One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 18:

In a forest outside the village of Muye, Naruto handed the book of Ninja to the hands of Shuimu.

Mizuki took the book of Ninja in his hand, and his face flashed with extreme excitement. Is this the book of Ninja?

"Ha ha ha! The book of the ninja, I got my hand!"

Seeing the long face that Mizuki began to distort because of extreme excitement, Naruto’s heart was a little scared, and he began to realize that he had a big disaster.

"Thank you, Naruto. Thank you for helping me get the book of Ninja. I really want to thank you very much." Shuimu said in a sinister voice to Naruto.

Naruto's body unconsciously stepped back and looked at Shuimu's face and said: "Mr. Shuimu, you are my teacher, it is okay to do things for you."

Hearing the remarks of Naruto, Mizuki laughed. "I am really a good student. I am really touched as a teacher, but I still have to thank you."

"In order to repay you, Naruto, please die now!"

Shuimu suddenly flew up and kicked in the Naruto's abdomen. The strength of the Naruto was kicked and slammed into a tree not far away, and a black blood came out of his mouth. .

Naruto didn't realize that Shuimu would be like this to him. He was completely unprepared. He only felt a huge force to kick him, and then he turned around and screamed from the abdomen.

Naruto, who fell to the ground, endured severe pain, struggling to get up and look angry at the narrow face of Mizuki. "Cough, Miki teacher... This... Why is this?!"

The water wood looks like a prey, and the eyes are bloodthirsty. "Why? Haha, you stupid boy still doesn't understand, I am using you, idiot! Stupid! Without you help me, how can I get a ninja? What about the book?!!"

Naruto understood everything at this time, and the original Shuimu used him.

Mizuki has long seen that Naruto wants to defeat Sasuke's psychology, and it is convenient to use this to provoke people to steal the book of ninja. Poor Naruto was sold and still helping others count the money.

Oh, it turned out that he was lying to me, lie to me... Naruto’s heart suddenly floated a great sorrow, no one loves him, no one faces him, and even some people now use him to lie to him. Naruto felt that his existence in the world was superfluous, and he began to lose hope for everything in this world.

The Naruto, who fell to the ground, looked through the thick canopy to the dark night sky. There was only one darkness in his eyes. He reached out and tried to catch the flashing meteor in the night sky, but found nothing.

My world is still dark, there is no hope, Naruto has no eyes, his thoughts are empty.

Mizuki punched and kicked Naruto, who fell to the ground, and seemed to vent some of his inexplicable resentment on Naruto.

Naruto, who lost hope in life, did not resist, letting Shuimu continue to devour his body. He only felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and his consciousness gradually began to diverge.

He saw his parents as the spirit died, and a handsome blond man was holding a beautiful red-haired woman laughing at him.

Dad, mother... Naruto’s eyes shed tears.

Playing a little tired, Mizuki pulled out a huge bearer behind him, ready to give Naruto a final blow.

Goodbye, Naruto. Mizuki seems to have seen the horror of Naruto's body being pierced, his face full of violent and bloodthirsty excitement.

Are you going to die? Mom and Dad, we will meet soon, and Naruto has made the final voice in her heart.

At the moment when Shuimu’s blue-eyed thorns slammed into Naruto’s body, a figure suddenly appeared in Shuimu’s side, and Shui Shuimu couldn’t catch it. He kicked Shuimu’s body into the distance and saved Naruto’s life in time.

"Naruto flies!" The suddenly appearing figure shouted to Naruto on the ground.

However, Naruto is obviously comatose now, and his shouting does not allow Naruto to take any action.

The waterborne wood that was hit was not hurt, and the body fell safely. When he saw the figure that saved Naruto, the bloodthirsty and violentness in his eyes became stronger.

"Iruka!" A wild animal-like roar in the mouth of the water.

Say, who is the most hated person in Shuimu’s life? Really not Iluka.

In the eyes of Mizuki, Iruka took everything that belonged to him. It was Iluka’s appearance that made the three generations no longer value him. It was his appearance that made his life gray.

Seeing Iruka, Mizuki immediately attacked Iruka, and Iruka had to fight with Mizuki in order to protect himself.

Soon Iruka lost to the water and was knocked down by the water.

The Naruto in a coma was awakened by the fighting sounds of Iruka and Mizuki. He opened his eyes and saw Iruka, who was fighting fiercely with Mizuki.

For Naruto, Iruka is the closest person in his life. Iruka is like his father. He definitely does not allow anyone to hurt Iruka.

Seeing that Iruka was hit by the water and wood, the Naruto, who was seriously injured, struggled to stand up and shouted at the waterwood that was about to kill Iruka: "Let the teacher of Iluka!"

Hearing the voice of Naruto, Mizuki stopped the action of killing Iruka.

"Hey, you can stand up, it's really a monster that is possessed by the nine The life is really hard." Seeing the Naruto who has stood up, Mizuki laughed.

"Let the teacher Iruka open!" Naruto's voice changed a bit at this time.

"Oh, the feelings are really deep. Then I will kill you first, then kill him." Shuimu said, he raised his hand in the hand and rushed to Naruto.

Are you going to die? Naruto feels that death is so close to himself.

Without feeling the pain, Naruto only heard the sound of a sharp blade piercing, and then felt a few drops of blood dripping on his face.

what happened? Naruto opened his eyes and saw that it was the pale face of Iruka that had too much blood loss.

Obviously, Iruka rushed from a distance to block the dart for Naruto.

"Iruka teacher...." Naruto's voice was a little trembling.

"Naruto, flee." Iluka endured severe pain, grabbed the water and wood behind him, and tried to make a smile to Naruto.

Teacher Iluka... Why? ! !

Seeing Iruka's pale smile, Naruto is really angry.

There seems to be something broken in the body, powerful power rushes out from his body, and all the damage on the body is instantly healed. He feels that he is now stronger than ever.

Naruto was a punch at the water wood behind Iruka, and the waterwood that was not prepared for it was immediately shot. The waterwood that was hit felt that he was hit by a train. The internal organs of the body began to be misplaced.

what the **** is it? This power...

The water and wood that was shot on the ground looked at Naruto. Only the streamer of red air appeared on the body of Naruto. The powerful air current hit the ground, causing dust to fly. At this moment, Naruto's eyes turned into a form similar to a beast, and the beard on his face was thick and strong.

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