One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 35:

"Yes, no more adults." White followed with a cold voice.

White went to Sasuke's Sanzhang, and stood opposite Sasuke.

"The person I met yesterday was you, white." Sasuke looked at Bai.

With a mask, I couldn’t see any expression from the white face, paused for a while, and slowly said: "What about me? You still go, I don't want to kill you."

"Well, since you insist on fighting, then there is no way. However, I will be merciless." Sasuke is expressionless, and he is helpless for the stubbornness of white.

The next moment, Sasuke moved, and appeared on the left side of the white for a moment, a flying kick attacked the white waist.

So fast! ! Did not come and be surprised, whitely consciously use the arm to stop the help. The arm and the leg collided, and Whiteton felt a hemp in the arm, which was weak. I saw the white body kicked a few meters like a fallen leaf, and the body fell to the ground and made a muffled sound.

This guy!

Sasuke, who will kick the white ball when he saw a hit, no longer has a look of erroneous look on his face. He is stronger than yesterday!

After the attack, Sasuke did not continue to attack, standing in the same place, watching the white kneeling on the ground slowly stand up.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong. Then, the next move, be careful." White quickly rushed to the side of Sasuke, to Sasuke's body, the right hand quickly printed, thousands of thousands of quickly condensed in the air In the face of the situation, it was attacked by Sasuke.

Is this an attack? The assistant in the assistant quickly printed, the fire. The fireball!

The fiery fireball quickly melts the thousands of air, and the ice is turned into water vapor. There was another sound in the ear, Sasuke’s body flashed, and he escaped a few thousand attacks.

The white offensive did not stop here. I saw her foot sliding down, splashing the water on the bridge into the air, on one side of the body, and the men’s hands were printed, and the magical ice mirror!

Dozens of large ice mirrors in the air quickly condense and glow under the reflection of the sun. The ice mirror swiftly swung, trapping a few thousand of Sasukes who had just escaped.

Sasuke succeeded in being trapped, and the white heart sighed slightly, and I will be merciful. Later, she stretched out her hand and pressed a mirror to it. Like a mirage, the white body and the ice mirror merged.

For a moment, all the white faces appeared on the mirror surface. White looked at the trapped Sasuke and said, "This is my devil's ice mirror enchantment. You can't get out. Don't worry, I won't kill. Die yours."

Will not kill me? Sasuke looked at the white reflection on the mirror, his face was inexplicably smiling, and it was really a kind girl.

Sasuke walked to the front of the ice mirror and reached out to touch the mirror of the ice mirror, and the chill of the bones came from it.

Sasuke's movements are seen in the eye. At this time, in white's opinion, Sasuke's movement seems to be her projection on the touch mirror. Is he touching me? Thinking of this, the pretty face under the white mask floated a blush.

"Is this your blood limit? It's a beautiful piece of art." Sasuke suddenly stopped his movement and said something.

My blood continues to limit, art? ! White was the first time I heard someone say this. She only knew that because of this blood limit, her parents died, and the people in the village were afraid of her and drove her out until she was adopted again.

Her ability in the white eye is the curse attached to her by God, because she has lost all her happiness in this ability, and all she can do now is just a tool for peace of mind.

Sasuke standing there for a while, looked up at the white in the mirror, looked at the white mask with a gaze, and seemed to see her heart under the mask.

Sasuke knows the pain in the heart of the heart. Jun’s face shows a solemn solemnity. He said: "White, I know that you have lost a lot because of this ability and lost a lot of precious things. But please don’t let this appointment fall from Ganzi. God has given you this ability to create a better life. Your existence is definitely not just a tool!"

Not a tool? ? White remembered the words that the mother said to her when she was a child. White, your existence and the meaning of this world have to explore for yourself. Don't give up hope no matter what difficulties you encounter.

After a while, Sasuke said again: "White, let's make a bet. If I can catch you, please ask me not to worry about me."

Caught me? She didn’t believe that Sasuke could easily catch her. However, she still promised Sasuke this bet.

White looked at Sasuke on the ground in the mirror, and the tone was a little cold. "Since you say this, then I will fulfill you. I hope you can survive under my attack."

The white hands on the mirror took out a thousand copies and were ready to attack Sasuke.

The next second, white movement, white light flashed, dozens of thousands of shots at the same time to Sasuke, but saw Sasuke's body shape flash, all thousands of all lost, Sasuke easily escaped the white attack.

how come? ! Seeing that all of my attacks were defeated, the white cheeks showed an incredible She was very confident about her speed. I didn’t expect that the thousands of attacks on Sasuke were all avoided. It is.

When she looked at Sasuke, a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in her sight.

This is... write a round eye! Blood continues to limit the boundaries! It turned out to be a person of Uchiha, and it is no wonder that he can avoid my thousand. Then, how about this, white again launched an attack.

The white figure quickly travels through the mirrors, and the shape of the body is almost indistinguishable. As I walked through, thousands of books were continually pulled out from the hands of the white, almost for a moment, thousands of thousands of thousands of grounds surrounded by Sasuke.

360 degree attack? Sasuke’s mouth bends a little in the arc. He draws a bitterness from the pocket of the ring. Under the insight of the wheel eye, his men quickly shoot down all the thousands of ones that have attacked his body. When the white attack stops, There are thousands of books on the ground around Sasuke.

Seeing that this attack did not cause any harm to Sasuke, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. I didn’t hurt him. I didn’t know what was going on. She was worried about the safety of Sasuke.

Sasuke caught the white figure with a writing wheel. When he attacked him white, he clearly saw the motion track of a black shadow.

I will catch you next time! Sasuke's mouth curled a little in the arc, and he foresaw the scene when White was caught by him.

"You have been hiding, Sasuke, really is Uchiha's family." The white in the mirror praised, "However, I will not give up, you are not saying to catch me? Then come and catch me!" ”

White once again launched an offensive. Under the help of Sasuke's writing of the eye, he clearly saw the movement of white from one mirror to another. It is now, Sasuke sees the right time, the foot moves at a rapid speed, and a leap will hug in the air.

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