One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Festival

In the house, I loved the mother's movements, and when I was curious, I followed.

In front of a building, there is a huge square, and the majestic totems stand in the middle of the square.

The totem is engraved with the image of a middle-aged man. The wind pattern is suspended in his body, wearing a wide costume, full-bodied, vicissitudes of life, eyes gazing forward, flashing the sorrowful sorrow.

This is the **** of Fengshen, the **** of the village. In their history, Fengshen created the Sharon Village, and Fengshen made them windy and rainy every year.

In order to pray, Sha Niu Village specially built such a Fengshen Square, and prayed that Fengshen could continue to bless them.

Above the square, there are crowds of people, they gather here, for a big event.

Everyone has an excited look on their faces. They know that the future of the village is today. Whether it is possible to preserve the strength in the village of the village is at this moment.

Fengshen Square, the four generations of wind and shadow holding the small I love Luo went up the steps, appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the four generations of the wind and shadow appeared, all the audience immediately cheered and the voices were uplifting, showing that their mood at the moment was very exciting.

"Wind and Shadow, Adults..."

The audience cheered and cheered. The four generations of wind and shadow are their protectors. In the hearts of the people of Shamin Village, the status of the four generations of wind and shadow is very high.

Looking at the performance of the audience under the audience, the wind and shadow sighed a sigh, looked at the little I love Luo in my arms, and pressed the sadness in my heart.

"Everyone, we have to do a big thing today. For the prosperity of the village, I volunteered to make sacrifices and contribute my little son to Fengshen."

When they heard the wind, all the audience could not conceal the excitement of their hearts. With that, they no longer have to worry about being invaded by other ninja villages. Sha Niu Village will never be enslaved by others.

The attendant officer around the wind and shadow went to the wind and shadow, and bowed his head and said: "The wind and the elephant, the lady is here."

A beautiful woman with a yellow hair appeared on the field, walked to the wind and shadow, with a faint smile on her face, waving to the audience.

The audience under the audience saw the appearance of the woman, and there was another warm cheer. The woman in front of them, plus taurus, assisted the four generations of wind and shadow management of Sharon Village, made many contributions to Sharon Village, and all the villagers were very grateful to her.

The four generations of shadows clasped the little I love Luo in my hand and whispered to her: "How come you?"

Plus, Luo Luo still has a faint smile on his face. He replied: "I want to finally take a look at my love, so you are not allowed to promise me?"

The wind and shadow saw the tears on the face of Luoluo. He sighed in his heart and said, "This is also good. After all, it is our son. If you are a parent, you will finally take him from him..."

At this point, the attendant officer walked to the wind and shadow, respectfully said: "Wind and shadow adults, the time is up."

The wind and shadow have a shock, are you finally starting?

Turning around and glanced at the plus drool around, the wind and shadow still went to the front desk and said: "In the battle of the world, we have suffered heavy losses in the village, and in order to the prosperity of the village, for the happiness of the people of the village, we pray together The blessing of Fengshen adults."

The sound of the wind and shadow was full of solemnity, and the audience gathered in the hands to pray for Fengshen. The solemn atmosphere enveloped the square.

In the eyes of the singer, the wind and shadow step by step toward the Fengshen totem, people's prayers solemn and solemn, full of wishes.

Putting the little I love in my arms on a cradle in front of the Fengshen totem, the four generations of wind and shadow step back, and the ceremony is full of solemnity.

"Fengshen, your people pray here, may you lower your grace, protect your people from the flames of war, and bless your people from the disaster..."

The words of the four generations of the wind and shadow have spread throughout the audience, and the solemn atmosphere has been raised to the extreme.

At the end of the prayer, the audience raised their heads and watched the four generations of the wind before the totem. The eyes were full of awe.

At the end of the wind, I took a look at the little I love Luo, got up and left the totem, running Chakra, the faint Chakra appeared, the hand quickly printed, the practice of psychic!

Oh! The huge white smoke rises, and in a roar, a khaki-like mountain-sized civet cat appears on the square.

The civet cat appeared, and the powerful power surged like a flood. All the audience on the field showed a horrified look. A little bit of cold sweat oozing from time to time, timid and even scared on the spot.

The civet cat looked at the human who summoned him and ridiculed: "How?? You summoned this uncle, but don't want this grandfather to let you go, I will eat it with you!"

The four generations of wind and shadow looked at the guardian civet cat, and a hint of dignity appeared in the eyes. The hand was sealed again, and the invisible cyclone covered the audience!


A blue aura flashed from the Fengshen totem, the blue light broke through the sky, the huge energy wave oscillated, and everyone on the field fell to the ground.

"this is!"

Watching the crane to see the aura of the wind, feel the extremely dangerous atmosphere, this horrible breath he once felt in the six immortals.

The light column dissipated, a huge blue figure appeared in the sky, wearing a golden robe, and the endless wind attribute Chakra was encircled by the tornado around him.

When I saw the blue figure, some people in the place crouched down, and their Fengshen adults showed up!

Four generations of wind and shadow on both knees Looking at the shadow of Fengshen, humbly said: "Feng Shen adults, your people pray here, may you use the power to surrender this monster, seal him in The body of the sacrifice."

Obviously, the so-called sacrifice refers to the small I love Luo before the totem, and the four generations of wind shadows will bind the crane to my love!

At this point, the Fengshen illusion gradually solidified, and the faint blue brilliance erupted like a ripple from the virtual shadow, bang! The endless power oppresses the crane, and the blue aperture shrouds the crane and keeps the crane firmly on the ground.

"You are this human!"

The guardian crane was unable to move by the shadow of the **** of the wind, and the four-eyed eyes stared at the four generations of wind and shadow in front of him. The anger that flashed in the eyes almost burned the shadows.

"I'm going to kill you!!"

In the mouth of the crane, the dark purple chakra is condensed, and the strong wind attribute power is not scattered. A destructive energy group is formed, and it is necessary to shoot the four generations of wind.


The blue illusion slammed, and a huge blue palm grabbed the crane against the crane. The power of the sinister oppressed the crane.

Hey! The big hand slammed the body of the crane and slammed the body of the crane to the ground. The air cannon that had been used for a long time was quickly annihilated.

The blue energy beam binds the body of the crane and tightly presses the power of the crane to the body.

"This power..." Under the magical power, the chakra was sealed in the body.

The crane screams in horror, this kind of power has never been seen, not even six immortals, the blue illusion in front of it is...

The wind gods and blue shadows shine, and in the eyes of everyone, the huge body of the crane is swept up high, the blue stream of light flashes from time to time, and the energy aperture is bound to keep the crane.

"Don't....." The crane screamed in horror.

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