One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 112: Festival

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, everything is a dog. No matter who they are, whether they are princes or emperors, no one can get rid of the shackles of fate. Under destiny, they are all equal.

Perhaps the death of a great man is always more sorrowful. Death is more important than Mount Tai, and it is lighter than Hong Mao, no matter in which world.

Three generations of life, contributed all of their own, only for the village, only for the wood leaves, the ordinary, the greatness of death, such a fire shadow, such three generations are always worth remembering.

Finally, I glanced at the three generations of portraits. Sasuke sighed, "Three generations, all the way..."

The autumn rain is very cool, and the gust of wind blows people to the whole body. Before the wood leaf pill went to the three generations of the mourning hall, the tears in the eyes have blurred the line of sight.

Grandpa, Muyewan is coming to see you...

Muye Pill remembers that the three generations of the day told him, "Wuyewan, after the game is over, Grandpa will take you outside to play, and with your father, we will enjoy the family."

The vowed words, kindly face, everything is vivid, if everything can start again, Grandpa, you come alive, I promise you, you must study at the Ninja School, no longer naughty, Come on, grandpa...

Grandpa, are you not looking at me to be a great ninja? Now why do you have the heart to leave? Your grandson, your wooden leaf pill is still small, how can you bear to leave me alone... Grandpa...

Muye Pill finally left the three generations of spiritual phase, and the tears of Quan Ching dyed a small face.

Konoha ninja followed one in front of the three generations of spiritual attention, each person has endless grief in his heart, may be grateful for the three generations of feelings, perhaps miss, perhaps heavy...

Whenever and wherever, the influence of the three generations on the tolerance of the world is long-lasting. The three generations of this kindly old man will always live in people's hearts.

The villagers of Muye came from the home and joined the team to come and mourn the death of this Muye hero.

Men, women and children, all of them are heavy and their faces are full of grief. The three generations of Huo Ying are almost the gods of all the villagers. The reason why Muye Village is so prosperous is related to the correct leadership of the three generations.

During the three generations of reign, the villagers of Muye lived and worked in peace, the economy was prosperous, and their lives were rich. They were deeply satisfied in any aspect.

The three generations died, like the sky collapsed. The villagers of Muye could hardly believe this bad news. Their memories stayed in the three generations. At that time, they looked at the three generations standing in the Huo Ying Building and listened to the three generations of magnificent speeches. There is an endless reverence and love in my heart.

Did you die like this? Three generations of adults, really leave us and go?

I really can’t accept it...

In the Huo Ying Building, a group of black gauze stands in the Huo Ying Office, silent, through the floor-to-ceiling windows behind the desk, watching the gloomy sky, the face reveals a complex look.


"I didn't expect you to leave me first. We have been fighting for a lifetime. What have we got?" The Tibetan language is low in tone and slightly indulged. It seems to be talking to Fei Fei, and it is like saying to himself.

What did you get?

The group remembered the days when they lived with each other. Although the two men looked at each other clearly, they did not consciously regard each other as their own confidant and their best friend.

In the long struggle, the shackles between the squad and the scorpion fly are as intricate as the black and white on the chessboard. The two compete for existence, and no one can do without it.

"I don't know when we became an opponent..."

The thoughts of the group were floating, remembering the scene when the second generation handed the position of Huo Ying to Yu Fei. At that time, in the face of the choice, the group chose to withdraw. He was afraid of death and did not regard his companion as the most important existence. There is no real love in my heart. The second generation gave up on him and chose to fly away from others.

At that time, the group really did not hate the three generations to fly as a shadow. His strength is obviously much stronger than that of Fei Fei, but the second generation will easily give him up. Is the so-called big love really important?

I can sacrifice everything for the wood leaf. I can also sacrifice my life. Why didn't the second generation choose me?

The group kept his hands tightly and his body trembled. He clearly had the ability to save Fei Fei, and he clearly had the ability to prevent Yu Fei from dying. Because of his own lust, because of his arrogance, he did not order support. Fei Fei, let Yan Fei easily die in the hands of the big snake pill.


In the eyes of the group, three generations of voices and smiles emerged. Some tears appeared in the eyes. I don’t know why, my heart was obviously hateful and flying, but at this moment, he couldn’t help but burst into tears.

"Hey, fly me..."

In the Naruto office, the group stood quietly at the desk and looked at the three generations on the table. The black figure appeared more lonely.

In the whole two days, Muye Village was immersed in the atmosphere of three generations of mourning. Many people came from all over the world, and they were only mourning for three generations.

There are civilians, big names, businessmen, scholars... They are not the three generations of grace, they are admiring the three generations of people, not far away, just to see the last side of the three generations from start to finish, None of them appeared in the three generations of funeral. The ninjas in Muye Village did not doubt why they did not appear. They did not ask too much. After all, it is the same, the legendary three forbearance, no matter how they are, they have no right to ask.

The ninja assesses the forest, and a white-haired middle-aged man stands in an open space, which is exactly what has not happened.

Looking down at the decaying stumps, the eyes of the past are also revealed in the eyes, "three generations of old man..."

It is also clear that I remembered that I was tied to the stump by three generations. The three generations pointed at his nose and idiots, and the ghosts, remembered the three generations of urgency, and showed a smile on the slightly sad face.

In fact, I have been standing here for two days. During these two days, he stood still and remembered the past when he was with the three generations. At that time, as a disciple of three generations, he always provoked three generations of anger. Because of this, he was called the most incompetent disciple by the three generations.

Ever since I left Muye Village because of the big snake pill, I never thought that he could return to Muye Village. I didn't expect him to face the three generations of death.

It is really impermanent.

The teachings of the three generations of ordinary days are still echoing in the ear:

"As long as there is a place where the leaves fly, the fire will burn. The shadow of the fire shines on the village, and the new leaves sprout, and when the most treasured people are protected, the true strength of the ninja will be manifested..."

"Three generations of old men..."

There is a tear in my eyes, and I only know the preciousness of the other when I lose...

Looking at the gloomy sky, I finally made a decision in my heart. He wanted to go back to Muye Village, guarding the leaves, and inheriting the wishes of the three generations. He wants to protect the village of Konoha!

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