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"Naruto, very happy to see you again. m.slk.tw" and other hands, Sakura turned his head and smiled at Naruto.

"Ah, I am also very happy." Naruto also took care of the incident just now, looking at Sakura.

"When you read the old words, you will stay in the future. Let me see the results of your training these years." Suddenly a voice came from outside the room.

"Amount, Teacher Kakashi." Hearing this voice, Naruto first responded with joy.

The master stood up and walked to the floor mirror behind him. When he saw Kakashi sitting outside, he looked seriously at the book on his hand - "Intimate Heaven."

"Why don't you always go positive." The master looked at Kaka West Road.

"Ah, sorry." Kakashi stupidly scratched his head.

"Kakashi teacher, I haven't seen you for a long time." Naruto came over and saw Kakashi Road.

"Naruto, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I will not be merciful after the trial of the meeting." Kakashi was cool to Naruto.

"Yes." Naruto answered.

When Kakashi took Naruto and Sakura and left, he also sat back in the seat and corrected the documents.

"Oh." A young man in a white robe appeared at the desk of the hand.

"Far? How come you?" After the master saw the people, he opened the road. The person who came is the son of the master, Yu Zhibo Yuan.

"Mother, just a letter from my father, they have already arrived at the entrance to the village." Far from smiling, he said that he had not seen his father for three years.

"Really? Uchiha 瞳 瞳 回来 回来 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲 纲

"Well, mother, since my father is back, don't make trouble with him." Yuan advised.

{rewrite fire shadow}

There are nine important things in the sky: the gods, the green dragonfly, the tourmaline, the tanzanite, the Jingyu, the jade, the vibrating, the purple, the sun, and the nine heavens constitute the legendary fairyland. Every major day is suppressed by the top ten artifacts of the ancient times, so the heavens can continue to this day and never weaken.

In order to show respect for the top ten artifacts, the Jade Emperor decreed to build a special palace to enshrine the top ten artifacts.

The Temple of the Beatitudes of the Three Heavens, dedicated to the refining pot of one of the top ten artifacts of the ancient times.

The reason is the powerful suffocating effect of the refining pot. The environment around the Bixi Temple is extremely bad. It can be said that it is not a grass, the eyes are all desolate, and even the inexplicable hurricane is raging here every day, so that the original uninhabited The temple is even more bleak.

Because of the harsh environment, there are no gods living within the radius of the Temple of Bixi, and no gods are willing to spend their time here. The gods who have the means to have * have already immigrated to the land of the fairy cave, and enjoy the fairy gods.

No one really wants to hold a position here, so at this moment, there is only one small **** in the Jinyunyun Palace to guard the main hall.

The little **** named 9527 stood in front of the main hall and looked at the desolate scene in front of him. He was expressionless, and only the brow that brinkled from time to time showed his strong dissatisfaction. He remembered the scene when he first arrived in the fairy world. His predecessor was like a certain person in the fire shadow. When he was entrusted to the village, he said: "9527, this promising job will be handed over to you, and you will be promoted soon. Raise a salary, become a ceo, greet Bai Fumei, and embark on the peak of life."

It’s a little exciting to think about it this way. The 9527 seems to have seen the future of his incomparable scenery.

In this way, 9527 took over the work of guarding the tourmaline hall in his predecessor.

When I arrived at the Bixi Temple, 9527 saw that it was desolate and he found himself deceived. In this broken place, there is the future of your sister. Is it the place where the bird does not pull, is the **** living? It’s not like the Sahara desert here!

9527 days of capital, only relying on the remnants of the immortals left by the predecessors, in the 21st century, the conditions of the lack of aura, no day and night cultivation, how much suffering, how many sins, and less than ten years will fly up the fairy world. He imagined how he would be in the heavens, and he would have to be a heavenly lord.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny. When he arrived in the heavens, he had no relationship with him. He was sent to be a **** to guard the tourmaline temple. Even the passers-by of the heavens were inferior. Even the names of the eight children are not there, 9527... Can this be funny? He is speechless to this name.

Is it possible to eat and die in this place? Every day, doing nothing, guarding this desolate and broken place, compensating with the wind and sand every day, so that there will never be a day of repetition.

9527 feels that he is going crazy, and that kind of day is hard to think about.

9527 is a person who is uneasy about the status quo. The nature is full of rebellion and injustice. Ning is not a chicken tail. Instead of being sinned here, it is better to go to the next day like a protagonist in "Journey to the West", occupying the mountain as the king, and the picture is free. Besides, there are hundreds of millions of gods in the heavens. They will never notice the existence of such a small character.

Yes, just do it, the lower bound is the demon, and the mountain is the king. In the mind, 9527 has already decided. With an idea, 9527 looked up at the forty-five degree angle and looked up at the sky, grinning, and compared to the **** towards the purple-blue sky.

"I don't do it, go bye, thank you!"

However, if there is not enough strength, I still want to go against the next day. This is simply funny. I haven’t been out of Nantianmen and I have been killed by a group of people.

This is a fact. He has seen it with his own eyes. A small **** who wants to go to the next day has not escaped from Nantianmen, and he was smashed into **** by the Thunder of Heaven.

Although 9527 believed that he was stronger than the one who didn't know how to live, he didn't even have a decent celestial weapon. In front of Tianhui, he was still a **** with less than five fighting strengths. He fled at this moment, and the result could only be the same as that of his dear friend.

My own life is tight ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In order to protect myself, 9527 stole the town hall treasures of the tourmaline.

However, 9527 is very puzzled by the fact that he has stolen the refining pots with his own ease. Is heaven so undefended? Hello, give me a body or something. I stole the top ten artifacts of the ancient times.

This is the refining pot? 9527 looked at the refining pot in his hand. The black and white body was covered with inexplicable mantras. The mouth of the pot was the trend of the double dragons. The bottom of the pot was carved with various wild animals.

The refining pot is full of the sense of quaint sang, and it is said that it is going to devour all the breath. The powerful and unmatched power makes the soul of 9527 shudder, as if his soul is inadvertently sucked into the refining pot.

Bao has already arrived, 9527 did not dare to stay, transported Xianli immediately.

Just as the 9527 left the Palace of Bishop, a thunder in the air suddenly exploded. The purple-blue sky is shrouded in dark clouds, and the purple-red arc shines from time to time in the thick clouds. In an instant, the sound of gongs and drums rang through the sky, and the bursts of pressure came on the scene. A group of heavenly soldiers surrounded the 9527 in the escape.

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