One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 55: Festival

Then Sasuke let Naruto keep up with the squad and continue to open the road in front and Lumaru. Sasuke knows that in the dead forest, the big snake pill is impossible to appear again. Now he has another identity, that is, the four generations of wind and shadow. The big snake pill lost the opportunity. He wants to start with himself. easily.

Perhaps due to the influence of Sasuke and Dashenmao’s fighting, there are no birds and beasts in the dead forest. In the afterglow of the sunset, the dead forest becomes more horrible, and the **** red glow turns the dead forest into blood. The general existence of the sea.

Sasuke and his team moved quickly in the forest, and the body walked through the woods quickly, not long. The sky was dark, and when the Sasuke group arrived at the Tower of Trial for more than 100 kilometers, the sky was completely dark.

In the darkness, Sasuke ordered to stop and rest in the same place. He continued on the road tomorrow morning and rushed to the trial tower as soon as possible. In the trial tower, there will be more teams, and it will be more convenient to find a book in the land.

The night has already arrived. Under the night, Sasuke and Naruto and others raised the fire. White, Sakura, and Ino three women took some small food from the carry-on backpack for everyone to eat. Sasuke and a few women sat together and whispered, and from time to time, a few women’s laughter came out, which was a scene of harmony and joy.

On the side of the deer pill looked at the scene of Sasuke and the three women intimate, the heart was a bit tasteful, hit the Naruto who was struggling with food next to him. The action of Naruto stopped and looked at the deer pill next to him and said, "What happened? Deer pill."

Lumaru Nunuzuzu, looking at Sasuke and others there, said to Naruto: "Is he spent this every day?"

Naruto knew the meaning of the deer pill, and sent a piece of chicken to the entrance. He said vaguely: "He is a big radish. Every time I will hook up a girl, I am used to it."

Hearing Naruto’s answer, Lumao’s eyes showed a fascinating look, but his face was still a faint look. He said with a sigh of relief: “It’s really boring. I’m most disgusted with the girls. It’s really troublesome. He’s not afraid? ”

When I heard the deer pill, the Naruto just drank the water in the inlet and sprayed it out immediately? ! Naruto wiped a mouth and said: "Do not worry, I will advise Sasuke to help me. But people love me, what are you doing? We are still practicing, this is the most important thing for us now."

Seeing Naruto, who did not care about the feelings, Lumao’s heart sighed, and it’s a life that can only live for the goddess. Lumao looked sadly at Naruto, and he felt the same feeling of compassion in his heart. This unlucky child seems to have suffered a lot of emotional damage, so it will become like this.

It’s true that Lumaru guessed. Since Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto used to be very sad. It was also very hateful for Sasuke. After all, Sasuke snatched his goddess. But since coming to the seventh class and Sasuke for a while, Naruto changed his opinion on Sasuke, and he appreciated Sasuke.

Sasuke was a deadly opponent in Naruto's eyes, but now he thinks Sasuke is his best friend. Now when I saw Sakura and Sasuke, the sorrow and hatred in his heart disappeared without a trace. The rest is only a blessing to the two. Since then, Naruto has been obsessed with the above-mentioned feelings of men and women, and is only focused on cultivation.

Naruto, who had a full meal, patted his belly and went to Sasuke and he asked him about the cultivation. Sasuke was very serious about Naruto’s question, and it was very harmonious.

In this way, the atmosphere beside the fire quickly began to heat up.

The night is deep, and there is only one deer pill next to the campfire, and the rest have rested. Lumao yawned and looked at the jumping flame beside him, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and his vision gradually blurred.

In the dead forest, three figures quickly swept across the trees and concealed by the camp where Sasuke helped them. One of them gesticulated and the other two quickly followed and lurked in a bush.

One of them whispered: "They are what the big snake pill is looking for. When the day is bright, let's do it."

The other two nodded and immediately concealed. They stared quietly at the Sasuke group in front of them, waiting for the dawn.

The dawn is faint, and the star is still hanging in the sky, quiet in the dead forest. The bonfire in the camp has been extinguished, leaving only the ignition star.

At this time, Sasuke woke up and gently got out of the white arms around him, ready to get up and wash.

Sasuke yawned and stretched out and looked at the time, five in the morning. Take out the washing utensils from the backpack, simply clean it, and when you pack it up, prepare to call other people to get up.

At this time, Sasuke was aware of a few strange smells in the vicinity, and had been motionless in the bushes, seemingly staring at them. Sasuke’s heart didn’t dare to care about it. He opened the round of writing and looked over there. As a result, three unfamiliar Chakra flows were found in the bushes.

Is it coming to attack? Really not self-reliant!

Sasuke showed a sardonic smile. He didn't look at the three ninjas hidden in the bushes. He used to wake up in the past.

"What happened to Sasuke, the day is not still black." Naruto stunned his sleepy eyes and got up from his sleeping bag and complained.

Sasuke didn't take care of Naruto. Then he called White and other people, and looked at Ding and Naruto, who were still yawning. Sasuke said: "Everyone is awake, and there are a few more mice nearby."

Upon hearing Sasuke, Sakura immediately got up and said, "Is there any situation?"

White went to Sasuke and said: "Is there an ambush?"

Sasuke nodded and said to everyone: "There are three enemies coming here, a small team. For security reasons, I, Naruto and White are responsible for dealing with them, others are going to protect themselves."

Everyone did not say agreed with Sasuke’s arrangement.

Naruto and White are on both sides of Sasuke, Sasuke looks at the bushes not far away, and his face is ridiculously sneer, and he has smashed his pockets in his hands, and several bitters screamed at the ambushing ninja.

Suffocating from the bushes, the next three seconds, the three figures flashed out of the bushes.

Seeing the three people standing in front of him, Sasuke’s face showed a trace of sorrow. It turned out that these three people were the dragons, three tolerant, gold, tos, and sark under the snake.

Sach's arms bleed from the clothes, and it was obvious that Sasuke had no harm to Sack.

Sack looked at the Sasukes in front of him, because Sasuke had just hurt him, and his heart was resentful. He hated and said: "You guys, I’m going to kill you."

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