" is far from being said to be speechless.

"Even if this is the case, you are not a big brother's opponent?" Far from thinking about it, holding his shoulders against the red road.

"I am just a little girl, you have to compare with me." Red counterattacks.

"Yes? Why didn't I see that you are a woman?"

"You, Uchiha far." The red gas pointed to the distance.

At this moment, Uchiha suddenly appeared, frowning and looking at the red and the far road: "How come you are quarreling?"

After everyone saw Uchiha, he respectfully said: "Father (teacher)."

"Well, well, you don't want to talk anymore. If you have anything to say later, come with me now." Uchiha said to them.

"Yes." Far away they should.

Uchiha took him away from the training ground and went to his room. After everyone sat down, he asked, "Don't you bring us to your room?"

"Today your strength is very good, so I decided that you can be a teacher today." Uchiha looked at them.

"What?" They looked surprised and surprised.

"But we still feel that we are not enough." He said.

“Is it what we did wrong?” Kakashi asked.

“Why is this?” asked quickly.

"Listen to me first." Uchiha said helplessly.

"Yes." Far away they reacted and sang.

"I think so. Your current ninjutsu and physical skills as well as illusion have reached a bottleneck. Even if you stay here again, there is no improvement. I have nothing to teach you. You are your own." Uchiha shouted.

Uchiha’s words made them silent for a while, yeah, they couldn’t rely on the teacher all the time, and their own way was to go by themselves.

"But as a gift for the teacher, I also prepared some ninjas for you." Uchiha said with a smile, saying that he wants to be separated from them, and he is a bit unwilling.

"This is for you." Uchiha took a reel from behind and handed it to him. He took the scroll reverently and looked at it. He saw the word "天" on the scroll.

"But I have to say it first." Uchiha suddenly looked serious and looked at him. "These ninjutsus don't have my consent. I can't teach you even the closest people. If you finish practicing, you will burn this scroll. Is it true?" Uchiha said seriously.

Far away, they looked at each other and said: "Yes."

"Well." Uchiha nodded with satisfaction and then handed out a reel to the far road: "This is yours."

"Thank you father." I took the reel with excitement and saw the word "地" on the scroll.

"This is red." Uchiha took out a scroll with the word "人".

"Kakashi's." A scroll of the word "sword" was handed to Kakashi's hand.

"Thank you teacher." Kakashi and Red Road, then took over the scrolls of Uchiha.

"Well, since I have got the reels, I have to practice it, and I will stay." Uchiha looked at the delightful people.

"Yes." The people returned, then left, leaving only one person.

"Teacher, what do you want to leave alone?" he asked.

Uchiha whispered silently for a Then he said: "Your writing eye has already opened your eyes?"

When I heard the words of Uchiha, I sneaked and said: "Yes."

"I have already known about the water stop, you can take it." Uchiha took a reel from underneath and handed it to him.

"Is this?" He took the reel in disbelief, then opened the reel and saw the contents inside. His eyes widened and he exclaimed: "Is this for me?"

Uchiha is very satisfied with the surprised expression. He explained: "This is what I found in the forbidden place in the family. Anyway, I already have a dragon scale sword. I don't need these. I will give it to you now."

When I heard the words of Uchiha, I was so excited that I couldn’t help myself. I put my hands in front of me and respectfully bowed to Uchiha, and choked: "Thank you, teacher."

"Hey." Uchiha went up and touched his awkward hair: "Stupid child." Uchiha couldn't help but think of the fate of the future, but unfortunately he can't change anything. If he changes everything, he will not be in control.

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