One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Festival


The hand grinned and pointed to Sasuke. "He is not jealous."

I also looked at the outline hand very strangely. After I saw her for a while, I recognized the helper as a scorpion. The world is so crazy that I feel that I can't adapt to it.

Knowing the temper of the master, she believes that the things will not change. Since she says that she is a helper, it is serious. At the moment, he said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, you have to take care of your aunt, she is the least reassuring."

"Yes..." Sasuke waved his hand and said helplessly.

"That is, the devil, you have to take care of your aunt, be sure to listen to me, giggling..."

Later, I also played with him to help him, and Sasuke was really depressed.

Recognizing Sasuke as a nephew, the director is very happy, such a cheap and cheap nephew, she believes that her future life will be much more exciting. At the very least, she doesn't have to worry about drinking and gambling. Sasuke is her wallet later. If Sasuke knows her inner abacus, it is estimated that she will be depressed.

Moreover, the hands and the Meiqin are really good friends when they are young. She wants to take care of her son.

On the other hand, for Sasuke, the hand has a feeling of facing the rope tree, and it feels very kind, which is why the hand is easily recognized as Sasuke.

Since Sasuke has promised to call her aunt, the master also agreed to their request, and they returned to Koye. However, for the incident of Huo Ying, the master is still not willing, as long as the heart of the must not be removed, when the mind of Huo Ying will not sprout.

"Let me go back and think about it..."

This is the time when the hand left, and after the help of Sasuke and the self-satisfaction, it is clear that there has been a slight loosening, and the heart is hesitant, and the look of the hotel has left.

Speaking of it, the hand is ready to go back and discuss with the mute, after all, mute is her most trusted person, she also hopes that mute can go back to the wood with her.

Straight to the quiet residence, knocking on the door, no one answered, the hand frowned, realized that things are a bit wrong, mute on weekdays will definitely be at home, this is the habit for so many years.

After waiting for a tea time, there is still no trace of silence, there must be problems!


Under the punch, the door opened and the hand entered the house, and the sight was a messy scene.

Tables and stools and the like have become a yard of wood, there are many traces of fighting around, apparently experienced a fierce battle.

Silence really happened! Some people have robbed the mute, and the strength is definitely not normal!

At this point, the heart of the hand sinks into the bottom of the valley, so silent for so many years has been staying beside her, if there is anything to mute, she will certainly collapse.


A piece of stationery on the dressing table attracted the attention of the master, and the hand immediately picked it up. After reading the above, her face had become iron.


The fists are tight, and under the force, the sound of the teeth is so loud, "I dare to use the silence to swear me! I will not let you go!"

Did not stay here, the master returned to the hotel, prepared to discuss it with the self.

In the hotel, the hands and the three people were sitting opposite each other, and several people sank their faces.

"The big snake pill is really mean! Even taking hostages to threaten the hands of adults to treat him, and to take Sasuke for exchange! Despicable villain!"

Naruto said with indignation, a sense of justice. At this time, he did not call the mother-in-law, and knew that the hand became the aunt of Sasuke. Naruto was no longer as rude as the original, and he respected the adult.

"Outline, what are you going to do?"

At this point, the mood of the hands has been calmed down, she knows that there is no anxiety, the most important thing is to discuss how to save people. Looking at everyone in the room, the master said calmly: "The main purpose of the big snake pill is to treat the injury, but I know that you met me, and he also hit the purpose of you. Especially you, Sasuke, are you and the big snake pill? If there is any festival, read the contents of the letter, he must ask you not."

Sasuke knows the purpose of the big snake pill. It seems that he still writes his own eyes. He thought about it for a moment and said: "When I took the test, I used to play against him. Maybe I had a beam at that time."

Sasuke did not say that the big snake pill was trying to make his real purpose. After all, some things are still carried out according to the historical trajectory. In case there is any butterfly effect time, it will not be worth the loss. It is a testimony to the previous life. For a moment, the whole family crematorium, this Sasuke still keeps in mind.

"Is that the case?" The master had some doubts, but did not think about it. After all, she believed in Sasuke.

Since Sasuke’s recognition as a scorpion, the attitude of Sasuke to Sasuke has been a lot of relatives, and of course the degree of trust has increased a lot. Invisible, Gang hand has seen Sasuke as an indispensable existence in her life, replacing the existence of the rope tree.

The director and everyone discussed how to save the mute. In the end, several people came up with a unified opinion, and they used the drug to control Sasuke. After the mute was rescued, they suddenly became troubled and defeated the big snake pill in one fell swoop.

Unconsciously, the night fell, and the heavens and the earth fell into a darkness.

At this time, it was mid-September. As time went by, the time was dark and the time was getting earlier and earlier. It was almost six o'clock and the sky was dim.

After several people have finished their discussions, they will say goodbye and go back to the room because there will be a big battle tomorrow. They must adjust their own state to the best.

Tonight, the master did not return to his residence, but lived in the hotel with Sasuke.

Back to the room, Sasuke did not continue to practice. After all, there were a lot of people here, and it was always bad to expose his refining pot.

I had just experienced a big battle in the morning. After the washing, I had a little bit of Sasuke was ready to go to bed.

At this time, the door suddenly screamed, and who is going to find him at this time?


My heart was puzzled, Sasuke got up and got out of bed, opened the door, and saw the outline.

At this point, the hand has already faded the coat, wearing a light silk pajamas, the stalwart on the chest is more full and full of faint blush on the face, some embarrassed.

"Aunt, is there anything?" Sasuke looked at the outline of the puzzle, so late, dressed like this, to find out what happened to him.

"That, my bathroom is broken, so I want to come here to clean it."

The hand is very embarrassing, the bathroom is broken, this thing is unexpected, but the nightly cleaning is a must, if not cleaned, she will not sleep. But I can't go to other people's rooms to borrow the bathroom. Of course, this color ghost is excluded. Because I hate Naruto, I naturally exclude it. The only choice is Sasuke.

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