One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 54:

The right hand of Dashe Pill quickly changed into seventy-eight cyan long snakes. The long snake spit the poison core and swept away with Sasuke. Sasuke helped the body to quickly evade, and the body shape flashed, jumping to the distance from the big snake pill, and avoiding this. one strike.

Did not give Sasuke a breathing machine, the big snake pill was bullied, with the body and Sasuke playing, the two people flew, the body shape quickly moved between the trees, the sound of the fists and fists continued to ring, the fists of the wind. Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed the belt of the big snake pill and kicked the big snake pill into the air.

The big snake pill in the air was printed again, and the body quickly turned into a giant cicada and swooped away to Sasuke.

Looking at the powerful giants, the assistants in the assistants printed, the left hand quickly appeared in the thunder, the blue-and-white thunder quickly formed in the left hand, the whole arm was like a sharp blade to stab the incoming giant.

Sasuke’s left-handed Thousand Bird collided with the head of the python, and slammed it like a knife-cut tofu. The head of the python was divided into two sections. With the power of the giant scorpion, Sasuke easily split the whole body into two halves.

boom! The giant python, which was divided into two pieces, fell to the ground, and the large red blood stained the soil in black and red.

Sasuke's body disappeared with the giant python, and the thousand birds disappeared. Sasuke stepped forward to the giant python.

In the head of the giant cicada, the body of the big snake pill appeared, and when the big snake pill came out, Sasuke immediately attacked. The body of the big snake pill quickly smashed like a snake and rushed to Sasuke.

The serpent-shaped big snake pill quickly fought with Sasuke. In the face of the snake-like serpent Sasuke Sasuke, there was no panic, and he took out a bitterness. The sword went with him and left a blood mark on the body of the big snake pill.

Suddenly, the big snake pill was short, and the right hand made the latent shadow snake hand. Sasuke’s leg was immediately caught by the latent shadow snake. The big snake pill screamed, and the left hand attacked Sasuke's facade like a comet. The wind blew all the black hair of Sasuke, revealing the **** red writing wheel.

With a bang, Sasuke’s body was hit by the big snake pill into the air, rolling and falling to the ground, motionless.

"Uchiha is the strength of this point?! It is waste!" Dashen Pill is very disappointed with the strength of Sasuke. This kind of container is not worth mentioning.

The disappointing big snake pill walked to Sasuke step by step and prepared Sasuke.

But see the big snake pill take out a long bitterness, the eyes show the cruel color, lifted the bitterness in the hands and no support to the chest, slamming, sharp blade into the body, bright red blood. Big Snake Pill thought that he had killed Sasuke, and his face was bloodthirsty. The feeling of killing was really cool. At this time, Sasuke’s body suddenly slammed into a smoke that dissipated in the air.

This is a avatar! Just when the big snake pill realized that something was wrong, the sound of the sharp edge piercing the air came from the ear. The big snake pill immediately got up, but the metal wire of the sky had covered him.

The next moment, the big snake pill only felt that the body was tight, and the body was firmly entangled in the wire. Under a strong manipulation, it was bound to the big tree behind it.

All of this happened only between the rest of the time, and it was too late for the big snake pill to react. At one end of the wire, Sasuke stood there intact, and his mouth sneered. "You are finished, Big Snake Pill!"

Quickly print your hands, the dragon fire!

The dragon-shaped flame rushed, the hot wave swallowed the big snake pill, and looked at the burning flame. Sasuke re-printed and the fingerprint quickly changed. The technique of the fireball, the technique of the phoenix fire, the technique of the dragon fire swept away like a raindrop to the big snake pill in the fire.


The flame covered the entire sky, the whole space turned into a fire red, and the hot flame destroyed everything.

The red flame rises to the sky, forming a tornado-like flame storm. The sound of the surrounding air explodes because of the extremely high temperature. The huge shock wave destroys the surrounding trees, and Sasuke is forced to retreat under the shock wave.

Sasuke can't believe that the big snake pill is solved. After all, the vitality of the big snake pill that inherits the white snake's true blood is not covered. No matter how many times he kills him, as long as it is not a god, the big snake pill will be born again.

Although he is confident of defeating the big snake pill, he does not dare to fight, because he still has teammates who need protection. He does not want anyone in the team to be injured, especially the three girls in the field.

Without seeing the situation of the big snake pill, Sasuke immediately turned his body shape, first saved the Naruto who was trapped in the belly of the python, and then took the stunned Naruto to hide in the distant Sakura people, quickly Take them to the depths of the forest.

Waiting for the flame to gradually extinguish, I saw the place where the big snake pill was sunken for more than ten meters, and was blown into a huge pothole. The soil in the pothole was burnt into a red fire, forming a hot magma, and the smoke was constantly flowing from the pit. The hole emerged as if it had experienced a volcanic eruption.

At this time, the weak cockroaches came out of the potholes, and the black-burned hands poked out the potholes. Then, an object that was burnt in a non-adult shape slowly stood up from the pit.

Black objects crawled out of the potholes, opened the eyes that had been burnt into meat, and saw the forest that had been burnt down, making a harsh, sharp laugh. "Cough, Uchiha Sasuke, I really want you." It is really a genius of Uchiha."

As Sasuke expected, the big snake pill was not burned. Dashen Pills displayed his technique of smashing the skin in a rolling flame to save his life.

The big snake pill does not care about the body that has been burnt into a dry meat, and the hand is printed and the suede is used again.

The black body quickly splits, like a butterfly breaking through, and a sturdy big snake pill climbs out of the dark skin. Due to the continuous use of the suede twice, the chakra of the big snake pill has not been left, so he did not continue to pursue Sasuke.

Dashen pill smiled bitterly. "This time it was really a mistake, and it was planted in the hands of a little ghost."

It seems that my three pieces can only be cannon fodder. I want to catch Sasuke and find another opportunity.

In the eyes of the big snake pill, the light flashed and the figure disappeared and disappeared into the forest of death.

Naruto, who was backed by Sasuke, woke He found himself on the back of Sasuke, and the group was rushing to the road.

Naruto, who did not understand the situation, immediately asked what Sasuke was under him. When Naruto woke up, Sasuke put Naruto down and told Naruto about the attack of the big snake.

Naruto did not expect that she had so many things happened after he was fascinated. He said next to Sasuke: "Sasuke, is that big snake pill really so powerful?"

Sasuke’s foot moved quickly and said to Naruto: “Well, it’s very powerful, it’s not going to die! He is a proud disciple of three generations. One of the three leaves of Muye, if it’s not because of the study of the ban, the position of the four generations of Huo Ying is his."

Upon hearing the introduction of Sasuke, Naruto’s face was horrified, and the big snake pill was so powerful. However, Sasuke can be rescued in the big snake pill *, indicating that Sasuke's current strength is also extraordinary.

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