One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Festival

When he looked at Sasuke silently, he decided not to succumb to Sasuke. In an instant, the pupil's pupil changes, and the dark trowel hook replaces the black and white pupil.

Sasuke's environment changed again. In a flash, Sasuke appeared on the street. The dark sky was a round moon of blood, surrounded by quiet, and the sound of the wind came from time to time. The surrounding scenery was more dead.

here is? Staring at the moon in the sky, the scenes in memory rushed in. At this time, Sasuke’s time was the night of the genocide.

Following the memory in his mind, Sasuke slowly entered the dark Uchiha House.

As far as the eyes are concerned, it is the **** stains of the blush, the broken family lines, and the scarred Uchiha House, which is the death and desolateness after the war.

Passing through the outer court, walking through the promenade, Sasuke went to the room where Meiqin and Fuyue were located.

The door was closed and the pressure came on the scene. It seemed to be full of unknown blood and horror.

Without hesitation, Sasuke resolutely opened the door, accompanied by the sound of the door opening, everything in the house was presented in front of Sasuke.

Dark space, cold environment, shiny blade, blushing round eyes. Without any warning, the silver blade cuts the human body, and the bright red blood stains the ground.

The muffled sound of the "噗通" human body fell to the ground in such a quiet environment, Sasuke stepped into the house step by step, watching the body of Meiqin and Fuyue.


"Dad, mom..."

The godless gaze is full of nostalgia for the world. The expression of pain in the face is vividly in sight. The blood of the big stocks flows out, and the tatami is dyed red. The blood flows to the foot of Sasuke to form a sly pattern.

Stepping on the blood of the ground, Sasuke walked to the side of Meiqin, trembled and extended his right hand, caressing the beautiful and already cool eyes of Meiqin, and died, so easily died.

Looking at Mei Qinbai's side face, Sasuke's heart suddenly hurts, and there is still a little tear in the corner of Meiqin's eyes. It seems to be remorseful and seems to be nostalgic.

Sasuke remembers the scene in which Meiqin held him in his arms, the warm embrace, the faint scent, everything seems to be clear in front of his eyes. It seems that I can still feel the body temperature of Meiqin. It seems that I am laughing at him. I can still hear the phrase "Sao, you are so cute, my mother likes you very much."

It’s really dead like this, I can’t come back anymore, everything, everything, everything...

"Good hate, can't protect you, just because there is no power..."

My heart was in sorrow. Sasuke helped me to smash the eyes of Meiqin without closing my eyes. The tears fell on my eyes and dripped on the **** beach.


Splashes of blood, bursting at midnight, beautiful and sad.

Finally, Sasuke is no longer sad, stand up, look cold, and the chill in his eyes seems to freeze everything.

"Uchiha wave, I have never been with you since then! You will not have me in the future, I will definitely kill you!!"

The tone of the cold, the indifference of feelings!

Sasuke’s hatred heart reached its apex, and once again saw the parents being killed by the scorpion, Sasuke completely smashed for the Avengers, in order to kill cockroaches, even if it broke into the infernal purgatory? !


Kill all the obstacles that hinder your eyes! no matter who! As long as I have been sorry for Uchiha, I must not let him go!

Suddenly, the endless evil spirits burst from Sasuke, the black brilliance shrouded Sasuke's body, and the power of destruction filled the space!

this is!

Seeing the change of Sasuke, the stunned look was taken aback instead, and the dark knives were shrunk into needles! The power of Sasuke’s sudden explosion is not all that human beings are, and the power of destruction that is full of evil makes you burst into horror!

Sasuke raised his head, and the endless evil power burst out, full of violent breath to oppress the whole body. In an instant, Sasuke’s eyes changed, and the original black and white pupils became as dark as a jade.

"Uchiha! Oh, I want to kill you!!"

Endless black air bursts from Sasuke, black light, Sasuke shrouded in a black halo, dreamlike.

"Uchiha! Oh! Kill you!"

Evil, violent, like the source of all negative breath, the jade-like eyes are full of killing.

Sasuke felt that the endless power was pouring out of the refining pot. The familiar energy system made Sasuke’s heart linger. It was Xianli, pure, and there was no impurity in Xianli! In the wrath of Sasuke, the power of the source of the refining pot was thoroughly stimulated and turned into a surging force.

The power of the source is the unique energy system of the top ten artifacts of the ancient times, and it is the power of chaos when the earth is opened up. The source is the power of creation, and with the source, we can create everything and create a world of thousands.

Now the power of the original source is stimulated, although it is only a trace, but the power contained is indeed enormous. In a short time, Sasuke won the immortal power, and the powerful energy system completely different from the Naruto world is finally available!

Without warning, Sasuke moved, like the black meteor will fly and crash, the huge power makes the smash hit the heavy wall, has been flying out of the house, and slamming on the street .

鼬 Struggling to get up and squirting a blood in the mouth, although not the body, but the collision between the souls still hurt the cockroaches.

At this time, Sasuke flew out of the house, suspended in the air, the black streamer smashed the whole body, and the black lotus was born step by step at the foot. Every time he took a step, the air would become spatially fluctuating. Under the inexplicable power, the space turned out to be It started to be unstable.

That is! Looking at Sasuke flying in the air, his face was stunned. He was the second time he saw someone hanging out of the air, the first time he was at Payne.

When I saw Sasuke's step-by-step lotus, I was shocked. I have never heard of this scene. Is it true that Sasuke has the power of God?

Sasuke looked down at the cold eyes, his heart was completely frozen, like a thousand years of ice, the only thing left in his heart is the endless killing, he wants to destroy, to completely destroy the world.

Kill the person in front of you, destroy everything in the world, let him pay for everything he has done! Let all, all the illusions and sorrows burst!

Guanghua circulated, Sasuke's body flew higher and higher, and soon flew to a few kilometers high altitude. Behind him was a huge round of **** moon. At this time, Sasuke became like the ancient demon.

The infinite black energy gathered in Sasuke, and the assistant, Lieutenant, a huge black energy group condensed in front of him. This trick was seen in his previous life in the fairy tales, and his name was "destroyed" and destroyed. The power of heaven and earth.

The force of the force force, the larger the energy ball, instantly becomes the size of a mountain, covering half of the sky, the dark energy is shining, and the black electric light converges on the surface of the energy sphere.

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