One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 148: Festival

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"I can't look down on such a shadow!"

Within the private room, the atmosphere was a bit nervous and seemed to be in a deadlock.

Naruto heard the sarcasm of the hand, and his face showed an angry color. He broke the short silence and said: "Huoying does not allow you to be so insulted, Huo Ying is for the village, for everyone's happiness, for peace, anything can be Give up, isn't such a person great?! So, I absolutely don't allow you to insult the name of Huo Ying!"

The hand is awkward, this little devil, hey, it is really annoying! Immediately said: "Why, I just said this, what do you want?!"


"Want to fight?! The old lady is accompanying!"

I also watched the atmosphere of the Naruto and the singer silently, and worked together for many years. He knew the temper of the master, and the more others forced her, the more she would not let the other party do.

Naruto seems to really want to cope with the master, confront each other, and the two men are arrogant, and the atmosphere on the field gradually warms up.

"Kid, you have the courage to know, I dare to scream to me, hey, the old lady will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red!"

"I will not bow to you, even if you are one of the three tolerant, I will never let go of those who insult the name of Huo Ying!"

Since the development of the spiral shuriken, Naruto's confidence has expanded unprecedentedly. With this trick, he is confident that he can make the hands suffer.

It’s really troublesome! It’s also a headache.

At this point, Sasuke made a sound, stood up, and went to the middle of the two, said: "Naruto, you should leave this matter alone."

Then he said to the master: "Master, I apologize to Naruto for your disrespect."

Sincere and sincere, it is difficult to give people a sense of disgust.

"Sasuke, how do you face this old woman!"

"You little devil, you say it again!"

The hands clenched the fists, browed, and an angry look, and again and again, the Naruto was provocative, she was already fed up, and did not teach him a meal can not swallow this breath!

In a certain way, the heart of the hand is really similar to that of a child, straight and straight, without hiding his own thoughts.

Seeing Naruto’s aggressiveness, Sasuke’s brow frowned. This Naruto is too ignorant and said: “Naruto, don’t worry about this matter, if you have a crime, if Naruto has anything to offend you, I For him, please forgive me."

Seeing Sasuke’s insistence on helping Naruto solve the problem, the master is not angry and laughs. “Sasuke, don’t think that you invited me to drink, I will sell your face, oh! But since you said so, I will count this account in you. On the head."

Naruto doesn't understand Sasuke's thoughts and gives concessions to the hands. This is definitely not the style of Sasuke. I don't understand my mind. I want to talk. Fortunately, I have blocked the Naruto's mouth in time and let Sasuke handle this. Something.

The reason why Sasuke has repeatedly made concessions is actually due to the last tribute to the leaves of the wood leaves and the resentment of the three generations.

At the beginning of the three generations of funeral, Sasuke reminded me of the three generations of their kindness, and decided to help the wood leaves once, not for others, it was three generations. Wood leaves need a hand, she must go back! In any case, do it too!

"Master, let's make a bet. If you can beat me within an hour, we will leave here and never bother your life. If I win, then you must be the fifth generation of Huo Ying. Follow us back to Muye Village." The sound is like a broken jade, crisp and decisive.

This little devil!

The master took a deep look at Sasuke. Suddenly, he was very impressed with him. He thought that Sasuke was just a weak Xiaozheng Tai. He did not expect that Sasuke had such a hard side.

After reading the drink of Sasuke, the designer smiled and said: "Well, Sasuke, I promise you, as long as you can stay for an hour under my hand, I will return to you with you."

"That's a word!"

The outline of the hand brows, "Can I lie to you?"

See the outline hand promised, Sasuke's mouth twitched a trace of curvature, this gambling I won!

Subsequently, several people went to a secluded place in the town, and Sasuke and Tsuna were standing opposite each other.

"Sasuke, you regret it is still too late." The director finally advised Sasuke.

Sasuke gave a faint smile and said: "I am not a soft persimmon, even though I am an expert."

Good boy, quite confident, then, let me test your strength!

At the moment, the manual is manual, and the body is like an arrow from the string, full of destructive force and fist to help.

The strange fist is like a blue light, such as the same round of blue sun, zooming in on the eyes of Sasuke, the boxing winds, and the number of hair in the Sasuke will be blown up.

Sasuke didn't dare to care about it. The high-speed body technique quickly opened. The odd force punch was only one inch away from Sasuke. Sasuke's body turned black and disappeared in place.

boom! The strange force punches the ground, suddenly cracks, spider web-like cracks spread quickly, hehe! The ground cracks and reveals a huge gully!

The strange force is really extraordinary!

Sasuke stunned to avoid the attack of the hand, and the eyes of the same color, this power of incomparable strange force fist if he can learn, then the melee attack will be geometrically increased.

The helper catches up with the help of Sasuke, and it is a punch. However, Sasuke, who is wearing high-speed body skills, is so easy to be hit?

Like a fish, the figure is flickering, and in the end, the odd fists are all assisted by Sasuke.

The commander stopped to attack, raised his fist and made a threat. Sasuke shouted: "Sasuke, can you just dodge? Do you dare to pick me up?!"

Pick you up? Sasuke flashed a flash of light in his eyes, "I am interested!"

Sasuke is no longer dodging at the moment, and a straight punch is infinitely enlarged in front of the hand.

Come here! The hand is also very decisive ~ ~ in the hands of the strange force punch like a roaring wave, the surging power to attack Sasuke.

Hey! The fists and the fists meet, under the pure force, the ground cracks, and the shock waves that are excited form a huge impact airflow.

boom! The airflow is broken, Sasuke's body flies out like a cannonball, and the handcuffs are so easy to pick up!

With a flexible body, Sasuke tried to stabilize his body and landed steadily, but the flushed face showed that he was injured in the previous strike.

Suddenly, the blood gas surged, and a black blood spouted from the help.

Seeing Sasuke spurting blood, Naruto’s face showed anxious color, and the power was not as good as the old woman, but also stubborn!

After rubbing the blood from the corner of his mouth, Sasuke did not attack again. He said to the master on the other side: "I am really an expert, I am not your opponent in terms of strength."

This kid is quite honest, and the master returns. "I am not your opponent in terms of speed. Sasuke, your strength is really not to be underestimated."

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