One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Festival

"The master of the hand has won the prize, and the next battle, I will not let you again." Sasuke, Sasuke opened the writing wheel, the thunder in his hand, Ray Chee!

Perceived the violent thunder attribute power, the hand is awkward, did not expect his ninja so powerful, and such strength!

Although powerful, but more flaws!


The outline of the hand is flashing, and the strange force punches.

Locking the outline of the hand, the assistant is more intense in the thunder.

The strange force punches Yingying Blu-ray, and after all, it collides with Sasuke's Lecce, the thunder is shining, and the pleasant energy impact bursts out.

The fist of the hand was covered with a layer of blue and white ray, and Lecce couldn’t hurt the fist!


Rachel cracked, and the fist with endless power was infinitely magnified in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke's pupils are shrunk into needles, and the body's hair is picked up, and the subconscious is hiding.

The figure is flashing, away from the scope of the attack of the hand, Sasuke has a lingering look at the outline of the hand with the Yingying Blu-ray boxing. It’s really dangerous, I was almost hit just now. Sasuke knows the power of the strange force punch. In the original book, the complete body of the spot can be broken. If the fist is on him, it is not a matter of breaking a few bones.

Sasuke looked at the outline hand, his face was dignified, his hand immediately printed, fire. Fengxian fire!

Nine red fires cover all the space, and the corners of the hands are sneer, but that's it!

The style of the fist is constant, and all the Fengxian fires are quickly annihilated into invisible.

However, at this moment, Sasuke’s figure is infinitely magnified in front of her eyes. What followed was endless thunder, and the red thunder was extraordinary!

"It turned out to be red!"

In the eyes of the director, the inexplicable horror was suddenly revealed, and the strength in the hand was also much smaller, hehe! The red lightning collided with the strange force punch, and the hand only felt that the power of lightning constantly eroded her body, and an inexplicable force absorbed the Chakra of her body.

Unable to resist the red Thunder, the defense of the hand of the hand was quickly broken, and the red thunder was seen hitting her chest, and the sharp breath surrounded her.

After all, still can't stop it? It’s a really good devil. There is a hint of light in the eyes of the hands. Perhaps it’s really good to die in his hands.

For a moment, the commander actually had a heart of death.

Rope tree, my sister is coming to meet you...

Seeing that the hands were unstoppable, Sasuke was shocked and immediately cut off the Chakra output of the red Rachel. The thunder was scattered, but the momentum was not resolved anyway.

Finished! Sasuke lamented.

Then, in the eyes of Asahi’s surprise, Sasuke’s left hand grabbed her chest without warning, and a huge soft feeling came in a moment. Now, Sasuke thoroughly saw the stalwart of the hand.

The outline of the hand stood on the spot, the strangeness and pressure from the chest shrouded her body and mind. For a long time, she reacted. "Little devil, you still don't let go!"

Brows, his face is almost iron, and he wants to be angry!

"Oh, this, I am not deliberate, just an accident!" Sasuke immediately flew away from the hands of the hands, swearing.

"You!" The outline hand obviously does not accept the defense of Sasuke, it is necessary to rush to fight.

Sasuke saw the situation is not right, immediately use high-speed body surgery, avoiding the attack of the hand.

I also watched the sudden change on the field with Naruto, and suddenly I couldn’t smile. I didn’t expect the event to become like this.

"Little devil, you stand for me!"

"I am not so stupid, it will be miserable when you are caught!"

In this way, Sasuke and the master are hiding alone, and the atmosphere is very funny.

"Little devil, you have to sin against me, but you must ask me to drink again!"

The master couldn't catch Sasuke, had to give up, stopped the action, some panting, and his face was slightly rosy. Obviously, the pursuit had cost her a lot of energy.

"Let's say something." Sasuke nodded and promised that the event could be resolved with a drink, and he certainly couldn't ask for it.

It was the tavern, and this time, the hand really made Sasuke bleed once. The table was filled with fairy wine, and the Yingying green jade pot was row upon row.

You know, this kind of fairy wine is very expensive to sell, so much at one time, and the money spent is enough for a family of three to live a prolific year.

Looking at the wallet that is about to dry up, Sasuke is smiling and laughing. The money I brought this time is almost a one-time slap, it is a defeat!

I also saw the embarrassment of Sasuke and Naruto, and laughed and laughed.

"Sasuke, it’s time to break the money and fight disasters. After all, you are not bad."

It is also very eye-opening, and I pour myself into the wine, and I take a sip of it, and the wine is pouring up, and his face gradually turns red.

Naruto also interjected: "Yes, Sasuke, it is really unusual to say that this wine is so ok, I can't help but drink."

"Ha ha."

Everyone is so, Sasuke can only smile.

Subsequently, the hands of the hands and Sasuke to fight wine, excuses to punish him, Sasuke can not help but can only harden the scalp.

Fortunately, Sasuke's alcohol consumption is not bad, and the alcohol content of this wine is not too high, and it is similar to ordinary sake.

"Come on, devil, it's up to you!" The hand has already drunk a lot, his face is bursting with red clouds, and his eyes are beginning to be blurred, apparently drunk.

Listening to the commander's mouth, he called his own devil, Sasuke couldn't help but swear, and said: "Master, please."

The wine is in the belly, turned into a burst of heat, a touch of energy fluctuations on the limbs, it is very comfortable.

After drinking a few cups, Sasuke remembered the gambling thing, put the wine glass on the table, and looked at the outline, revealing the color of the inquiry.

"Sasuke, what do you think of me?" At this time, the master did not call Sasuke again, but directly called his Sasuke knows that it is rude to look at people like this, pretending He coughed and said: "That, the master, the gambling between us?"

"The gambling game? It is you who won, but I will not return to the wood leaf as a fire shadow." The hand waved his hand and made a slight drink.

After hearing the answer from the master, Sasuke frowned. He knew that the hand was so rude to the leaves of the wood. It is impossible to let the hands accompany them back to the leaves.

This is really a little troublesome. It seems that I have to find another way.

Subsequently, Sasuke did not mention this issue again, accompanied by the hands of them to drink, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After three rounds of wine, the hands of the hands have been drunk, and the self is also dizzy, the two fell in the mat, squatting on the table actually went to sleep.

During the meal, Naruto did not drink alcohol, but only juice, although the nature is stubborn, but this minor's duty is indeed tight.

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