One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Festival


The four purple inflammatory arrays disappeared, and the dark parts of the wood leaves that were kept at the top of the dome immediately attacked the snakes and several people. They also had to leave the big snake pills here.

The leader of the team secretly printed, and the hundred wind blades carried sharp strength and attacked the big snake pill and others.

Enthusiastic, the big snake pill did not have a positive confrontation, the left hand near the seal, a purple ghost head giant door to stop all the wind blade, it is Luo Shengmen!

All attacks are blocked, the dark parts are helpless, and they have no way to face the Rashomon, which can withstand strong physical attacks.

Zuo Jin and others did not entangle with the wood leaf ninja, and immediately fled the place with the big snake pill.

Watching the big snake pill escape, the anger of the wood leaf ninja did not care, immediately went to the three generations, and hurriedly looked at the situation of the three generations.

At this time, the breathing of the three generations has long ceased, and the soul is swallowed up by the **** of death, even if the great Luo Jinxian can not save.

Looking at the three generations of the dead, the woody ninjas are saddened, and the three generations who sacrificed all the energy for the village are dead. This fact is a bad news for everyone in Konoha.

At this time, facing the guilty of the sand and the tone, the Konoha ninja has already had an absolute upper hand. Under the methodical attack of the Konoha Ninja, the Ninja troops will soon retreat.

In the village of Ninmura, several of the three major snakes were surrounded by the Konoha Ninja. The leader of the tree was the special Ibuki, "Prepare, let!"

Ibi hi, a group of wood leaves tolerate dozens of fireballs to instantly surround a three-snake snake, the fire tongue swallowed three snakes, the hot flame will be the three snake skins all black, under the continuous fireball attack A three-snake snake fell to the ground and apparently was not alive.

Solve a three-snake snake, and the other two are in the distance, seeing their companions being killed, and the other two three snakes attacking the ninja.

The snakes rushed out, and the giant python swept all the ninjas, like the dragons and tails. The powerful power destroyed all the buildings around them, and suddenly the dust and smoke, and more than a dozen wood leaf ninjas were killed.

Many companions were killed, and the Konoha ninja was weak, and when he saw the snake, he would attack everyone again.

At this time, there was a sharp chakra fluctuation in the air. In a flash, a huge cyan scorpion descended from the sky, and bang! The three serpents were crushed to the ground, and the enormous force squashed the heads of the three snakes. The three snakes that were mad at the moment fell and fell dying.

this is……

Ibixi and others were horrified to see the big cockroaches appearing in front of them, so the huge beasts they saw for the first time.

At this time, a middle-aged white man wearing red and gray clothes appeared on the top of the hoe, and it was the rush to rescue the leaves of the wood.

The last three snakes saw their companions being easily killed by their eyes, hurriedly fleeing, and everything has a life-seeking heart. This snake is no exception.

"Where to escape! The small snakes in the district are the opponents!"

Yu Guang took out the knife behind him, and his feet leaped. The blue body turned into a shadow, and the knife flashed. The three snakes were easily divided into two halves!

boom! The bodies of the three major snakes fell to the ground, and the overflowing black blood was soaked in the debris.

He also solved the big snake here. There was no ink. He returned to Miaomu Mountain, and he flew to the venue of the Zhongren Competition. He was going to rescue the three generations of Huo Ying.

The big snake was killed, and Ibie hid the crowd and immediately rushed to the other battlefield with the residual Muye Ninja. They had to solve all the Ninja troops.

In the game, the three generations of corpses were sent to the ground by a dark part. The ninjas looked at the three generations of death. The sadness on their faces was overwhelming. The three generations of such powerful ninjas would die. This is the fact that they are anyway. Also unacceptable.

Kakashi and Akai heard the news of three generations of death. After solving a few sands, they immediately rushed over and waited for them to see the three generations of bodies that had been lifeless. In the face of the established reality, they fell into a huge shock.

The three generations are dead like this. This is not true. He is Huo Ying! Especially Kakashi, seeing the three generations of death, hurriedly looked at the situation of the three generations.

Feeling three generations of cold body temperature and a silent heartbeat, Kakashi confirmed the fact that three generations died.

At this time, the self has finally arrived at the venue of the competition, passing through a large number of people, and the three generations of corpses are reflected in his eyes.

"Three generations..."

I can't believe this fact, and I fell to the ground. The pale skin and the dry body of the old man are deeply reflected in the eyes.

Unconsciously, there were some tears in the eyes of the self. The men did not flick with tears, but they did not go to the emotional situation.

In the past, the time of getting along with the three generations was like a movie, and it flashed in the mind. The first time I met the three generations, I taught him the first time, and the first time I watched the yellow book, I recognized his strength for the first time... ...

"How come? How could it be so easy to die..."

"Three generations of old man, are you not hailed as the strongest shadow? How can you lie here now?"

"Haha, this is not true..."

"not true……"

It’s also crazy to scream Finally, the voice has become a whimper. “Three generations of old men, you are up, I am coming to see you, don’t you always want to see me?! Three generations of old men ......"

"You wake up, is this still you?!"

The three generations of the body are also shaking, the tone is sorrowful, the face is white, and the body does not tremble.

Kakashi and others did not block the actions of the past. They knew that the three generations were important in their own minds. As a disciple of three generations, as one of the three tolerances of Muye, the impact of the three generations of death on the self is also huge.

Finally, the family calmed down, and the face was sorrowful and sorrowful. The people in the room were asked about the three generations of death.

"Big Snake Pills?" He also clung his hands tightly, and his eyes showed endless hatred. "The big snake pill, I will kill you!"

At this time, Naruto solved his opponent and finally came over from there and saw that the self appeared. He exciteed and said hello.

"Good color fairy..."

When I saw the bodies of the three generations, the Naruto was ready to shout the exit and stuck in the throat. How come? ? What happened to the three generations of grandfather?


This is not true! !

In Naruto's heart, the three generations are like a pro-grandfather. The three generations are dead. Naruto can't accept the reality, and the hearts are entangled in a group, and some are overwhelmed.

On the playing field, the atmosphere of sadness is not scattered, and everyone is immersed in great grief.

At this point, at the corner of the wooden leaf competition venue, a man with a dark mask was hidden, watching this side, sneer sneer, "I didn't expect the big snake pill to defeat the three generations, but the big snake pill also lost a pair. Arms, really worthy of three generations, old and strong."

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