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"Nothing, are you looking for an expert?" Silently curious, then looked at the two dark parts with masks behind Uchiha. M.slk.tw

"Well, let's go in together." Uchiha shouted.

"Uchiha wave, what's the matter?" Uchiha went into the office and saw the hand sitting on the seat and carefully correcting the documents.

Sure enough, only in front of Uchiha, the adults of the Uighurs will pretend to be serious, and the silent roads on the side, looking at the outline of the hands are weird.

"This is the case, I am bringing a few people to you." Uchiha snorted.

"Who?" The master looked curiously at the two dark lines that followed Uchiha.

When he heard the outline, Uchiha smugly sniffed his nose and then frowned and said, "How can there be a taste of wine?"

"You have gotten wrong. Here is how the Huoying Office might have a taste of wine?"

"Yes." Looking at the eyes of the outline of the hand, a little panic, Uchiha stunned and laughed, and held back and smiled: "Oh, yes, these two people are the dark parts of my jīng heart training It’s Huo Ying, and it’s better to protect it in the future. If you have any help, you can help.”

As soon as the voice fell, "Huoying adults." Two dark parts kneel in front of the hands.

"Oh, what's the difference?" The director curiously looked at the two dark parts.

"This is called Tianzang, the only person who will use rafts except for a few of our family." Uchiha pointed to the road on the left.

Then he turned to another road: "This is the earth, the bones, the bones of the whole body can be used as weapons, and it is a master of individual skills."

"So powerful?" The master and mute were surprised to see the dark side that had been silent.

"Well." Uchiha nodded and said: "Of course, Uchiha, who is the vice minister of the dark department, will come to help you." Uchiha said an amazing news.

"What?" The master was even more shocked. After that, he was controlled by his son. It is impossible to be lazy.

Afterwards, the key hand of the reaction to Uchiha sighed and said: "Uchiha, we can talk about it."

"No, these are the decisions of Mr. Fei Fei and they are in line with me, and" Uchiha went to the front of the hand and held his hands on the table, staring at the outline, and when the hands were about to stand up. Open the door: "So you won't be lazy."

After that, Uchiha 瞳 happily left with two dark parts, and the silence also slipped out quietly. When only the outline hand was alone, I heard the voice of the violent anger from the back office: "Is there any? Wrong."

"I heard that Tianshan has made new progress in their research. It seems that I have to find a chance to look at it, and Xiaoyue needs to exercise well." Uchiha went on the street in Konoha.


A man with a threaded mask and a red cloud in a black robe fell in front of a cave; the man hesitated and stepped into the cave.

"Tick and ticking."

In the dark cave, the mask man walked for a while and stopped.

"You are coming." In the air, two red **** with big lanterns were displayed, and the sound of the friction of the iron ropes came from a sound of a deafening sound.

"Yes." The mask man said faintly.

"What are you doing today? It won't be to see me." After the two eyes in the air were closed, they opened their mouths.

"The plan has already started, I believe that it will take a long time to complete our plan." The mask man did not react to the tone of the creatures in the dark.

"Is it?" The voice came out in the darkness, but after a while, there was a tumbling wind from the depths of the darkness.

"I have finally finished, haha, I am finally coming out, haha."

------------------------------------------------ In another In the village of Muye, one side walked on the wooden leaf street.

"Wow, I didn't expect to come back in three years. The change of Konoha is really big." The young man with thin hair looked at an exaggerated expression around him.

He noticed that the villagers who passed by were looking at the idiot's expression and passing by him.

A white-haired middle-aged man next to that person was also looking at the surrounding with a sigh of relief. The two were just coming back from the outside, and the family who had just returned to the village also had Naruto.

"I don't know how they are?" Naruto suddenly thought.

"The information sent from Uchiha, Uchiha and Xiaoyue, they also came back today." The self explained.

"Yes? Xiaoyue is coming back." Naruto muttered, remembering that Xiaoyue followed his father to the village three years ago.

After Xiaoyue’s departure, many things happened. Sakura’s hand nǎinǎi was a teacher. Sasuke also rebelled against the village and went to the big snake pill. Now there is no information about him. Everything is a thing of the past.

"We are going to see the commander nǎinǎi now?" Naruto asked to restore the jīng god.

"Yes, let's go and find the first hand to register first." He also said to Naruto.

"Let's go." Naruto and the self disappeared into the street.

Inside the Huo Ying Office.

"Da da."

"Please come in." The hand was not on the desk and was not carried back.

"Master, you looking for me?" Sakura walked in from the door, and saw the mute standing on the side with the master to correct the documents.

"Sakura, what's going on in training." The master looked at Sakura and smiled.

"It's almost the same." Sakura replied respectfully.

"Well, I am here to tell you something to tell you today." The hand has not finished, and the voice of Naruto is coming from outside the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~gang hand nǎinǎi, we are back. Naruto sneaked in directly from the outside, and did not notice the iron blue of the face of the hand and the mute and Sakura of the next face.

"The hand nǎinǎi, I haven't seen it for a long time, hey, Sakura is here too, you are beautiful." Naruto looked happy at Sakura and did not notice the anger on his back, pinching his hands. The outline of the hand.


"Where is this kind of smashing into the shadow of fire?" The face of the hand sè slightly sat back in the seat, leaving a sly face and a Naruto who had a big bag and a resentful face.

"Really, yes, Sakura, what did you just say?" The hand hides the joy in his eyes and asks for Sakura.

"Amount, you said something to tell me?" Sakura has not returned to the gods.

"Right, I still want to tell you, now Naruto does not need to say it here."

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