One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Festival

The three generations of funerals have finally come to an end, and the leaves have gradually come out of the sad atmosphere and gradually restored the tranquility of the past.

As the three generations died, the power of Muye fell into the hands of the high-level elders, or fell into the hands of the group that grasped the power of the "roots".

There are almost no combat troops in the hands of Xiao Chun and Men Yan. They are in charge of the diplomatic and economic sectors.

Since ancient times, the people who hold the military have gained the world. This is the reality. Without the support of force, they have almost no real power in their daily resolutions. They can only be led by the group.

Although he has the power, but the group still can't be unscrupulous, after all, Fei Fei has just passed away, and any of his current outrageous actions will cause dissatisfaction with the villagers of Muye, which will have a great impact on his future plans.

Water can cover the boat and can also carry the boat. The group knows this truth. Now his prestige in the villagers of Muye is not very high. At best, he is considered a veteran figure. His prestige cannot be compared with Feifei. Even Xiaochun is not as good.

As the group said, he acts as a root in the leaves of the wood. He can't see the sun for a lifetime, no one knows, no one knows.

If you suddenly come up with the overall situation of the wood leaf, you will give birth to a lot of troubles out of thin air, causing dissatisfaction in all aspects. There is no way, the group can only let Xiaochun and Menyan come forward to temporarily hold the right to the leaves, he himself is in * manipulation.

The sand and the tolerant joint attack on the wood leaves failed, and the captured captives were all returned to their respective villages. The leaves did not intend to be like them. Although the ninja forces caused a lot of damage to the leaves, many people in their hands died. However, in the spirit of humanitarianism, Konoha puts them in a horse. This kind of act makes the other villages of Ninja and the Ninja Village look at each other.

On the village of Sha Niu, Nimaki returned to the country of sand with a group of sand and captive prisoners. In this operation, they suffered heavy losses. Many sands were forever buried in the land. It can be said that since the first battle, the strength of Sha Ren Village has declined. More than a third.

The bodies of the four generations of Fengying were found by Sharon Village, when they realized the fact that they were used by Yin Ren Village. In the end, they were only shot by others. Faced with the fact that the top of the village of Sha Niu was furious, it was almost necessary to fight again with Yin Ren Village.

However, considering that the sand-bearing village was struggling with the strength of the wood leaf, the sand-bearing village had to swallow the sound and put down the mind of the war in the village.

However, Sha Ren Village ordered that all domestic and commercial trade activities of Sha Niu Village be banned, and the people of Yin Yin Village who lived in the country of the wind will be expelled from the country. As long as the people of Yin Ren Village come to the country of the wind, no matter who they are, they will kill them.

At this point, the time for the sand to attack the wood leaves is finally over. Yin Rencun, Sha Niu Village, Mu Ye, the strength of the three major organizations have been hit hard, at least in five years, it is impossible to restore vitality.

Dark night, round moon, Muye village, Uchiha house.

Sasuke sat in the practice room and opened his upper body. The streamlined body was full of explosive power. The lower abdomen slightly raised six packs of abs, and the white complexion was crystal clear under the light.

With the breathing, Sasuke's black refining pot tattoo on the chest was slightly ups and downs.

In the middle of the assistant, the eyes are closed, the ancient wells are not in the heart, the faint black brilliance covers the whole body, the refining pot tattoos exude pure energy fluctuations, and the gentle but full of devastating energy constantly rushes out, constantly expanding the veins of Sasuke.

Under the singular power, the gas sea that had been shaped has once again expanded, and a blue mist is in the sea of ​​blue Yingying. Under the spur of this fog, the sea is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The expansion speed of the sea is gradually slowing down, and the white mist becomes much thinner. Finally, the white mist disappeared completely, and only the blue Chakra was left in the air.

The expansion of the sea and the strength of Sasuke once again rose to a level, reaching the level of the shadow level.

Sasuke opened his eyes and flashed a black brilliance in his eyes. The mind was moving and the refining pot flew out of his chest. The refining pot is still the same, the black streamer surrounds the body, and the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life are shocking.

Feel the powerful atmosphere of the refining pot, and help the corner of the mouth to draw a curve, the refining pot, with your help, I will become the top of the world!

Under the moonlight, it is reflected in the pond of the vestibule, dyeing the clear water of the pool into silver, and the pink lotus is also plated with a layer of gold under the silver.

A white figure slowly emerged from the inner court, passing through the corridor between the pools, and the sly body was more charming in the moonlight.

Wearing a white kimono, standing quietly on the side of the guardrail, watching the scenery in the pool, the faint glory on the face. Since I came to Muye Village and lived in the Uchiha House, the daily life is so peaceful and serene. This kind of day is something she had never dreamed of before.

In the past, she was violently displaced, followed by no more, and every day she was worried about the assassination of the country of the water country. At that time, she was like a machine. She had no thoughts and no feelings. The only thing she wanted in her heart was to live and not be killed by others.

Since meeting with Sasuke her life has changed.

When he first met with Sasuke, Bai predicted that Sasuke would meet her life. I don't know why, obviously it was the first time I met, but I felt good about Sasuke. In the future, Sasuke's impression in her heart is getting deeper and deeper, and Sasuke can no longer be forgotten. Perhaps this is the so-called love at first sight.

Now think about it, Bai feels that it is a wise choice to decide to leave at that time. If she has a slight hesitation, or refuses Sasuke, and does not accept his intentions, then her life will be unimaginable. Perhaps, you will really die in other places, you will not be happy all your life, just like that, like a dead body, a lifetime, no thoughts alive.

Although Sasuke has Sister Sakura and Iwai’s two sisters, White can never get the complete love of Sasuke. However, she knows that Sasuke’s love for her is true, never less than anyone, or even more. Many, this feeling she really felt. As long as she is careless around Sasuke, as long as there is Sasuke, even if it is hell, she willingly be willing.

From the practice room, Sasuke went straight to the vestibule, a white figure appeared in front of his eyes, under the moonlight, so charming.

Sasuke's mouth twitched a trace of curvature, and quietly approached the white side, in the unreachable pet, the white body into the arms.

Bai knows that it is Sasuke, and there is no resistance. Backed in the arms of Sasuke, he feels the breath of Sasuke and feels the warmth of Sasuke.


Sasuke buried his head in the white hair, letting the smooth hair spread over the cheeks, sniffing the fragrant fragrance of the white body, and the heart was very safe.

The two bodies are tightly attached together, and the white perfect back curve matches the Sasuke. Under the moonlight, the two are shaped like one.

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