One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 53: Festival

Sasuke and his team rushed for a while, and they came out with a sweat stain, Sakura, White, and Ino three women couldn’t stand the atmosphere and asked to rest in the shade. At this time, Naruto and Lumaru are also sweating, and Ding is more like fishing out of the water.

Seeing everyone's wolverine, Sasuke asked to stop and find a cool place to rest, and wait for the afternoon to cool down. Anyway, not far from the Trial Tower, they still have three days, and they can arrive on time anyway.

The Sasuke group who stopped their steps found a shelter formed by the roots of the tree, and the roots of the knots rose up to form an umbrella-like shade.

Feel the rare shade, Sasuke's mood is very difficult to become comfortable, Sakura three women sitting in the ring, talking about the girl's private message. Lumaru, Ding, and Naruto three fell on the moss on the ground, licking their bodies, and they didn't have a big cross on their legs, feeling the coolness that nature gave.

Sasuke rested for a while, feeling that the temperature of the body had dropped, and he walked out of the roots and inspected the surrounding environment. There are only intermittent cicadas in the deep forest, and the barking of the beasts and the murderous birds has been lost. I am afraid they can't stand the sweltering weather and enjoy the coolness in their own nests.

Sasuke remembered the big snake pill, also in the dead forest. I don’t know when the big snake pill would come to him. I was worried about the mysterious Sasuke Maru Sasuke. If he didn’t know where it came from, he didn’t want to bite. He sipped a curse on him and he could cry without tears.

Although Sasuke's self-confidence can suppress the erosion of the curse, but think of the scene of the big snake pill biting on his neck, Sasuke felt a cold.

In order to guard against the big snake pill, Sasuke and the original book, let everyone write down a very long pity song, through this method as a confirmation of the player's mark.

In the morning, the temperature has not yet come down, the air is getting hotter and hotter, Sasuke and his group continue to rest at the roots of the tree and enjoy a rare shade.

In order to understand the heat, Naruto drank a lot of water. When he was resting, he urgency and got up and solved the personal problems in the trees outside.

With the discharge of waste water in the body, Naruto shivered with a refreshing shudder, shook his little friend, dried the remaining water stains, lifted the pants and prepared to turn and leave.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind the Naruto, and the disgusting long tongue exposed outside was particularly terrifying. Naruto turned his head and looked back. He only felt a pain in his neck, and he was unconscious when he was in front of him.

The black shadow looked at the Naruto who fell to the ground, smiled, and the long tongue satisfies his lips and saw the rest of the roots in the distant roots. The narrow eyes flashed a greedy look. "Uchiha Sasuke..."

Naruto, who had finished the small solution, walked out of the bushes, and his eyes were filled with inexplicable excitement, step by step to Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke, I am going to get you...

Sasuke, who was resting in the root of the tree, saw the Naruto who came over. Sasuke found that the current Naruto was not right, and he was puzzled. He said, "Sit, first to the secret."

Naruto’s answer to the flow of the song will be carried out, and he heard the Naruto’s fluent answer. Sasuke’s face showed a sardonic smile. Sure enough, you, the big snake pill, really like the original, easily hooked, really stupid guy.

Big Snake Pill, you guy is finally here. Sasuke and Naruto's pretending Naruto are standing opposite each other. "Where did you hide Naruto? Big snake pill!!" Sasuke looked at the Naruto posing in the distant big snake pill and made a prepared posture.

"Where is it hidden? I am Naruto." The big snake pill was seen by Sasuke, and still did not give up.

The conversation between Sasuke and the Big Snake Pill woke up to others who were resting in the roots of the tree and came out to check the situation.

Seeing everyone running out, Sasuke guarded the big snake pill and shouted: "Hurry up, it's dangerous!!"

what's the situation! Everyone saw and Sasuke’s look at the Naruto’s doubtful look.

Kazuru sees Sasuke and guards Naruto over there, thinking that there is a contradiction between Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke said: "Sasuke, what's wrong, you and Naruto have something to sit down and say."

Sasuke did not look back, shouting at the deer pill: "Lumaru, he is not Naruto, you are going in, it is dangerous!!"

Sakura sees the seriousness of Sasuke's words, does not say anything, immediately brings other people back to the roots of the tree, guarding the Naruto in the distance.

"Do you still want to hide it now?! Big Snake Pill!" Sasuke said.

Sure enough to be seen? ! !

Dashen Pill knows that he has been concealed, and a long tongue sticks out in his mouth. He smiled and said: "Sasuke, I didn't expect it to be seen by you." After that, a stream of air rushed from the side of the big snake pill. With a bang, Naruto turned into a female grass-bearing look.

Sasuke saw that the big snake pill has changed back to the grass, and his eyes are slightly congested. He said: "The big snake pill, have to say that the layer of human skin you are wearing now is really disgusting. I really don't know if your aesthetic is normal. ""

When he heard Sasuke, the big snake pill was shocked. He knew that his camouflage technique was first-class in the world, and others could not see his substitute.

Sasuke has definitely seen his true face, and there is judgment in the heart of the snake.

The big snake pill guessed it right, Sasuke saw his true face, but not in the world of fire, but in the comics of previous life.

Dashen Pill is a smile and said: "Sasuke, really is the genius of Uchiha, really smart! I am more and more want to get you."

Get me! ? Sasuke saw the nausea that the big snake pill said. He did not continue to talk nonsense with the big snake pill, and he made an attack on the big snake pill.

Da Shemaru saw Sasuke's active attack. His face was excited and his face was printed. He shouted, and countless airflows broke out from the big snake pill. The wind was strong and the dust filled the woods like smoke.

Sasuke's body shape change jumped into the air, open the big snake pill in the dust circle locked by the writing wheel.

Sasuke's body shape disappeared, and the next moment appeared behind the big snake pill, and a whip leg broke through the air to block the sound, and a heavy blow was made to attack the big snake pill.

The big snake pill jumped, escaped the help of Sasuke, and quickly sealed in the hands, the latent shadow snake hand!

The right hand of Dashe Pill quickly changed into seventy-eight cyan long snakes. The long snake spit the poison core and swept away with Sasuke. Sasuke helped the body to quickly evade, and the body shape flashed, jumping to the distance from the big snake pill, and avoiding this. one strike.

Did not give Sasuke a breathing machine, the big snake pill was bullied, with the body and Sasuke playing, the two people flew, the body shape quickly moved between the trees, the sound of the fists and fists continued to ring, the fists of the wind. Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed the belt of the big snake pill and kicked the big snake pill into the air.

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