One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 36:

How did he catch it? ! She was shocked by Sasuke's whiteness holding her body. She didn't expect Sasuke to catch her so easily.

Sasuke held the white in his arms with the princess. After the fall to the ground, Sasuke faded the mask on the white face, and saw the white face full of shock and overwhelming.

Sasuke looked at his white eyes and smiled and said, "How? Isn't this caught by me?"

White realized that she was held in her arms by Sasuke. In an instant, her face was flushed with a blush. It was so shameful, how could he be like this...

White can't stand such awkward posture, and the body is constantly struggling, trying to get out of Sasuke's arms, but Sasuke is not letting go.

As the white struggles, her delicate body constantly rubs against Sasuke's body, and Sasuke can clearly feel the softness and abundance in front of the white chest.

Bai also noticed the friction between her and Sasuke's body. Her face was even more blushing, and she saw a smirk from Sasuke's mouth. She knew that this was Sasuke's intention.

"How can you be this bad guy? Let me go." Bai Hao said to Sasuke. At this time, Bai did not notice that her tone at this time was a bit like the taste of a lover.

If you hear white, Sasuke’s mouth is even more evil. It seems that he does not intend to let go of the white.

"You!..." Sasuke seems to be about to explode.

At this time, Sasuke will receive it and release it in time.

"You and my gamble should also be followed now." Sasuke looked red and white, and his mouth curled a little.

"What gambling! I forgot!" Bai said a little angry to Sasuke.

"Well, I will promise you. You can't intervene in the battle between me and now." Sasuke smiled and was very interested in the expression of white air.

When he heard Sasuke, White was even more angry. This person, who wiped her mask, did not say it, but also held her in her arms privately. Now she has made a self-promotion to help her promise to gamble. The gentle white is not angry, just the face. More blushing.

Sasuke was full of shame and whiteness. When she felt that she was very cute, she went close, hugged the white body, and kissed the white lips in the white horrified eyes.

The white eyes that were kissed were so big that when she was ready to bite Sasuke, Sasuke let her go.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold back." Sasuke slammed his impulse to defend his impulse.

Seeing the smirk on Sasuke’s face, the gentle white character was overwhelmed, and his heart was not so white. He rubbed his foot and turned his body away from Sasuke.

White’s performance is exactly like an angry little daughter-in-law. She doesn’t know why she is doing this in front of Sasuke. There is a kind of power in her heart that drives her constantly. There is a kind of inexplicable incitement to let her I want to be closer to Sasuke.

Sasuke saw the performance of Bai, knowing that she was really angry, and then walked over and turned the white body and looked at her eyes and said, "Okay, I apologize for my behavior, sorry, white."

Seeing the sincerity in Sasuke's eyes, the sulking in the gentle heart of the character gradually disappeared, forgive the actions of Sasuke, but the blush on his face could not fade for a long time.

Sasuke sees the white calm and looks at the white eyes and says, "White, I don't want you to have something, so next time I fight with you, please don't intervene."

Is this worrying about me? White feels the sincerity of Sasuke's tone, her fear of her in her words, and her heart is full of waves. how? Is he worried about me, or does he like me?

Thinking of this time, Bai did not dare to face Sasuke's gaze, she was very scared, she was afraid of the feelings of Sasuke in her heart, she was not hostile, she did not know how to deal with this feeling.

Although the two counted only two days in yesterday, she felt that she had a special feeling for Sasuke in her heart. When she saw Sasuke again, the incitement became more and more intense.

This relationship is something she never experienced. Is this love? Or else? I don't know, she only thinks that she likes this sudden feeling. She is very much looking forward to further contact with Sasuke. She can further understand this young boy who knows each other and learn more about what he thinks.

"Don't you step in?" White looked up and looked at Sasuke.

"Uh-huh." Sasuke nodded.

"You won't kill and don't want to be an adult?" The white face showed an eagerness. She didn't want to let her who raised her die in the assistant.

"If he can take the initiative to surrender..." Sasuke replied.

It is impossible for Bai to know that it is impossible to surrender. She knows the temperament. In the face of strong Sasuke, it is very likely that he will die in his hands.

"No, you can't kill him, promise me..." The white hand grabbed Sasuke's hand and said in an eager tone that she didn't want her benefactor to die in the assistant.

"Can you promise me to separate from him and follow me?" Sasuke took the white hand and seemed to be unwilling to let go.

"Walk with you?" There was something overwhelming in the heart.

"Yes, go with me, leave without worry. I will take you to find the happiness you have longed for." Sasuke said with a positive dialogue.

Go with him? Is this confession to me?

Does he like me? At this time, the white heart is filled with enthusiasm and excitement.

"Do you like me?" When he heard Sasuke, the white consciousness said the words contained in his heart.

What? ! When he heard the white words, Sasuke’s heart jumped. He did not expect that Bai would ask him this question. Sasuke didn't want to die in this way. In order to change the fate of Bai, he made a decision.

Seeing the look in the eyes, Sasuke did not hesitate. He stepped forward and hugged the white body. He held the white in his arms and said to her ear: "Yes, I like you, so I want to take you away." Take away in your hand, let you leave him, keep following me."

Like me, is this his answer? Feel good peace of mind. The white who is hugged thinks that this is what she has been waiting for for a long time.

When I heard Sasuke’s answer, I was shocked by my I felt something overflowed. She only felt sweet in her heart, and there was a kind of reassuring happiness in her heart.



Sasuke's tone is soft, as if to contain all the whites. Is this love? Is this the feeling I have been waiting for for a long time? Bai felt that she had found the happiness she had been pursuing for a long time. For a moment, her absurd heart was full of vitality like the spring rain.

White holds Sasuke tightly, feeling the temperature on his chest, and a frozen heart has been unsealed. Her tone was a little trembling and said to Sasuke: "Okay, Sasuke, I promise you, go with you, let go."

Sasuke leaned against the white shoulder and breathed the scent from the white body.

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