One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Festival

In the evening, Fuyue and Yu finally came back, waiting for their kind greetings from Sasuke and Meiqin.

Meiqin handed everyone dinner, and asked with concern: "Children, his father, is the task going smoothly today?"

Fu Yue took over his own, thanked him, and then said: "Well, the task is quite smooth, and this is also thanks to the embarrassment, this task can be completed so quickly."

After that, Fu Yue looked at him and said, "Hey, you are already eleven years old. As a son of the patriarch, you should also participate in some matters in the family. Tomorrow the shrine gathering, let's go together."

At this point, I was a little silent, put down the chopsticks in my hand, looked at Sasuke around me, nodded and said, "I will."

After that, I will continue to eat and stop talking.

Seeing the performance of the cockroach, Fu Yue seems to be somewhat unhappy, and his attitude is too perfunctory. As the head of the family and the head of a family, Fu Yue can not stand the cold attitude of shackles.

Although the heart is not fast, Fu Yue did not say anything, sighed and continued to eat.

The atmosphere between the seats was a little silent. Sasuke looked at everything that was born between the seats. There was no words, just leaning on the side of Meiqin, eating a small mouth. He knows that such things are very common at home. He has great opinions on Fuyue and Uchibo. He does not speak on the bright side, and secretly fights with the rich and cold in the dark. The relationship between the two gradually becomes tense. .

Meiqin saw that the relationship between the two was tense, and she was ready to come out to play the round field. But she hadn’t talked yet, so she put down the tableware in her hand and said faintly: "I am full, my father is an adult, my mother is an adult, I will go back to the house first."

The tone was indifferent, and no special feelings could be heard. Fu Yue silently looked up and left, and did not say a word from beginning to end.

The entrance of the entrance door disappeared, and the shadow of the cockroach disappeared in front of him. Sasuke looked at the shadow of the cockroach outside the house, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. He felt that there was something wrong with tonight.

The dinner soon ended in a cold atmosphere. After the meal, Fu Yue left the house and did not speak. He went straight out of the house. He still has a lot of intra-ethnic affairs to deal with, and he will not go home tonight.

Looking at the quiet place, Meiqin sighed with a sigh, and the tone contained endless sorrow. I don’t know where to start, this family has changed, no longer as harmonious and harmonious as before, the cold war between father and son, the relationship between Fuyue and Husband and Wife Indifference, when will this day continue?

Meiqin was so sad that, unconsciously, Sasuke pulled the hand of Meiqin and said softly: "Mom, it doesn't matter, you still have me, I am still by your side."

Looking at Sasuke next to him, Meiqin’s face eased some, and sighed and said: “Sasuke, your age is still small, and some things you don’t understand.”

Sasuke knows the sorrow of Meiqin's heart and reluctantly says: "Mom, I am six years old, not a child, I can take on a lot of things. If you have anything, let me tell you."

Seeing the firmness of Sasuke's face, Meiqin's heart was awkward. She realized that Sasuke seemed to be somewhat different from the previous one. It is obviously only a six-year-old child, but she has a sense of reassurance.

Perhaps, I used to see Sasuke too small. Meiqin’s face showed a happy smile and felt Sasuke’s concern for himself. Unconsciously, the troubles in his heart disappeared and he touched the small head of Sasuke. Jiao Sheng said: "My family's Sasuke has grown up, and has learned to comfort my mother, giggling, really a small ghost."

People are big? ! Sasuke is very depressed, and his psychological age is probably bigger than the Meiqin. However, Sasuke does not refute, after all, his current body is really just a five- or six-year-old child, so it is not old, but what is it?

After the dinner, Sasuke returned to his house. He had nothing to do but he was going to find him. He wanted to confirm something.

Open the door of the cockroach, the figure of the cockroach appeared in front of Sasuke. At this time, I haven’t slept yet, and I am sitting on the tatami, seemingly practicing Chakra.

When I heard that the entrance door was opened, I opened my closed eyes and saw Sasuke, who was close at hand.

When I saw Sasuke appear, I didn't have any surprises, as if I was waiting for Sasuke here.

"Sasuke, you are here..."

I knew that the cockroaches at this time were a little strange and didn't talk. Sasuke just looked at him, and his eyes were full of unknown looks.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Sasuke said carelessly: "Hey, you are really painstaking."


Sasuke’s tone is cold, and he’s sinking in his heart. Have you already guessed my plan? At this point, my little left thumb did not consciously shake it.

鼬 Sudden action, Sasuke is looking in the eyes, and sure enough, is this cockroach his body?

Sasuke knows that when he is born with a habit, lying or doing something wrong, his left hand's little finger will unconsciously tremble, and seeing the performance of Sasuke, Sasuke determines what he thinks.

After seeing a slap in the eyes of Sasuke, I know that his plan was broken by Sasuke, and he no longer pretended, and said to Sasuke: "I didn't expect you to be still Sasuke, I really deserve to be my brother. ......"

Sasuke smiled coldly and said: "Is it fun to play these games? Uchiha, you don't let me see my parents, now I really want to kill you!"

There was no expression on the face, and Sasuke’s words were silent, silent for a while, and Shen Sheng said: “Sasuke, do you think you still have the ability to kill me? You can try it!”

As if everything is in control, the face of the face is bound to be a must, in this world, everything is controlled by him. Since Sasuke came in, he blocked all the Chakra acupuncture points in Sasuke. Now Sasuke can't use any ninja. He is now as strong as he was when he was five or six years old.

Sasuke smiled lightly and didn't care about the threat of swearing. "Even if there is no chakra, if you are worried, you can kill me now and destroy my mental defense, my brother!"

Sasuke decided to eat, he knows that he will not do it to himself now, so there is nothing terrible, he can be confronted with this.

I don’t know where Sasuke’s confidence comes from. In the face of such Sasuke, I have some helplessness. As Sasuke thinks, he can't kill Sasuke in this world anyway. Although the world is read every month, once the subject is killed in the world, the real world will die.

The reason is that monthly reading is just a fantasy world, and everything inside is naturally false. However, in the middle of the month, the power of a part of the soul of the person who is being treated will remain in the world of reading. If the person is killed in this world, it is equivalent to destroying part of the soul of the person being treated. The Seven Souls and Sixs are not complete, so people in the real world will die.

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