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"This may be the concern, chaos. m.slk.tw"

Feeling that a person suddenly relied on coming up, Uchiha was first stunned, but immediately left other thoughts behind his head, and his mouth turned and hugged his hand, blowing in her ear: "The hand, we haven't been there for a long time." Let's be together."

Xu is listening to the tone of Uchiha, and the face of the hand has just calmed down. He then looked up at Uchiha, and raised his hand to caress Uchiha’s handsome face. He said: Ah, it’s been a long time.”

After that, he buried his head in the arms of Uchiha, and when Uchiha was going to behave, he suddenly broke away from the arms of Uchiha, and smiled: "Speaking of Xiaoyue, I haven’t settled with you yet." ""

"This" listened to the meaning of the outline, and Uchiha was a little embarrassed to touch the bridge of the nose, hesitating: "This is an accident."

"Hey, who believes." The designer just wanted to talk. Suddenly, Uchiha yelled at her and didn't pay attention to pulling her into her arms. She felt the man's breath on Uchiha, and she couldn't help but feel soft. The greatest perseverance pushed Uchiha, and gave Uchiha a charming white eye and turned and left.

"Is this teasing me?" Uchiha licked his nose and said awkwardly, and left with the commander. Isn't it still a man?

The answer is obvious, but I don’t know if a long-lost savage sorrower is still a great peer, so only God knows.

After Uchiha’s departure, the roof is still dark but calmer.

A few days later, the hands and Uchiha, they also returned to the leaves, looking at the door of the leaves, the hands could not help but feel sad.

Looking at the outline of the hand, silently looking at the door of the wooden leaves, Uchiha, they did not bother her, but stood silently behind her.

Having said that, since that night, Jiu's class has completely broken out. On the road for a few days, almost every day, Uchiha is pulled into the room of the master, and looks at the more and more beautiful face of the master. The self-study of the peers also takes this matter almost every day to tease Uchiha and the hand.

Uchiha 瞳 瞳 脸 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然In the face of Uchiha, it is still "gentle" as always.

Of course, they don’t understand other jokes. Some of them are silent and pretending to be ignorant. They don’t explain to Xiaoyu and Naruto who are curious.

Looking at the still boring atmosphere, as the husband's Uchiha wave, of course, it is inevitable to go to the shoulder of the hand and pat the shoulder of the hand to comfort.

"I finally came back, everything has not changed." The hand gently wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes and whispered.

"Yeah, the wooden leaves are still the wooden leaves, everything will not change." Uchiha said: "Let's go home, they are still waiting for you at home." Looking at the tears, Uchiha swears secretly vowed to complete the surgery.

"Okay." The novice nodded.

"That's also the case, we will go first, and then have the opportunity to invite you to drink again." Uchiha 瞳 turned and said goodbye.

Konoha, Uchiha's house.

When Uchihao took the outline hand and Xiaoyue and mute just walked into the house, he saw a white shadow running quickly in the distance, and he plunged into the arms of the hand without saying anything.

"Mother." The tears looked at the outline hand and shouted.

Seeing the people who came to see it, the hand couldn’t help but look at it from a sneak peek. I clearly remembered the vagueness of the face, and the tears flowed involuntarily. I said, “Yes, is it you? Really grown up. The mother is almost ignorant of you."

I thought that when I left Muye for the death of my younger brother and my friends, I was still a child at that time. I thought that the outline of the hand could not help but for a while, I was too sorry for my husband and son, and looked far away like Uchiha. The more serious the face blame is.

"Mother, you are finally back, the baby wants you." He cried for a while before he burst into tears. "If it weren’t for me to watch here, Dad would marry others."

"He dares." The hand forked the waist, a tigress.

Uchiha, who is secretly laughing at the side, can blame anyone, can only blame God.

"Cough, well, let's go ahead and talk about it." Finally, some of them couldn't stand, and Uchiha couldn't help but interrupt the shackles of the far and the hand, and took the lead to leave the right and wrong.

"Haha." Of course, it is inevitable that the following people will laugh.

However, it is also a person who will look at the eyes, pulling the outline hand and Xiaoyue came in.

Of course, the advanced Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞪 瞪 瞪 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Who guesses, anyway, Uchiha is not going to do this stupid thing.

Of course, the return of the fifth generation of Huo Ying also brought new vitality to the village. It is necessary to know that the identity of the master is not covered, whether it is as the granddaughter of the first generation or a member of the four tolerances. The wooden leaves that were horrible by the big snake pill regained momentum.

Of course, mainly these Tiangang hands are also actively treating the ninja who was injured in the Konoha collapse plan, of course, Kakashi, Sasuke, who is sick in bed, and Xiao Li’s crushing. I got better, and Uchiha, I can only sigh the skill of the master.

But think about the original skills, but for the medical skills that I went to learn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every time I think of Uchiha, I am proud of it. Of course, this skillful Uchiha wave is careful.

In the Wood Leaf Huo Ying Office, the master is sitting on the main seat and drinking slowly, taking a cup and taking a cup, and watching the mute with the pig next to him.

"Master, you are lazy." Silent look and helpless, you know that this is not known how many times, watching the table next to it is full of scrolls.

"It’s just a moment, nothing is fine." The hand waved his hand indifferently, not at all concerned.

It’s been a few times to mute the corners of the mouth. It’s been the first time. Even I have forgotten it. I can only helplessly shake my head and prepare to leave.

"Uchihao is an adult, are you here?" The silent voice passed into the room.

"Amount, mute, you are really diligent, but what do you call so loud?" Uchiha sullenly depressed, looking at the face of the sè red, Uchiha waved his head and smiled, seeing her like this, the master Being lazy, but not revealing.

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