One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Festival

Dashe Pill finally knows the three generations of surgery, and it is one of the bans for the corpse to seal him like a thunder.

At the end of the year, it was sealed by the corpse ghosts. From this point, it was enough to see the greatness of the corpse!

The body and soul are caught by the **** of death, and the body of the big snake pill is made, and it cannot be moved at all. In the face of death, the pressure from the soul makes the big snake pill fear.

Trying to get rid of the shackles of death, no matter how hard you try, you can't.

The big snake pill showed cold sweat on his face. He saw the end of the first and second generations, and there was endless fear in his heart.

I don't want to die, I don't want my soul to be swallowed up by the **** of death. I haven't learned all the ninjutsu in the world. I haven't explored all the truths in the world of forbearance. What kind of qualifications do I have to die! !

There is a strong survival in the heart of the big snake pill, and it must not fall here!

Struggling to run the remaining Chakra, finally his fingers have the ability to move.

The finger was slightly moved, and the grasshopper sword that was shot down on the ground was filled with Yingying white light, fluttering into the air, and quickly spurred to the three generations of the body. !

Seeing the grass and sword will attack the three generations, the scorpion flies out, and the empty hand grasps the blade in an attempt to stop the movement of the grass slash.

However, the power of the sword is not comparable to the general brute force. Although it has captured the grasshopper sword, the huge force is still unrelenting, dragging the body of the demon to attack the three generations.

"猿飞 careful!!"

The demon can't stop the action of the grasshopper sword, and see the grasshopper sword will be worn by the three generations.

Blood splatter, because of the strong pain, the three generations of face suddenly burst up with sweat, the chakra flow disorder in the body, the shadow of death is dim.

The pulling power of the shadow of the **** of death instantly weakened, and the big snake pill finally got a breather, and the mental power soared. Under the powerful idea, the soul pulled away from the body by the **** of death gradually returned to the body.

The soul is back, and the big snake pill feels that the power is recovering quickly, and it increases the power to compete with the shadow of the **** of death.

Seeing that the soul will be pulled back to the body, the three generations suddenly force, the face showed a firm light, the pain of the huge soul tearing the pain of the big snake pill, and soon, the advantage fell on the third generation.

The soul is constantly being pulled, and the face of the big snake pill is tangled into a ball. The stronger the pain of the huge soul, the painful heartache.

The three generations saw the distorted facial features of the big snake pill, and remembered how the big snake pill looked like when he was a child. How much he liked the big snake pill at that time, just like the most beloved son.

Why is this happening? Why did the old mentoring and the swords face each other?

The familiar facial features are mature, but the contours are still there. The kind-hearted big snake pill in memory is gone forever. He is familiar with his familiarity. He wants to use the so-called truth to lose humanity. Because of fear of death, stealing the skills of immortality, annihilating humanity, and ruining nature!

Many times of indulgence, many times of kindness, finally led to today's mentoring.

The three generations have a great sorrow in their hearts. Is this fate? Fooling the fate of life.

The broken memories of the past once again coincided, and eventually merged into a familiar little face. It was the big snake pill when he was a child. He was laughing, very gentle, very cute...

Unconsciously, the face of the big snake pill turned into a child in the eyes of the third generation. When he saw his painful expression, the three generations trembled and the killing of the big snake pill disappeared.

Finally, the pull power of the three generations of control of the **** of death weakened, and the soul of the crystal blue light quickly returned to the body of the big snake pill.

Seeing the soul is going to be pulled back by the big snake pill. The devil in the ground is anxious and immediately shouts: "Hey! What are you doing! Have you forgotten the person killed by the big snake pill? You forgot to make it. So many things that hurt the world?!"

The voice of the demon is thundering like a blast in the ear, can't, can't let the big snake pill, even if he is my disciple, he must kill him!

"I am Huo Ying! The fire shadow of Muye Village! You can't let Muye Village be destroyed in the hands of the big snake pill!"

However, it is too late at this moment, the big snake pill has completely controlled the advantage, the three generations of the exhausted power can not pull the soul back again.


Seeing the smirk of the mouth of the big snake pill, the three generations finally decided, are you not eager to learn all the ninjutsu? Then I will completely cut off your dreams!

The shadow of death is from the knife, and the blade is crossed. The soul of the hands of the big snake pill is cut off by the **** of death.

In the painful screams, a little bit of soul was sucked into the mouth by the shadow of death.

Immediately afterwards, the souls of the three generations were swallowed up by the **** of death, and the breath of life disappeared.

The hands and souls were smashed, the hand of the big snake pill became a dead gray, and all the power of Ninju was sealed. Now he can't make any prints.

"Three generations of old ghosts!! You dare to seal my hands, you are not dead!!"

The big snake pill was in a bad state, and the hatred of the three generations reached its peak.

Sealed the hands of the big snake pill, a smile on the face of the three generations ~ ~ finally cut off the root of evil, everything is finally over.

The body could not support the body, and the body crashed to the ground. The figure of the big snake pill, which was constantly reviled in front of the eyes, became lighter and thinner. The three generations appeared in front of the eyes of the big snake pill.

Once, in the long past, you are also my most cherished person. Goodbye, Big Snake Pill... Finally, his world is dark.

The three generations of the body crashed to the ground, and a faint smile on his face finally came to an end? For decades, I am tired.

Just, you can’t worry about those children, you can’t worry about the wooden leaves...

The three generations fell to the ground and died. The four-generation corpse of the four-leaf ninja outside the purple-violet ray is invisible. Is this true? ! Three generations, three generations of adults actually died...

As the three generations died, the chakra that summoned the demon disappeared, and the demon had to return to the outer world. The body was hit hard by the grasshopper sword, and the demon struggled to climb up and hold the grasshopper sword in his hand. "At least until this, you can't let the big snake pill get this thing again..."

Hey! The body of the demon finally turned into white smoke and disappeared into the air. The weapon that disappeared with him was the weapon of the big snake pill.

The big snake pill reveals the color of hatred. Looking at the body of the three generations of Huo Ying, he said: "The old guy of the three generations of Huo Ying, dare to ruin my hands, I will not let go of the wood leaves!" The big snake pill will have all the resentment Counted on the head of the leaves, my heart vowed that one day, he will definitely destroy the leaves!

Three generations died, and the big snake pill also lost a pair of arms. In this war, several villages did not get any good results.

Subsequently, the big snake pill greeted many people and also retreated. ,

Zuo Jin and others retired the four purple squad, flying in the past to hold the big snake pill, ready to leave the leaves.

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