One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Festival

The shape of the crane is getting smaller and smaller, and soon the mountain-like body becomes the size of a common civet cat.

At this moment, the guardian crane can't produce a heart of resistance. In the face of the powerful Fengshen illusion of power, its only rebellious heart disappears and can only choose to yield.

Fengshen virtual shadow with one hand, blue halo enveloped the whole body of the crane, the crane body quickly turned into an energy body, and the purple-black energy group floated in the air, crystal clear.

After finishing all this, Fengshen's shadow is a little thin, and the light and shadow flicker, it seems that it is likely to disappear at any time.

Seeing the strangeness of Fengshen's illusion, the four generations of wind and shadow calmed the face with a hint of worry. He knew that Fengshen illusion was just an energy body left by a great supernatural figure. Over the years, the energy left behind has been rapidly weakened, and by the time of his generation, the energy of Fengshen's illusion has been exhausted.

I hope that Fengshen adults can stick to the last moment. Four generations of shadows secretly prayed.

Under the control of Fengshen virtual shadow, the purple-black energy group is turned into a streamer and rushes to the small I love Luo next to the totem, and the surging energy is filled into the body of my love.

Under the huge energy, I love Luo to make a painful scream. Because of my young age, I can't talk. The only thing I can do is cry out loud.

The crying became more and more fierce, and the heart of the four generations of wind and shadow was stunned. The child must hold on!

The brilliance of purple, squatting beside the totem, the endless powers burst into flames. In an instant, all the energy is collected in the body of my love.

The purple-black halo enveloped the small I love Luo, the blood vessels under the skin began to smash, and the blue veins bulged on the surface of the skin. The original cute little I loved Luo became terrible.

The little I loved to fly into the air, the clothes were broken, the purple light on my body, and some blood began to infiltrate from under the skin.

Seeing the situation of the little I love Luo, the Fengshen virtual shadow sighed leisurely. Although he suppressed the power of the crane, he tied the crane to my love. However, because I am young and young, my mind is not successful, and the power of the soul is almost nothing. Now he can't resist the soul shock brought by the crane!

Seeing the situation of the little I love Luo, the four generations of the wind and shadow face with an anxious look, he did not know where the mistakes, but he can do nothing, can only watch the small I love Luo tortured.

I love Luo's mother and taurus, staring at my love Luo, which is suspended in the air, with a pale color on her face. When she sees the pain of my love, her heart is broken.

At this point, an ethereal voice was introduced into the mind of the singer. "The child can't bear the soul shock brought by the crane. If you want to save him, you must make a sacrifice..."

The sudden appearance of the voice in the mind made the stunned eyes show the color of surprise. "How to save?" She asked in her heart.

"You just need..."

Listening to the inexplicable voice in my mind, the look of the tarot face changes, really want to be like that?

Finally, the decision was made in the heart of the confession. For me to love Luo, she must do so.

In the eyes of the four generations of wind and shadow, Jialuo went to the front of the totem.

Adding drooling hesitation, turned his head and looked at him, his face smiled, with a touch of sadness.


In the eyes of the four generations of wind and shadow, I love Luo mother and Luo Luo resolutely slammed into the Fengshen totem, hehe! The blood was stained with the totem of Fengshen, and the fluent fell to the ground. Looking at the distant husband, there was a faint sorrow in his eyes.

"No..." The four generations of wind shadows ran down and ran over, throwing away the majesty of the wind and shadow, the tiger's eyes implied tears, and hurriedly checked the situation of adding flusters.


A drop of tears crossed the cheeks, and the blue halo instantly enveloped the fascinating body. In the eyes of the four generations of wind and shadow, it turned into a blue streamer and injected into my body.

Soon, the purple light that overflowed with my love of Luo Luo calmed down, and the small body fell into the four generations of wind and shadow and fell asleep.

At this point, the Fengshen illusion finally turned into a little blue light disappeared into the air, and the huge body gradually disappeared.

"I love Luo..."

The four generations of the wind and shadow touched the face of the little I love Luo, the tone was a little sobbing, and his wife’s death made his mood very sad.

In the corner of the square, I love Luo Wei and watched everything happening on the field. From the appearance of Fengshen to the death of Luo Luo, he stood quietly in the same place.

I don’t know when the air is shining, and the **** clouds make the atmosphere more bleak.

I love Luo and stare at the clouds that drift in the sky, I don't know what I am thinking.

A little glow appeared between the scorpio and gradually became a woman's image. It was just like a mirage, like a dream.

Adding drooling to the ground, I love Luo and grin, and the gentle color of it overflows.

"Children, from today on, you call me Ai Luo, my mother is your Shura, no matter where you are, my mother is always by your side..."


A little bit of tears covered my cheeks, I loved to cry out of my heart, and the lonely figure was even more bleak under the skylight.

After the leaves of the wood leaves, a large black cloud covers the forest, and the blue lightning flashes in low anger thunders, the beasts in the forest are scattered, and there is a pair of wind and rain The feeling of coming.

The black refining pot constantly exudes Yingying Guanghua, floating in the air and fluctuating, and the faint airflow surrounds the refining pot to form an invisible force field.

Sasuke sat cross-legged and watched the change of the refining pot. The heart was like a mirror, and the old well did not.

The refining demon pot keeps rotating, Yingying Guanghua is like ripples and flashes. After the ninety-ninth wave, the refining pot suddenly brilliance, a black light column breaks through the clouds, and reaches the sky, bursting into the pressure.

The dark energy is constantly flashing out, forming a black electric light entangled in the light column, roaring, and the raging thunder hits the ground, as if the thunder has died.

suddenly! The refining pot stopped rotating, the energy column disappeared, and all the energy brilliance was absorbed by the refining pot as a cloud. The black and white refining pot was even more crystal-clear, and the deep mouth of the pot exudes black and purple light.

Sasuke stood up and was so solemn and solemn, watching the refining pot, and the blushing writing eyes were more translucent.

The black light of the body is full, and all the purple halos are gradually swallowed by the black brilliance. Less than three interest, all the purple energy has been swallowed up.

Seeing this situation, Sasuke has a slight jaw. He knows that the refining pot has completed the purification and devouring of the crane.

The refining pot gradually rises and floats in the sky, and the black brilliance is projected on the ground not far from Sasuke.

The halo is sprinkled, and a large yellow civet cat appears on the open ground, it is the crane!

At this time, the guardian crane seems to be very different from the past. The body full of suffocation can not feel any evil atmosphere, as if it was a huge kitten that has been standing on the ground.

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