One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 677: Festival

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"Cough." Uchiha licked his mouth and tried not to let his blood flow out. But in the end, he couldn't stop it. The blood slowly flowed out. Uchiha was unable to squat on the ground with his eyes. Consciousness began to blur.

"Oh." Suddenly a bitter shot did not come. At this time, the extremely tired Uchiha wave had been unable to dodge, and had to move slightly to the side, bitterly inserted directly into Uchiha's shoulder.

Uchiha looked at the place where the pain did not come. I saw that Lei Ying had already stood up on the ground. Although he was seriously injured, it was much better than Uchiha.

Therefore, Uchiha didn't even think about it. He took a little self-consciousness and turned away from it. He gave up and killed the pillars. In fact, Uchiha did not want to kill them. After all, this would destroy the plot.

And the distant Lei Ying did not want to chase, because he knows that although Uchiha has been hurt very much, but still has the power to fight back, and here is the land of fog, if you drag it too long, you may There are dangers. After all, the water shadow of this generation is a bit abnormal, so Ray Shadow decisively gave up the idea of ​​pursuing Uchiha.

"I hope to meet you again next time, if you can still live." Lei Ying mouth corner looked at the back of Uchiha, and then took two people to go to Lei Ren Village.

On the other hand, Uchiha tweeted. "Tick and ticking." The blood slowly dripped from the body of Uchiha, and Uchiha slowly walked toward the front. Although he did not know where it was, Uchiha still relied on A strong will to move forward.

Finally, Uchiha has been unable to go any further, sitting down on a tree, leaning against the tree, and bluntly saying to himself: "No, it seems that I am going to die here." Uchiha looked up. Look at the blue sky and slowly close your eyes.

"Three generations of grandfather, my father has news?" In the Wood Leaf Huo Ying office, far away, four of them ran from the outside and looked at Fei Fei.

"According to the intelligence, there is no news of your father, and according to the news from Lei Rencun, Lei Ying and the two people have been seriously injured. They have already returned to Lei Ren Village. They are said to have no Uchiha. Clues, at present, Lei Rencun has decided to quietly send people to search for Uchihabo’s news, so at present, Uchihao should still be fine.” Yu Fei explained.

"Really, let's say that my father is still alive? It's great." Far from being happy.

"I said, the strength of the teacher is so strong, it should be fine, you see it right." Kakashi next to the shoulder and comforted.

"Yeah." Far from being fair.

It’s just that they didn’t notice the worried eyes of Yu Fei. Uchiha’s eyes should be fine, and he’s flying in his heart.

At this time, in a forest in the fog-forbearing border of thousands of miles away, a team of fog-bearing squads are moving through the trees, and the lead is still a red-haired beauty, wearing a ninja-like ninja costume, and other people behind her are also Wearing fog-bearing costumes, but there are some scars and blood on the body.

"Captain, why do people seem to have more and more people crossing the border recently, and it is reasonable to say that there should not be so many people." At this time, one person behind him asked.

"I don't know about this, but it seems that the people in the village have already sent people to investigate." The beautiful captain headed the head.

"But the strength of the thunder that I just encountered is really strong. I really don't understand what Lei Ren wants to do?" Another man opened his mouth.

"Well, I don't have to say much, let's go back and send this information back to the village." The woman opened her mouth.

"Yes." The people behind him should answer.

At this moment, the last teammate suddenly pointed to the female captain who was facing the front and said: "Captain, look."

When I heard the words, the female captain looked in the direction of the man. I saw a figure leaning against the trunk. The female captain frowned and thought about it, then took her hand down to the figure.

I saw a handsome man who was looking at the tree trunk with his eyes closed. It was the Uchiha wave that Mu Ye and Lei Rencun had been looking for. It was obvious that he was covered with scars and clothes that had been ruined. It must have been a fierce battle.

"This man is still alive, but now the injury is fainting, but there is no identity in this person." A team member checked and saw the person in front of the eyes open.

"Captain, what should I do?" another team member asked.

"Information must be sent back. This person may be our fog-bearing person, so we can't give up on him." The female captain meditated for a while.

"But there are people who have the thunder to chase after him. It is just a burden to bring him. It is better to give up. Anyway, I can't judge his identity." One team member advised, and other people also nodded thoughtfully. I agree.

"No, in case they are our haggards, we are the same village. You want to be yourself. What do you think in your heart?" the female captain said.

When I heard the female captain, the person who spoke just shyly bowed his head, and the others were also embarrassed.

Seeing the reaction of the teammates, the female captain did not say much. After all, people are selfish, and it is impossible to ask everyone to think about themselves. "Like this." The female captain said: "I am staying to take care of this person. You should go back to the village first."

"Captain" everyone began to talk ~ ~ still want to persuade, the female captain directly interrupted their words, said: " Needless to say, I have decided, this information is also very important to the village, our The task is to send the information back to the village, so we must send the information back, and we can't give up our teammates, let me stay and take care of him."

"Yes." Those players can only help but nod. "The captain, you should be careful, try to go back to the village as soon as possible."

"Well, I will pay attention." The female captain nodded.

After that, in addition to the female captain stayed, the other three players left here directly back to the fog village.

"Hey." The female captain took a deep breath and looked at the eyes. Yu Zhibo said to himself: "I hope you are a fog-bearing person, or I will kill you personally."

After saying that the female captain pulled up Uchiha, he took Uchiha and left the place directly.

Just after they left, after a while, a team of Lei Ren suddenly appeared in the place where Yu Zhibo was just now. After searching for a while in this place, they got together. "Captain, found the target." .

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