One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 152: Festival

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At this time, Sasuke noticed that the hands were still wearing toiletries such as toiletries and bathrobes. The white cotton bathrobes were faintly visible under the black underwear.

I did not expect that she still likes black, took a look, Sasuke felt a strange feeling in his heart, he knows that women who like black underwear are mostly sullen, or empty and lonely. Looking at the outline of the hand, I wonder if she is not the case?

Seeing Sasuke has been staring at himself strangely, and the master can't help but ask: "What's wrong, Sasuke, is it inconvenient?"

"Cough, of course, convenient." Sasuke pressed the eccentric thoughts in his heart and invited the master to come in.

When the door was closed, the room was in a quiet state. There was some embarrassment between Sasuke and Tsuna. The lights in the room were a little dim. I could see each other faintly. After a while, Sasuke talked. "Aunt, the bathroom is there, you. Go by yourself, what is called me."

"Hmmm." The commander nodded, then entered the bathroom, "squeaky", closed the bathroom door, and the room fell into silence.

Closing the bathroom door, the hand leaned on the shower door, really, when Sasuke stared at her, the feeling suddenly rose in my heart, it was a bit shy and unsuitable.

After calming down, my hands are secretive, and Sasuke is her nephew. How can I think about it?

However, the master has neglected one thing. At the beginning, she was half forced to ask Sasuke to call her aunt. What kind of thoughts is in her heart? Although there are many excuses, the feeling of kindness is really impossible to erase. I think so clearly, but I dare not admit it. It is really tangled.

The mood was calmed down, and the hand dropped the pajamas on the body. After all, it was in the man's room, and it used the bathroom belonging to Sasuke. Even though Sasuke was her nephew, the strange feeling in her heart was lingering.

Hesitated for a moment, once again shed the only underwear.

In an instant, a white ketone body is exposed to the air.

Under the daylight, the huge chest stands proudly, the perfect shape, like a girl's blush, out of gravity, not like the fullness of the world.

The body is concave and convex, in line with the golden ratio, the legs are tight and straight, spreading to the root of the leg, and the white jade-like complexion is dazzling.

Open the switch of the bathtub, inject hot water, make a squeaking sound, put the bath liquid, and instantly generate a lot of foam, floating on the water surface, like a white cloud, it is good-looking.

Lightly lifted, slowly stepping into the bathtub, with the sound of water waves, the white foam finally blocked the body of the hand.

Lying in the comfortable bath water, the hands of the hand screaming, and for a time, actually began to close their eyes and raise their spirits.

Inside the house, Sasuke sat on the sofa, some cramped. After all, the bathroom door was a glass door. Although it was opaque, the dark outline was faintly visible.

Seeing the **** action of the hands, the clothes fell, the shape of the body was revealed on the bathroom door, and the chest standing up was so quick that Sasuke’s breathing was a little short.

Knowing that this is not the case, Sasuke turned his head immediately, no longer looking at the bathroom.

However, the perfect figure of the hand has been played back in Sasuke's mind. It has been lingering for a long time, **** it! Why is this so, can you really control yourself? !

Sasuke worked hard to stabilize his mind, and the meditation was empty. Soon, his state of mind was calmed down.

Lying on the sofa, the scene in my mind replayed the scene when I met with the hand, and the corner of the mouth evoked a curve. The surface always made a strong look, but the heart was weaker than anyone else. After the silence, her heart Although the tension and anxiety are hidden, but the eyes of Sasuke are not enough, I clearly say no, but I still think like that, is it proud?

It’s a woman who is a bit wrong.

Maybe that is the real girl.

After about an hour, there was movement in the bathroom. Hey, the shower door opened, and the hand in the white bathrobe came out.

The golden hair has been put up, and it is a good-looking hair bun. The white bathrobe can only reach the thigh, and the large piece of snow is exposed to the air.

Perhaps the chest is too big, the bath towel can not cover the perfect shape, the deep gully is like a scorpio, the white jade-like jade rabbit exposed a little and a half, you can see the black corset.

Is it a half cup? Seeing such a hand, Sasuke’s heart is secret.

Seeing Sasuke’s aggression, Xu Gang immediately covered his chest and said, “Hey! Little devil, look at it and dig your eyes out!”

Although the words are fierce, but there is no slightest embarrassment in the tone, it is a bit like a resentful resentment, and it is very shameful.

Sasuke laughed and then regained his gaze and said, "The aunt is really beautiful, really like a girl."

The tone contained an inexplicable taste, which made the hands of the team very confused.

Sasuke’s words undoubtedly made a wave of ripples in the heart of the hand. The usual praises sounded a bit more at the moment, and I thought of the meaning of the words.

"That, Sasuke thank you, I will go back first." In the heart of the hand, he immediately turned and went.

"The aunt walked slowly." Sasuke gave the hand to the door and waved goodbye to her.

Back in his room, Gang hand finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just in the Sasuke room, facing Sasuke, she was really nervous about her near-red body. Although it was his aunt, the strangeness in her heart could not always be erase.

Perhaps, just because he got along with him for the first time, the master is comforting himself.

The night is full, the morning light is faint, and the earth is once again welcoming the light.

Sasuke finally woke up and after the rest, he started today's plan. In order to rescue the silence, they must ensure that nothing is lost.

The big snake pill is very scheming. It is not easy to successfully rescue the mute from his hand. What he can do is to plan well and minimize the occurrence of sudden changes.

After all, I arrived at the time of meeting with Dashen Their place of appointment was in an open area away from the town.

According to the original plan, Sasuke pretending to be stunned by the singer with the drug, and then the hand with Sasuke to the appointed place, and the Naruto is hidden in the dark, ready to support.

After about half an hour, the big snake pill and the pocket were finally late, and it seemed that they were only two of them, and they did not bring silence.

Dashen Pill saw Sasuke in the coma, and his eyes flashed in a eager look. He smiled. "The hand, you are sure, and you will bring Sasuke so soon."

"Less nonsense, mute? Where is she?!" said the anger.

Dashen pill licked his tongue and said slowly: "Don't worry, always wait for you to give me the help of Sasuke."

"Hey, Sasuke is here, you come over yourself."

There is a slight hesitation in the big snake pill, and many years of vigilance has become accustomed to it. He did not dare to do any arbitrarily instigating before he was fully grasped.

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