One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 17:

Sasuke took off his blindfolded black silk scarf and saw the stunned look of the people around him. He couldn’t help but feel stunned. "Is it overpowered?"

"Teacher, now you can judge it." Sasuke on the field looked at some sluggish invigilator.

"Oh." The invigilator, who was slowed down, gave the score of Sasuke's full score.

In the horrified eyes of the audience, Sasuke left the venue and went to the place where Sakura and Ino were located.

"Sasuke is awesome!" Ino had not waited for Sasuke to walk into the arms of Sasuke, and offered a kiss to Sasuke's lips.

Sakura also approached Sasuke, and Sasuke’s arm said intimately: "Yes, it’s just scaring us. It’s really amazing."

"Oh, it seems that it is too much out of the limelight." Sasuke for Sakura and Ino's performance can only be a smile, and now they can all be said to be proud of him.

All the students present were watching the Sasuke with envious eyes. The boys were envious of Sasuke and they were both favored by Sakura and Ino, while the girls were envious of Ino and Sakura to occupy Sasuke...

"Sasuke, you performed so well today, let's go eat hot pot and celebrate." Ino suddenly surrounded Sasuke's other side and proposed happily.

"Hot pot, great, Sasuke, let's go eat hot pot." Sakura followed closely.

Looking at the two people's look like a starving ghost, Sasuke can't help but feel shame. This is the point! You two eaten!

Under the drag of Sakura and Ino, Sasuke was taken to the hot pot by the two.

With the departure of Sasuke, not long after, the shock he brought to everyone quickly subsided, the assessment continued, and everything returned to normal.

In the game, Naruto looked at the figure of Sasuke, who was gradually disappearing, and there was a fascination on his face. "Sasuke, I must defeat you!"

However, Naruto saw the amazing performance of Sasuke on the test field, and the desire to defeat Sasuke became more intense than ever.

Why is he so strong! why!

Standing on the field, Naruto clenched his fists and made an unwilling roar in his heart. It’s been so hard, why didn’t you beat him? !

Did I really lose to him? !

Lost to Sasuke! I lost to Sasuke! !

Do not! ! The double fists of Naruto's eyes gradually turned into blood, and the eyes flashed unwillingly and violently.

Naruto doesn't know how he got home. He only felt embarrassed along the way, and he didn't know what he was thinking. It’s already so hard, why is it still defeating! Why did you lose to Sasuke! ?

Is this the difference between genius and the tail of a crane?

At this time, Naruto only felt that God was so unfair to him, he did not have the same talent as Sasuke, and he did not have the same beauty as Sasuke. He also has Sasuke, and he does not have Sasuke. Compared with Sasuke, he is simply two people in the world, one in **** and one in heaven.

His life has never been so dark, his ideals have never been so embarrassing. Naruto will lose hope for the world even in a moment.

He has no parents, no friends, he is so desperate.

He is eager to hope that someone can take him out of the sea of ​​suffering, and someone can give him the power to live.

Lying in bed, Naruto's thoughts began to swim in the sky. At this time, his heart was hollow, and he did not think anything, and he could not think about anything. He felt that his world was like the sky outside, completely immersed in the darkness.

Suddenly, Naruto faintly heard someone knocking at his door. Who will come so late? It is an illusion.

Naruto grabbed his head with a quilt.

The slamming of the door is still going on, and it is getting more and more urgent.

Naruto seems to have heard someone call his name outside the door and ask him to open the door quickly.

It is true that someone came to him, and the sensation of Naruto was confirmed.

Naruto turned on the desk lamp and got up and got out of bed, ready to open the door for that person.

The door opened, and in front of Naruto was a familiar cheek, his teacher, Mizuki.

The silvery white hair of Shuimu is so glaring under the dim moonlight, and the narrow cheeks are covered with urgency and impatience. Obviously, it is very dissatisfied with Naruto’s delay in opening the door. But the next moment, like a change of face, the dissatisfaction and rush of Shuimu's face was replaced by a gentleness.

"Is Shuimu teacher, is there anything so late?" Naruto said yawning.

After seeing Naruto, Mizuki immediately pushed Naruto into the house. Then he turned and closed the door. He said to the Naruto in a mysterious way: "Naruto, do you want to become stronger?"

Naruto was somewhat inexplicably confused by the mysterious performance of Mizuki.

"What do you want to become stronger?" Naruto said to Shuimu.

"Don't you want to beat Sasuke?" Shuimu began to seduce Naruto.

Sasuke! Defeat Sasuke!

"Think! Of course!" When he heard the water, Naruto immediately widened his eyes, and his face showed infinite urgency and longing. Shuimu seems to have long expected Naruto's performance, his narrow triangle eyes. Flashed a glimmer of light.

"Naruto, there is now a chance, an opportunity that will allow you to defeat Sasuke."

"What opportunity?!" Naruto asked urgently.

Knowing that Naruto has been hooked, Shuimu said at this time: "There is a place in the Huo Ying Building where there are various ninjutsu books left by the dynasty of Huo Ying. There is a scroll called Ninja's book. The most powerful ninjutsu in the above record. As long as you can learn one of the ninjutsu, you can defeat Sasuke. Naruto, let's steal the two together, and you and I will be half of you. When you finish You can easily defeat Sasuke after the endurance on the book of Ninja."

"Book of Ninja"? When I heard the water, I heard the eager light in Naruto’s eyes. "Mr. Shuimu, I promise you to accompany you to steal the book of the ninja." The Naruto of the nerves can't stand the temptation of Shuimu, so he fell into the water. In the trap.

After seeing the performance of Naruto, there was a strong joy on Shuimu’s face.

Great, this kid is so easy to hook up, big snake pill adults, you want the book of ninja I brought you!

As described in Naruto Animation, Naruto easily stole the book of Ninja from the Huo Ying Building. When he got the book of Ninja, he read the contents of the book of Ninja roughly, and he was very interested in the Naruto of the multiple shadows. He secretly recorded the method of marking the multiple shadows.

As the book of Ninja was stolen, the guards in Muye Village began to move around and searched for the whereabouts of the book of Ninja. Iruka happened to find a book bearing the Ninja, fleeing to the Naruto outside the village of Muye, and then trailing Naruto all the way to see where he would take the book of Ninja.

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